Engaged To A Blind Duke

ETBD Chapter 1

Chapter 1


In the silent study, Viscount Bains gently set down his teacup without making a sound. Marin, who had been staring blankly at his teacup, flinched at his movement. With an awkward smile on her lips, Marin, in contrast to Viscount Bains, picked up her teacup. The faint aroma of tea leaves lingered around her nose. This teatime with Viscount Bains, her superior’s superior, was her first, so she felt tense and awkward. Even now, she couldn’t guess why he had arranged this meeting.

“How’s life in the mansion, Miss?”

“Thanks to the Viscount’s great care, I’m living very comfortably. I’m always grateful.”

Marin spoke with sincerity.

“Do you like living here?”

As if seeking confirmation, the Viscount asked.

“Yes, I love it.”

Although the Viscount couldn’t see her, Marin vigorously nodded her head. Warm bedding, sumptuous food, and overflowing wages. The highest rank in the mansion!

“Then let’s get engaged.”

“I’m sorry, did I hear correctly?”

Her voice ended up splitting due to her surprise.

“Is your hearing impaired?”

Viscount Bains, his eyes hidden behind black silk, asked in a dry voice.

“No, it’s not… But…”

Marin faltered in her speech, her eyes wide in disbelief. Did she hear correctly just now?


“Um, did you say… propose?”

Marin hurriedly covered her mouth and cautiously glanced at Viscount Bains. Was she pretending not to hear, or did she really not hear?

What did getting engaged have to do with liking living in the mansion? Was he trying to force her into something?

Marin quickly shook her head and snapped out of her irrelevant thoughts.

It was dangerous. Her instincts warned her. Quietly, she pushed her chair back and rose to her feet.

“Your Excellency, I think I really do have a hearing problem. I may need to visit the mansion’s physician, so I’ll take my leave now…”



At the Viscount’s command, she obediently sat back down. Viscount Bains, who had lost his sight due to a demonic attack, was very sensitive to sound. Even the slightest noise could trigger a sharp response from him, so whenever she moved in front of him, she made every effort to make no sound. Even when speaking to the Viscount, she had to speak very softly. Before his eyes were injured, it wasn’t like that, but she had never met Viscount Bains from that time.

“Shall we get back to the point?”


Marin answered confidently, like a disciplined new recruit.

“Your responses are very short. Did you understand what I said?”

The Viscount ran his fingers slowly across his lips.


Of course, she understood his words in a single breath.

“Short is better. And it’s better to be natural.”

The Viscount’s hand covering his mouth seemed to hide a smile, but Marin was too tense to notice it.


If he was going to pry, then let him. Marin answered calmly and fidgeted with her fingers.

The study fell silent again.

Marin willingly accepted this silence because she couldn’t even guess Viscount Bains’ intentions.

“What do you want?”

He broke the silence unexpectedly.

“What do you mean…?”

“Marin Schubenz Engel.”

At that moment, Marin’s face turned pale, and her breath caught in her throat. Even her fidgeting fingers froze.

“When you entered the mansion, hiding your nobility and worked here, didn’t you want something?”

“H-how did you…?”

Her voice faltered momentarily.

Marin, unable to stop her hiccuping, covered her mouth with her hand. She could feel her heart pounding against the floorboards in real-time. Viscount Bains leaned back in his chair, resting against it with relaxed shoulders, and parted his crimson lips.

“If you believed you could deceive Viscount Bains so easily, are you naive?”

Marin quickly shook her head with trembling eyes. Her lies had been exposed.

Viscount Bains belonged to the most prestigious noble family in the Empire. And she had deceived him. She could already imagine the dreadful future of being dragged to prison, tortured, and sentenced to death. How could she survive this?

Shaking like a drenched kitten, Marin cautiously observed Viscount Bains, unable to guess his true intentions.

“I’m sorry. I was wrong. I needed money…”

First and foremost, she had to apologize for deceiving him. Today, Viscount Bains’ poker face felt even colder than usual.

“Is breaking into the Viscount’s mansion for money?”

His head slightly tilted towards Marin as if trying to read her reaction.

“…It wasn’t breaking in; it was employment.”

Marin timidly but firmly corrected him.

“And you whispered to me for money?”

“…I whispered because you dislike loud noises.”

This part was truly an absurd excuse, so her voice trembled slightly, barely audible.

A faint upward twitch appeared at the corner of Viscount Bains’ mouth momentarily. But Marin was too busy trying to correct his misunderstanding to notice.

“So all of this was for money?”


“How much?”

“…What do you mean?”

Marin stared at Viscount Bains with teary green eyes full of frustration due to his continued misunderstanding.

“I said earlier, let’s get engaged. How much will it cost for me to allow an employment engagement?”


Her voice unintentionally rose, like a tiny ant hill. Even the tears that were hanging in her eyes disappeared.

“Keep it short.”

His furrowed brow became more pronounced.

Marin quickly lowered her voice.

“I… I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t understand your Excellency’s words.”

Marin glanced at him with a bewildered expression. Her mind was in chaos, going back and forth between understanding and not understanding.

She thought he was angry because she had deceived him about her status and worked in the Viscount’s mansion, but now he suddenly brought up engagement again?

“Haven’t you said that living in the mansion was good? Congratulations. You’ll continue to stay in your favorite place.”

“In fact, I’m not sure if it’s that good…”

Marin trailed off, glancing at Viscount Bains’ expressionless face.

“Is that so? Well, if you deceive a Viscount, where will you…”

As soon as she heard him say that, Marin interrupted him for the first time.

“But! But the best is the Viscount’s mansion, Viscount! Didn’t I tell you before? I want to serve Viscount Bains with all my heart until I bury my bones in this beautiful and wonderful Viscount’s mansion?”

Even though he couldn’t see her, Marin flashed her brightest smile. There’s no use crying over spilt milk.

“No, I didn’t hear that.”

This time, the corner of Viscount Bains’ lips was unmistakably upturned. Marin found his smile even more terrifying.

Marin hastily wiped her lips and shook her head.

“Oh, I thought I already said that. I’ll serve you wholeheartedly until I bury my bones here…”

“No need for bones; I want a fiancée.”

Viscount Bains declared firmly, “By any chance, is there a chance that I have the right to refuse?”

Marin asked very cautiously, her eyes trembling.

If only there was. Please.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the charming beginning !❤️‍🔥⭐️☀️

    1. Sid says:

      You are welcome dearest Natasha❤

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