Enemies Meet in an Arranged Marriage


The sun beat down as the carriage rumbled out of the estate gates. Today was Alessia’s shopping day – a chance to stock up on essentials and get a feel for the Duchy’s territories. Normally, merchants brought their goods inside the walls, but Alessia was eager to explore the city, so they were heading into Briar, the bustling heart of Ferdinand.

Kaon stole a glance at her as she gazed out the window. He’d been casually admiring her profile, mesmerized by the way the sunlight made her ruby eyes sparkle. They weren’t creepy like the maids had gossiped – just captivating, like a jewel.

“Kaon, was this wall built to keep out monsters?” her question broke his reverie.

He followed her gaze. “Yes. We rarely get involved in territorial disputes, but monsters have always been Ferdinand’s biggest enemy. My ancestors built this fortress, prioritizing the forest side even before the city was fully established.”

The walls, built after the first monster war, were still sturdy. They dwarfed the city’s human defense walls and, despite being the oldest part of the fortress, needed the least repairs.

‘Makes sense,’ he thought. ‘Building something to last wouldn’t be cheap. It must have required a ton of money and magic power.’

He squinted at the faint shimmer across the walls. It looked like haze, but it was an actual energy barrier – a testament to some ancient mage’s immense power. It always amazed him how seamless it was, the work of someone brimming with mana.

Barriers drained a lot of magic power, being a form of protection spell. A mage powerful enough to cast one on this scale was either incredibly strong or a little crazy. Probably both. He’d checked the archives once, curious about its origin. The records claiming that “dozens of mages took turns to reinforce it” were wrong.

Kaon could actually ‘see’ the flow of mana, and it was clear the barrier came from one source. Him and his late mother were the only ones in his family with this ability, which manifested when they were young.

‘But she hated it,’ he thought. His mother had begged him to keep it a secret until the very end.

Kaon looked away from the barrier. “Heard there are multiple cities, Kaon. Where are we heading today?”

“Briar.” Kaon answered. It’s the biggest shopping hub in Ferdinand — bustling with people and businesses. No other city comes close in terms of shop size and product quality.

The carriage rolled to a slow stop within Briar’s bustling streets, lined with grand shops and teeming with life. Traders haggled with customers, laughter filled the air, and couples strolled hand-in-hand. It was all so… normal.

“Looks like it’s very lively here.” Alessia commented as she watched on, her face unexpectedly somber.

Kaon offered, “First stop, the clothes shop. You wouldn’t have brought much luggage with such a long journey, so let’s get you some outfits. Especially with the forest inspections coming up soon.”

“Do I need armor?”

“Mages usually don’t, but something comfortable to move around in would be best.” Alessia nodded, then hesitated. He realized no other carriage carrying her belongings had arrived.

Ferdinand was a long way from Ingelos. He’d assumed her luggage would follow to lighten her trip, but maybe that wasn’t the case. What if Ingelos was truly poorer than he imagined? It was unlikely for such an esteemed family, but worth considering.

Kaon tested the waters. “As my fiancée, even though you’re here under an agreement, you’ll also receive a separate payment for your work as a mage.”

“Really?” Her eyes widened, followed by a blush that painted her cheeks rosy. Her eyes turned into crescents despite her attempt to appear composed.

‘Why’s she so happy?’ He was confused, but she looked so innocent and…cute.

Suddenly, a conversation drifted into the carriage. It carried the Ferdinand coat of arms, allowing for smooth passage:

“His fiancée, right? Heard mages from the Tower are arrogant. The knights at the bar complain about them non-stop.”

“Even ones from Ingelos?”

“Probably. Just hope I never meet her. Don’t like those red eyes.”

No names were mentioned, but it was clear who they were talking about.

“Alessia…” Kaon started, but was cut off by the coachman announcing their arrival at the boutique.

“Looks like we’re here.” Unlike Kaon, who felt a surge of embarrassment, Alessia smiled innocently as if she hadn’t heard a word.

But Kaon knew better. He saw her hand clench into a fist.


“Welcome, Young Master and Lady Alessia. My name is Deborah, and I am the owner here. It’s a pleasure to have you,” a woman with a towering beehive hairdo greeted them with a deep curtsy.

“Thank you. We’re looking for some new clothes for my fiancée,” Kaon explained.

“Absolutely! Please allow me to guide you,” Deborah chirped, leading them up the stairs past a mannequin draped in a fancy gown. “Kaon, are you joining us for the browsing?”

“I think I’ll wait downstairs, but please take your time, Alessia,” Kaon replied, settling onto a plush sofa with a quick glance around the boutique.

Finished dresses hung on one side, while the other side boasted a dazzling array of fabrics and threads.

‘Hope she finds something she likes,’ he thought, watching Alessia politely engage with Deborah. ‘Speaking of which, does she ever get hot?’

Ferdinand summers were brutal, and everyone did their best to escape the scorching heat. Even the dress form, made of wood, sported a summery dress with short sleeves. Alessia, however, was the only one in long sleeves.

‘Come to think of it, I haven’t seen her in anything short-sleeved since she arrived. It’s not like the sun avoids her specifically.’

Maybe she just preferred being bundled up. He also noticed a ring on her right index finger. A large ruby, surrounded by smaller diamonds in a sunflower design, sat proudly on her hand.

Even without being a jeweler, Kaon could tell it was expensive. But expensive and…outdated for Alessia. The design felt old-fashioned, and the stones seemed overwhelming on her delicate fingers. Maybe she liked it because the ruby matched her eyes. Enough to wear it constantly?


“Yes, Alessia?” He stood up when she approached him.

Leaning in, she lowered her voice and whispered in his ear, “Can I get some hats too?”

There was nothing strange about her request or the way she said it. Yet, the warmth of her breath and the softness of her voice sent shivers down his spine.

“Of course, whatever you like,” Kaon managed, a blush creeping up his neck. This unexpected feeling lingered, leaving him curious and slightly flustered.




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