Enemies Meet in an Arranged Marriage


“Just…gave some? Did Leo actually drink it?” Kaon’s voice dropped to a whisper, fearing the worst.

“Yes, poor thing,” Madeleine sighed. “She stared at it for a while, but then took a sip. Even thanked me and promised to finish it slowly.”

Kaon silently mourned for his sister. He could only imagine the pressure Madeleine’s hopeful gaze must have exerted.

“Oh, dear!” Madeleine exclaimed, then fumbled for something in her apron pocket. “Young Master, hold still a moment!”

“Sure, take your time,” Kaon replied calmly, though his heart hammered in his chest. He dashed back to his room, stashed the dubious-looking potion somewhere unseen, and hurried back.

Thankfully, Madeleine didn’t seem to notice the glass’ absence. Instead, she presented a basket overflowing with colorful treats. “When Miss Alessia gets back, give her this.”

Kaon peeked inside. “Cookies? Wow, there’s a whole variety!” Chocolate-chip, buttery shortbread, and sugar-dusted delights filled the basket.

“Nothing fancy,” Madeleine mumbled, waving a dismissive hand. “Just baked a little extra. The other day, Miss Alessia saw me having cookies with the children and asked for one. She seemed to enjoy it so much.”

“So you baked this whole selection just for her?” Kaon raised an eyebrow.

“What selection?” Madeleine scoffed playfully. “I just overdid it a bit, that’s all.”

But Kaon wasn’t fooled. The basket’s diverse offerings and the expensive sprinkles spoke for themselves. Madeleine clearly intended these for Alessia from the start.

‘Showing her what Ferdinand is like…’ A wry smile touched Kaon’s lips. Just two months ago, Madeleine wouldn’t have been caught dead referring to Alessia as anything but ‘it’. Was this her way of showcasing Ferdinand’s well-stocked kitchens? Amusing, but ultimately kind. Madeleine always had a soft spot for those she cared about.

“Why not give them to her yourself?” Kaon wondered.

As if reading his mind, Madeleine lowered her voice and explained, “The Baroness wouldn’t be too pleased if she caught me. These cookies are tasty even cold, so just leave them in her room. Ideally, you two could share them, but I know you’re not fond of sweets.”

The Baroness. Kaon understood Madeleine’s hesitation. Baroness Robert was fiercely anti-Ingelos and a stickler for etiquette. She believed in a clear divide between nobles and staff.

“How did you two become so close?” Kaon pressed. “I thought you disliked her even being here.”

“What are you talking about, Young Master?” Madeleine feigned hurt, then leaned in conspiratorially. “Well, she’s just so kind! Every morning she comes and chats with me. It’s like she doesn’t give anyone a chance to dislike her.”

With a newfound fondness, Madeleine began recounting Alessia’s attempts to help with chores, despite getting scolded. The way Alessia tried to win people over was as innocent as it was effective. The Baroness, however, wouldn’t have stood for such behavior, likely sending her straight to etiquette lessons.

“She’s a good person, Miss Alessia,” Madeleine concluded. “Even the other maids see that, and they’re not as scared anymore.”

“Really?” Kaon perked up.

“Absolutely! At first, everyone was terrified. A mage from Ingelos? They wouldn’t even look her in the eye. It was chaos! Maids started slacking off to avoid her, which only led to more scolding.”

Kaon recognized the mix of fear and prejudice that fueled this initial reaction. While it wasn’t everyone, it warmed him that some were starting to see Alessia for who she truly was.

“Speaking of eyes,” Madeleine continued thoughtfully, “maybe it has something to do with the way she dresses now.”

Kaon paused, momentarily confused. “Eyes?”

“Those strange hats she’s been wearing lately,” Madeleine explained. “Maybe they’re the Ingelos fashion, who knows, but they’ve had an unexpected effect.”

‘No way…’

“Since they can’t see her eyes clearly anymore, the maids feel more at ease?” A frown settled on Kaon’s face. This ‘unexpected effect’ wasn’t quite the positive outcome he’d hoped for.


Kaon raced up the stairs, his thoughts churning. He slammed the door behind him with a thud, then froze before the curtain dividing his room from Alessia’s. This was a serious invasion of privacy, but something gnawed at him – he had to check.

He took a deep breath and slipped through the curtain. A pang of guilt stabbed at him, but he pressed on. He darted straight for the dressing room, his eyes laser-focused on the hat shelf. Only the new hats from Deborah’s shop were there. He then opened the jewelry box, finding it completely bare.

“Ugh,” Kaon muttered, the sound escaping in a frustrated groan.

If Alessia had been a hat person, there would’ve been more than the one shopping trip’s worth. If she were all about flashy accessories, the jewelry box wouldn’t be empty. Even with limited funds, someone who truly loved these things wouldn’t have a completely bare box. There were no other hats, no other accessories except the ruby ring she always wore. The closet held only the plain, everyday clothes they’d bought together – nothing remotely glamorous or unique.

If this was her taste in clothing, it was highly unlikely she’d bought those hats because she liked them.

Kaon slunk back to his room, feeling utterly defeated. He buried his face in his hands, squeezing his eyes shut.

‘So it was her armor against the disdain of the people here.’

Alessia was actively trying to blend in, and he’d been completely oblivious. ‘Cute’ wasn’t even close to describing her efforts.

“You clueless idiot.” he muttered under his breath, frustration and self-reproach coloring his voice.


Joseph furrowed his brow, trying to decipher the strange request. The young master, Kaon, had burst into his room with a gloomy expression, barked a nonsensical order, and then vanished just as quickly.

“Joseph,” Kaon had mumbled, “did you throw away any of my mother’s jewelry?”

“Throw them away, Young Master? Never. We wouldn’t dare dispose of family heirlooms.” Joseph couldn’t help but add, “Though it’s highly unlikely Lady Leonidas would take anything.”

Kaon nodded, a sliver of relief flickering across his face. “Right, of course. Well, Joseph, could you fetch them please?”

Joseph blinked. “The… the former Duchess’ jewelry?”

“Yes,” Kaon confirmed, a hint of desperation creeping into his voice. “Actually, you don’t need to bring them all. Just the red pieces, if that’s alright.”




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  1. CowsSayMoo says:

    I wonder how their relationship got ruined, it’s so cute at the beginning!!!

    1. melon-chan says:

      Sorry, just saw your comment now XD You probably read the following chapters already, given how my reply is delayed. But if not, you will see. It’s very interesting. 🙈

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