Enemies Meet in an Arranged Marriage


“Die? What are you talking about?”

Kaon asked in utter confusion. He hadn’t doubted that Alessia would be better off returning to the Ingelos family.

Rather than spending the rest of their lives monitoring each other and fearing that the other person might expose their weakness, Kaon thought it would be much better to live their own lives separately.

“If I return to Ingelos like this, how do you think the family will view me? Will they welcome me, someone who couldn’t even fulfill my duties properly? Moreover, everything I’ve done wrong has been exposed.”

However, Alessia spoke of a future that Kaon had never imagined, her expressionless face revealing her unexpected words.

“If I don’t speak up about it…”

“I don’t believe you for a second.”

Alessia cut him off without a hint of amusement. Kaon was so taken aback that he couldn’t even respond.

To die if she returned? Kaon truly hadn’t expected such a situation. He hadn’t even considered the possibility of Alessia not being a real mage.

He simply thought that Ferdinand and Ingelos had agreed to reconsider marriage when they reached adulthood, and if they managed to annul the marriage at that time, that would be the end of it.

Initially, it was Ingelos who had proposed the engagement instead of a simple contractual marriage. So, he believed that the possibility of an engagement being annulled should be considered.

Didn’t Leonidas say something similar? That they needed to find a solution first, as they didn’t know how Ingelos would change their attitude if their situation improved?

“Are you saying they will kill you even though it’s not your fault?”

“If Ferdinand calls off the agreement, then it will become my responsibility.”

“That’s absurd!”

Kaon shouted in disbelief. If you thought about it, it was Ingelos who had sent Alessia, who wasn’t even a real mage, to Ferdinand. She might have pretended to be a mage until now, but breaking the contract wasn’t her personal decision; it was the family’s.

Moreover, wasn’t Alessia a noblewoman? They couldn’t just take a noblewoman’s life for participating in something she couldn’t have planned alone. It was unthinkable in Ferdinand.

‘They wouldn’t treat their princess like that…’

…Or would they?

As Kaon tried to deny his own thoughts as absurd, a few memories flashed through his mind unexpectedly.

Alessia marveled at desserts common in most noble families as if she were seeing them for the first time. She was also deeply moved by the chef who only fulfilled the master’s orders. Aside from that, she was also pleased with the promise of separate compensation…

Small memories continued to branch out. Come to think of it, Alessia didn’t even wear a proper dress at the palace banquet. She attended alone without a single servant accompanying her.

If Ingelos truly valued her, she wouldn’t have been treated like that. At the time, Alessia’s attitude seemed so confident that they just overlooked it, but now everything seemed odd.

‘Could it be…’

Kaon’s gaze wavered. Alessia was a child born into a prestigious mage family who couldn’t use magic. He had been so caught up in the feeling of her betrayal that he hadn’t thought about the significant gap in his assumptions.

What if Alessia had been forced to come this far against her will? What if she had lived a difficult life where she had to serve as a pawn, rather than being loved and raised properly?

Dark thoughts quickly invaded his mind.

“Have you…experienced something bad in Ingelos?”

“If by ‘bad’ you mean being thrown into a freezing lake in the middle of winter? Or being hung on a castle wall to see If I could come down? Or being shot at with fireballs to feel what mana is?”

Alessia responded listlessly to Kaon’s hesitant question. Her nonchalant recounting of such harrowing experiences was appalling.

‘This is abuse. She was abused.’

It was clear and blatant cruelty, with no attempt to hide it. Even the lowest-ranking servant wouldn’t have been treated so harshly.

Kaon hardened his expression. What had a sixteen-year-old girl done to deserve such a fate? He seethed with anger toward the ignorant mages.

Simultaneously, he understood Alessia. If she had been through such circumstances, she wouldn’t want to go back no matter what. Even if it meant going to enemy territory, it would be better than where she came from.

Kaon didn’t hesitate to speak his mind.

“Then don’t go back. Don’t just go back there like that…”

But his words were cut short. Alessia burst into laughter as if she couldn’t hold it in any longer. After laughing for a while, she glanced at Kaon, and the remaining moisture in her eyes sparkled in the light. She seemed so happy that she laughed until tears formed.

“Kaon Ferdinand, you’re so naive.”


“I can’t believe you fell for that. Aren’t you lucky you’re not from the Ingelos family? You better be thankful that you’re not the head of the household, or you would’ve lost all your territory and land with how gullible you are.”

Alessia said jokingly, wiping away her tears again at the sudden change. There was no seriousness to be found in her face, which still held traces of laughter.

“What… Are you saying that’s all a lie?”

“Of course. How could you believe that nonsense about Ingelos?”

Alessia’s eyes were wide as if she was genuinely surprised.


Kaon, who had been staring blankly at her face, unknowingly raised his voice as he stepped closer. He was so angry that he couldn’t control himself.

There’s always a line between joking and not. How many thoughts had passed through his mind in that short moment? If Alessia had known even a little about him or cared for him, she shouldn’t have told such lies.

“What kind of… ”

Kaon’s barrage of words abruptly ceased as he closed his mouth. It was only then that he noticed Alessia taking a hesitant step back, her surprise evident. It was only then that Kaon remembered his own stature, towering over Alessia by several times.

Taking a deep breath, Kaon retreated towards his room, his hands clasped tightly behind his back, facing away. It was a silent vow to himself that he wouldn’t inflict any harm.

“Why would you tell such lies? Is lying a habit for you?”

That was it; that was all he had to say. Kaon, still seething with anger, questioned fiercely.

“Yes. So don’t be deceived again.”

Maintaining her silence, Alessia finally burst out laughing at Kaon’s demeanor, as if amused by the notion that she had been fooled from start to finish.

“Oh, really. Alessia Ingelos, if I ever believe you again, then I’m not human. I’d rather burn down the castle than trust you.”

With a firm declaration, Kaon drew the curtains closed. Whether mage or impostor, there was no one he could trust.


As the curtains drew closed with a swift swish, Alessia sank to the ground, her legs giving out from under her. Pressing her damp eyes with both hands, she let the tears flow, as if finally releasing what she had been holding back.

“Maybe that’ll knock some sense into that fool.”

Feeling the warmth seep into her damp palms, Alessia thought bitterly. If he still didn’t get it after this, then there was no hope left. Even the most dimwitted person should have run out of excuses by now.

Alessia fervently hoped for it. It was her last shred of conscience, her dwindling pride. A meager sentiment, not wanting to exploit the only person who had genuinely cared for her anymore.

After revealing her secret to Kaon, Alessia had devised a new plan. Her plan was this: first, stay in Ferdinand until she came of age and establish a foundation, then leave for anywhere and live as if she were dead.

She didn’t have much at the moment, so it would be difficult, but if she worked hard for the remaining two years until she came of age, it wouldn’t be too hard to live quietly alone.

“If only I could keep my head down and my eyes covered as much as possible…”

As Alessia closed her eyes, she suddenly remembered the voice that had crossed her mind.

“Then don’t go back. Don’t just go back there like that…”

She hadn’t expected those words to come out right then and there. She had expected some hesitation, but she hadn’t expected him to say it so quickly and decisively.

‘Stupid Kaon Ferdinand.’

Kaon had been too easy to fool, deceiving both himself and his family. Enough was enough; he was undoubtedly foolish. Weak-willed, foolish, and…a kind-hearted boy.

‘If only he were a little less foolish.’

If he had been, they could have gotten along better, and she could have comfortably relied on his kindness. By pretending to be good-natured, playing the pity card, and relying on his favor, maybe she could have stayed in Ferdinand forever. After all, if he was Kaon Ferdinand, he would surely have kept her secret.

But that wasn’t possible. No matter how incapable he was, she couldn’t bring herself to go that far. So, Alessia resolved to be as mean as possible to ensure she could leave without any worries. Hoping that the naive Young Master would eventually forget about the wretched girl from Ingelos.




T/N: Alessia, you fool! 😭

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