Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony








The Empress’s Palace.




A sharp scream, as if something was being torn apart, echoed loudly throughout the palace.


The maids of the Empress’s palace, as if accustomed to the chaos, quietly cleared away the shards of glass and torn fabrics scattered around.


When the Empress lost her temper like this, the best way to survive in the palace was to remain unnoticed.


“That annoying, stubborn thing has survived again, opposing me to the end!”


The Empress, her eyes filled with unresolved anger, glared at the servant kneeling before her.


The servant, maintaining a perfectly composed posture, endured the Empress’s violent outburst.


“I should have killed them back then! I should have done it!”


The Empress, now unable to stay still, started pacing around the room aimlessly. The glass pieces left on the floor were crushed into powder beneath the heels of her shoes.


The sound irritated the Empress, and she took off her shoes and threw them.


With a loud crash, the shoe hit a vase, shattering it, and the fragments flew in all directions.






However, the maids and attendants, who were cleaning the room, continued their work as if this was nothing new, showing no signs of surprise.


The Empress, without even glancing at them, took another step.


When her pale, delicate foot was about to touch the dirty floor, the servant, who was still kneeling, quickly reached out his hand.


It was natural for the Empress to step on his hand instead of the shoe. It was as if it was expected that the servant’s hand would get dirty in place of her foot.


Without realizing that the sharp objects on the floor had cut the servant’s hand, the Empress asked him.


“Where is my Arthur?”


The servant, who had remained silent throughout the Empress’s outburst, finally spoke,


“He is resting in his room.”




“Have you forgotten? He hasn’t slept for three days and finally collapsed. Didn’t Your Majesty herself give him permission to rest?”


“That was before he became the person in charge of the transportation in the Lowes Mountains! Bring him here right now!!!”


Following the Empress’s order, the servant quietly rose to his feet.


Then, he lifted the Empress into his arms and gently placed her on the sofa that the maids had just cleaned. Bowing his head, he said.


“I understand how distressed you are. However, there are many dangerous objects in the room. Please wait here calmly while I bring Prince Arthur.”


“My patience won’t last long, so you better hurry.”


“Of course, Your Majesty.”


The Empress’s servant bowed his head and left the room.


In the hallway, those who had fled from the Empress’s rage were quietly watching.


The head maid of the palace approached the servant. Her eyes were drawn to the wound on his hand, caused by being stepped on by the Empress.


“Mr. Bertan, are you alright?”




The Empress’s servant, Bertan, nodded his head.


“Keep an eye on the Empress until I return with Prince Arthur.”


“Yes, sir.”


The head maid bowed respectfully to Bertan.


Passing by her, Bertan headed toward the second prince’s chamber within the Empress’s palace.


Next year, the second prince, Arthur, would come of age and, like the Crown Prince, would be assigned his own palace to live independently.


However, the Empress had cried and pleaded, using the Crown Prince’s daily threats as a reason, asking that the second prince remain with her a little longer for his safety. As a result, he had yet to leave the Empress’s palace.


“My poor Prince Arthur…”


Bertan muttered Arthur’s name with a touch of sympathy, licking the wound on his hand as he walked, his steps unnervingly cheerful.


He reached the second prince’s room, located not far from the Empress’s chamber, and knocked with his still blood-stained hand.


“Prince Arthur, it’s Bertan. May I come in?”


“…Come in.”


The faint sound of Arthur’s voice came from beyond the door.


A faint smile appeared on Bertan’s lips as he opened the door. At some point, the bleeding from his hand had stopped.


“You’ve closed all the windows again, I see.”


The inside of Arthur’s room was so dark that, despite it being midday, it felt like evening—perhaps even darker.


“I’m scared… scared that someone might see me…”


Bertan followed Arthur’s voice as he walked closer.


“Who would dare spy on your room, Prince Arthur?”




Arthur didn’t reply. Bertan’s smile deepened.


He found Arthur curled up in bed, hiding under the blankets, and gently pulled them back.


“Her Majesty the Empress is looking for you.”




Arthur, who had turned pale with fear, revealed himself.


His long black hair was disheveled, and he sat hunched over like a child, nervously biting his nails.


“Mother said… said I could rest. Why… why now…?”


“It’s because the Crown Prince has been appointed to oversee the transportation in the Lowes Mountains.”


“! R-really?”


“Yes. Her Majesty the Empress personally confirmed this information from the Emperor’s palace.”


Arthur’s face turned ashen, and his pupils trembled violently.


“My brother is going to kill me again…”


His voice, wet with despair, trembled. Slowly, he forced himself to rise from the bed.


His body, thin—perhaps even more so than the Crown Prince’s—wobbled as he stood. Bertan reached out and supported him.


“How is… how is my mother?”


“She is furious. The Emperor made these decisions without informing her.”


“Hnn… hnn…”


Arthur, leaning on Bertan as they walked, whimpered weakly.


Seeing Arthur’s legs weaken, perhaps out of fear of the Empress’s inevitable wrath, Bertan quietly steadied him.


As soon as Arthur stepped out into the hallway, he squinted as if the light was too bright. His face became clearly visible in the sunlight streaming through the windows.


With a voice full of pity, Bertan remarked.


“Your face looks worn out.”


“My… my health has been poor…”


Arthur’s eyes were sunken, and the dark circles under them extended down to his cheeks.


His downcast gaze and slumped shoulders added to the frailty of his appearance.


“Cover all the windows leading to the Empress’s chambers.”


At Bertan’s command, the attendants in the hallway quickly drew the curtains over each window. With their practiced hands, the corridor was soon enveloped in darkness.


“Thank you, Bertan…”


Arthur exhaled deeply, as if finally able to breathe again.


The Empress despised seeing Arthur like this, to the point where it would make her furious. So, if he went to her chambers, he would have no choice but to stand in the bright light.


But even a brief moment of darkness like this gave Arthur great relief.


“For Prince Arthur, I would do anything. It is my duty, after all.”


Bertan walked slowly, giving Arthur time to prepare himself mentally.


“Isn’t Arthur here yet!!!”


The Empress’s voice, filled with impatience, rang loudly through the distant corridor, but Bertan paid no mind.


He focused only on watching Arthur’s face grow paler and paler as the Empress’s voice drew nearer.






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  1. Lilian0705 says:

    I feel sorry for both princes

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