Enemies Meet in an Arranged Marriage


Alessia recoiled in surprise, taking a step back. A red fox, which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, was glaring at her fiercely. It must have approached while she was focused on finding the ring.


The fox bared its sharp teeth and bristled its fur. One by one, more foxes emerged behind it. They must have been drawn by the smell of decaying flesh and blood.

‘Even with the monster’s poison still lingering, they came here…’

The only reason animals, which would normally avoid areas littered with monster carcasses, had gathered here was unbearable hunger.

Indeed, the foxes before her were all emaciated. Their eyes gleamed with the predatory look of animals in search of food.

“…I must look weak to you too.”

A hollow laugh escaped her. Even to the foxes, known for their intelligence and usually avoiding humans, she appeared weak. She knew this, but realizing it so starkly made it even more miserable.

Alessia glanced towards the deeper part of the forest where Kaon was. Kaon, who could see and feel mana and magical power, was more sensitive to monsters than anyone. If these foxes were monsters, he would have rushed to her side by now.

But the foxes threatening her were just ordinary forest animals. Though their hunger made them more aggressive, they were nothing compared to monsters.


A distant roar from the monster echoed. From that sound alone, she could tell Kaon was pushing the monster back.

Alessia clenched her fists tightly. If Kaon could fight that giant monster alone, she couldn’t afford to lose to mere forest animals. Keeping her eyes fixed on the ring’s location, she swallowed hard.

‘I just need to put on the ring. If I can use magic, these foxes will be nothing.’

The foxes, spreading out as if to surround her, were closing in. Resolute, she gathered strength in her legs. Then, mustering all her remaining energy, she sprinted forward.


The foxes, not intending to let an easy, weak-looking prey escape, leaped at her simultaneously.

Foxes lunged at her from all directions, aiming to bite her exposed hands and neck. Alessia swung her arms wildly as she advanced, but her progress was slow. One fox clung to the hem of her thick cloak with its teeth, while another slammed into her body.

Her still-recovering body staggered under the fierce attacks, and a tremendous impact struck her left arm. A particularly large fox had bitten down hard on her left arm.

“Ugh!” A scream burst from her lips, and her vision went white with pain. She swung her arm desperately to shake it off, but the fox only bit down harder.


With all her might, Alessia punched the fox. The fox finally let go of her arm, falling away. She thought she could smell blood through the hole left in her coat.

Her whole body ached. It wasn’t just a dull pain; it felt like her arm might snap at any moment. She was on the verge of wanting to pass out.

Despite the excruciating pain and her fading consciousness, she managed to keep her balance and stagger forward.

“You’re really useless, aren’t you?”

“Why are you even alive, you trash?”

“If I were you, I’d have killed myself long ago.”

The insults she had endured for over a decade mingled with the foxes’ piercing cries, echoing in her mind.

‘I can’t die like this.’

A worthless piece of trash. Dying like this would only prove her family’s words right. She hadn’t endured all that torment just to end her life this way.

She still had so much she wanted to do. It had taken a long time to reach a point where she could look forward to tomorrow. Each day brought new hopes, and she had only just begun to envision her future.


Alessia stifled a groan escaping through her clenched teeth as she extended her right arm and threw herself towards the pile of leaves.

As the foxes, which had been continuously leaping up from the ground, momentarily lost their bearings and fell, she seized the opportunity. Stretching out her arm, she snatched the ring and rolled to the side.

The foxes, hesitating for a moment at the unexpected turn of events, quickly assessed the situation and charged at the fallen Alessia once more.

“I am…”

With trembling hands, Alessia forced her weakened arm to lift the ring. Her head spun, and her vision blurred. She gathered her remaining strength and chanted a spell.

“…not a failure.”

A fierce blaze erupted, threatening to burn everything in its path. Some of the foxes were swept away by the swirling flames, while the rest fled in panic.

Finally, silence fell over the surroundings. Alessia’s arm dropped limply. Her fading consciousness completely slipped away at the sound of someone calling her name.


The faint sound of trickling water gradually brought Alessia’s hazy consciousness back.

“You really have your own personal caregiver now.”

Contrary to the grumbling tone, something cool and soothing wiped the sweat from her feverish face with meticulous and gentle care.

Alessia slowly lifted her heavy eyelids. Her eyelashes fluttered, and she saw a ceiling with flickering dim lights through her unfocused vision.


She blinked slowly, groaning from the pain that engulfed her entire body. It felt like she had been beaten all over, with her injured left arm burning as if on fire.

Despite the pain that made her frown involuntarily, she endured it and hurriedly pulled her right hand out from under the covers. The ruby ring, shining brilliantly even in the darkness, greeted her.

‘I got it back.’

Only then did she feel a wave of relief wash over her. As the tension eased, she felt incredibly drowsy and lethargic. Though her torn flesh still throbbed with pain, her mind was at peace.

At that moment, a soft towel gently wiped away the sweat trickling down her forehead. When she looked up blankly, she saw Kaon, holding the towel, looking down at her with a face full of things left unsaid.

“I just reapplied the medicine. It might sting a bit. I’ve got painkillers ready, so take them.”

Kaon, who had placed the towel down with practiced ease, handed her a cup filled with water and a round pill. She tried to take it without complaint, but even sitting up was a struggle. As she tried to prop herself up with her right elbow, Kaon sighed and firmly supported her shoulders.

Alessia swallowed the bitter pill and looked silently at her left arm. The bandage, which should have been soaked in blood by now, was clean. The distinctive smell of herbs lingered.

“Did you do all this?”

“Who else would? You said no one should find out. Don’t you remember? Even though you were barely conscious, you kept saying that…”

Kaon’s brusque reply brought back a hazy memory that briefly flashed through her mind.

“Are you awake? Just hang in there. I’ll get you to the castle soon!”

“…No one can find out. Absolutely no one…”

“Is this really the time to worry about that? This is driving me crazy.”

Now that she thought about it, she did recall hearing Kaon’s voice right after casting the spell. It seemed he had managed to carry her out of the forest and back to her room without anyone noticing. She didn’t know how he did it, but he was quite resourceful.

“I couldn’t take off your clothes because they were so dirty from the mud, so I just cut off the dirtiest parts. That’s all.”

Kaon looked embarrassed, avoiding her gaze as if he had done something shameful. Alessia chuckled. Even if he had completely undressed her, she wouldn’t have minded. After all, he wouldn’t have done it with any ulterior motives.

“I’m sorry. I was too far away.”

When she looked up, she saw Kaon biting his lower lip, his face filled with deep regret.

“I know you lured them away on purpose to make it easier for me to find. Do you think I wouldn’t realize that?”

The bear-shaped monster was surprisingly agile and had a wide attack range despite its heavy build. Kaon had deliberately stayed far away to avoid any chance of Alessia getting hurt if they fought nearby.

The sudden appearance of the fox pack was, of course, not Kaon’s fault either. Who could predict such events in nature?

“…I said you were trying too hard even though you weren’t a real mage.”

His red eyes stopped blinking.

“I’m sorry for that too. I was too arrogant. I spoke too easily without knowing anything about you…”


Alessia looked at him quietly, seeing him overwhelmed with guilt. Those who had committed wrongs lived on without remorse, yet he, who had done nothing wrong, felt deeply sorry towards her.

“I deceived you and your family, and there was nothing false in what you said.”

She was not a real mage, and it was true that she had overexerted herself. Kaon had every right to be even harsher, yet he had stopped at mere words. He deserved praise for that, not an apology.

“So unless you’re pitying me, don’t apologize.”

But Kaon Ferdinand was unnecessarily kind-hearted. That was why he acted this way. He couldn’t ignore her past, which he had learned by chance, nor could he openly ask about it, so he suffered in silence.

“You really… Did you take lessons on how to be infuriating? You must have scored full marks.”

Kaon shook his head in disbelief and added in a tone that sounded like a sigh.

“I’m not pitying you, I’m worried about you, you fool.”

Alessia started to say something but then closed her lips tightly. She had already received too much help to question why he was worried. Saying such a thing wouldn’t drive him away, and she didn’t want to hurt him further.

“Let me ask you one thing. Are you really unable to use magic on your own?”

Alessia, who was thinking of brushing it off, hesitated. It felt as if the ring she had barely reclaimed was tightening around her finger, as if to say she could only be whole with it.

“I told you not to pity me, not to pick a fight.”

“That’s not what I meant! Damn it…”

Kaon scratched the back of his head roughly, looking unsure of how to phrase it, before finally speaking.

“When you used magic in the forest, I saw the magic power flowing from your body.”




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