Enemies Meet in an Arranged Marriage


Baroness Robert, predictably, had a few choice words. Despite Kaon having completed his etiquette lessons years ago, he found himself back in the classroom without complaint. He understood the price of his public stunt.

Life settled back into a familiar rhythm after that. Alessia continued to treat Kaon with the same quiet friendliness, and he in turn offered the same easy companionship. They existed in a comfortable silence, neither acknowledging the elephant in the room.

But a subtle shift had taken place. There was a newfound ease in their interactions.

“Coming in, Kaon?” Alessia’s voice floated through the door.

“Yeah,” he replied. “Heading to the training grounds?”

“I’m training with Miss Leroy today, so I’m running a bit early.”

“Alessia, you know if Yvonne gets out of line, you tell me, right? We need to nip that in the bud.”

She smiled faintly. “If it gets bad, I will. It’s manageable for now.” A brief pause. “Alright, I’m off then, Kaon!” With a wave, she hurried down the stairs.

Kaon watched her go, the silver strands of her hair catching the sunlight. The strange hats were gone, replaced by the familiar sight of her face. He remembered the unexpected comfort of holding her, a memory that brought a warmth to his chest. Their dynamic hadn’t undergone a dramatic transformation, but that was alright. He was content to have lifted a weight from her shoulders.

‘Maybe I should ask Madeleine to bake some cookies,’ he mused. The future, with its potential for a deeper connection, stretched before him, an enticing possibility.


The maids huddled near the kitchen, their hushed whispers barely audible over the clatter of pots and pans. A giant pillar stood sentinel, offering them a sliver of privacy in the bustling heart of the estate.

Handsome knights were a universal weakness, regardless of age. And Ferdinand, teeming with them like the royal palace itself, fueled endless gossip.

“Sir Pierre is definitely the most handsome! Just look at that air of danger he has around him,” one maid gushed.

“Sir Maurice is my favorite,” another chimed in. “He’s always so kind, and undeniably cute! Sure, he might not be sculpted from marble, but that makes him more appealing to me.”

These stolen moments of gossip were a cherished escape. Young Master Kaon and Lady Leonidas were both stunningly beautiful, of course, but that made them a whole different category. It wouldn’t be a fair fight.

“Still, can’t deny Sir Pierre is a total looker,” one conceded. “Just unlucky in the competition, that’s all.”

“Unlucky?” a new voice piped up, causing the maids to jump.

“Oh my stars, Miss! You scared the life out of us!” One clutched her chest, feigning a heart attack. “We thought it was the Baroness! You walk so quietly.”

Alessia rolled her eyes playfully. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said. “What exactly were you all so excited about?”

“Well, it’s a bit…” A sheepish silence hung in the air. Discussing the attractiveness of knights, who were practically nobility themselves, was a little improper for servants.

But one couldn’t resist. “Which knight do you think is the most handsome, Miss?”

A chorus of “Hey!” erupted from the group.

“It’s okay,” Alessia chimed in, amusement dancing in her eyes.

“Lady Alessia was just curious. You won’t tell anyone, right?”

“Of course not.” Alessia promised with a sweet smile.

The maids grinned. Months of living together had fostered a surprising closeness between them and Alessia. Sure, her lineage as the Ingelos princess initially made them wary, but she was so much bubblier and brighter than her shy demeanor suggested.

Her friendly nature, her easy smile, and the occasional snack offering had gradually won them over. Unlike before, when they’d melt away at her approach, they now welcomed her into their conversations. Alessia never tattled on them, so it made it all the more convenient to open up to her.

“So, Miss, spill the beans,” one teased. “Whose face steals your heart?”

“Just the face?” another interjected. “Does personality not count either? Talk about picky!”

The corner erupted in laughter.

“I don’t know,” Alessia pondered thoughtfully. “Wouldn’t a strong build be better than a skinny one?”

“Absolutely!” came the enthusiastic reply.

“But it can’t just be about brute strength, right, Miss?”

“Careful there! Don’t say that in front of her! Just ignore her, we’ll have this conversation once you’re older,” one maid interjected playfully. “Alright Miss, back to the question at hand…” She froze, her eyes widening in panic. “The Baroness!”

“My, my, everyone looks so lively today,” came the Baroness’s voice, laced with a hint of amusement. “Let’s not waste such energy, shall we?”

“S-Sorry, Baroness!” the maids chorused, scattering like startled pigeons.

Alessia remained, the only one unaffected by the Baroness’s sudden appearance. However, Baroness Robert simply turned and walked away as silently as she had arrived, as if the whole encounter never happened.


Kaon jogged alongside Niels and Maurice, heading back from training. It was the usual post-practice chatter, until a bombshell dropped.

“Alessia’s magic?” Kaon blurted, surprised by the news.

“Yeah, she showed us for the first time yesterday,” Niels confirmed, excitement bubbling in his voice.

“Dude, you missed it! I swear, it was incredible,” Maurice added dramatically, wiping a playful tear from his eye.

“Even the tower mage was stunned,” Niels chimed in. “Apparently, Lady Alessia’s got some serious hidden talent.”

“Beautiful, kind, and a magic powerhouse? Man, I wish I could be you in my next life, Kaon,” Maurice declared with a dreamy sigh.

“Get a grip,” Kaon retorted, rolling his eyes.

The news about Alessia’s magic settled in Kaon’s stomach. It wasn’t a surprise – after all, she was a mage from Ingelos. Yet, a strange feeling gnawed at him. It was a reminder that their engagement was more than just love; it was a political necessity, with Alessia serving as Ferdinand’s magical prowess.

‘Leo’s plan won’t work,’ a wave of relief washed over him. His sister, ever the schemer, had hoped to exploit any weaknesses Alessia might have to gain leverage in their negotiations. The Ingelos princess, it seemed, was no pawn. He almost chuckled – even their enemies had a shred of decency.

Perhaps it was true – the Ingelos were so obsessed with magic that they’d almost bankrupted themselves funding their research. And Alessia, on her own, had requested to participate in inspections earlier. This was a good thing. Sooner or later, they’d have to venture into the monster forest, and a powerful mage on their side wouldn’t hurt.

“Hey, look at those leaves,” Niels’ gruff voice cut through Kaon’s thoughts. “Looks like autumn snuck up on us.”

Kaon lifted his gaze, following Niels’s point. The oaks lining the path were ablaze with colorful foliage. It brought back a memory — the day the Ingelos’ carriage, carrying Alessia, had first passed under the leafy canopy of this very road. His heart had hammered in his chest then.

“Next week’s Octavius, right Niels?” Kaon asked, a touch of nostalgia lacing his voice.

“Yeah, time flies, doesn’t it?” Niels replied. “Maurice, you better buckle up – you’ll be an old geezer like me before you know it.”

Maurice scoffed playfully. “Don’t compare me to you, old man.”

“Ouch! That’s harsh.”

It felt like just yesterday they’d welcomed Alessia. Now, it was already time for her first official mission. Kaon silently prayed for a smooth inspection, for a season free of trouble. Two weeks from now, Alessia’s magic would be put to the test.




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