Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony







Cherrya was an official knight of the Emblem Order.


However, since she was knighted before her coming-of-age ceremony, Cherrya had never been officially dispatched for a mission. This was because knights who had not undergone the coming-of-age ceremony were excluded from duties.


Even after her coming-of-age ceremony, the peaceful situation of the empire had not required the involvement of the Emblem Order in any significant matters.


“It is the fate of those born into the Emblem. When Cherrya first held a sword, didn’t you think a day like this would come?”


Seffield sternly reproached Melsia, who stood frozen in shock.


His father also had sent a young Seffield to the battlefield, and Seffield likewise sent the young Melsia on missions himself.


Melsia knew she had to do the same. After all, she was part of the Emblem.


“If you had wanted her to live safely and elegantly in peace, you should never have given her a sword. You should have made her refuse it when she rejected it.”


Melsia barely managed to respond as she regained her senses.


“I know. I always knew. But…”


The current situation in the empire was too strange. Melsia couldn’t shake the feeling that the ongoing occurrences were continually taking away the things precious to her, in a way she had never seen or experienced before.


“How far is it between the Lowes Mountains and Kratyn Forest?”


“Even by carriage, it would take two weeks to travel.”




Though she already knew, an uneasy premonition began to stir. She had a feeling that this incident would somehow be connected to Kratyn Forest.


“I must return to the imperial palace.”


“Fine. Leave Cherrya to me. I will make sure she returns safely.”


“Please take care of her, Dad.”


Melsia grasped Seffield’s hand tightly. Seffield clasped her hand in return, then quietly signaled to Benedict.


“I’ll escort you, Mel.”


Benedict gently separated Melsia from Seffield and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, leading her outside.




Seffield clicked his tongue softly as he watched his daughter walk away.


When something precious is gained, a person becomes weak. Just as he had once been, now it was Melsia’s turn.


“That damn Jade Gray. My poor daughter is suffering because of him.”


As he mulled over how to vent his anger on Jade Gray while he was back in the capital, the sound of Cherrya running toward him with her sword drawn echoed from the other end of the corridor.


“Grandfaaaather! Let’s spar!!!!!”


Seffield’s previously hardened expression melted away as he smiled warmly at Cherrya.


“Alright! Come at me with everything you’ve got!”


For now, it was still a matter for the adults. The bright light that Cherrya radiated was too precious to Seffield for her to know about such matters already.




I stood blankly, gazing at the grand symbol of pride and majesty that was the Lutinas Empire, muttering to myself.


“…Wow, the imperial palace.”


After all this time, I finally got to visit.


Though I had often attended parties hosted by the imperial family, those had mostly taken place in the royal banquet halls.


This was my first time visiting the imperial palace, which had been built specifically as the emperor’s personal residence.


As I stood there, Enoch silently passed by me while also observing the palace and whispered.


“That’s just like you.”




That little brat! I clenched my fists, suppressing the sudden surge of frustration.


I quickly followed behind Enoch as we entered the palace, and I spoke.


“Sure, you’re close with the Crown Prince, so you’ve been here plenty of times, huh? Wow, how childish. Were you just dying to show off?”


“I was simply stating a fact. If you felt like I was showing off, maybe you were secretly envious.”


“Fact or not, who asked you? Who told you to show off like that?”


Enoch and I quietly bickered, our voices low but tense.


Far from being glad to see him after so long, I felt even more irritated. Fortunately, guests visiting the imperial palace were not allowed to carry weapons unless they were royal guards.


Otherwise, I would’ve drawn my sword right then and cracked open Enoch’s head.


“Greetings, Dame Cherrya Emblem, and Sir Enoch Gray.”


At that moment, the imperial chamberlain, who seemed to have been waiting for us, greeted us both.


His neatly combed white hair, immaculate attire without a single wrinkle, and his expressionless face and indifferent tone made it impossible to gauge what he was thinking.


“Thank you for responding to the invitation.”


“Oh, no problem.”


“It was only natural.”


Enoch and I responded in the most polite tone we could muster, bowing our heads slightly.


There were rumors that the true power in the imperial palace lay with this chamberlain.


It was said that even if the emperor had made a decision, one word of advice from the chamberlain could make him reconsider.


Seeing the chamberlain, who I had only heard about in stories, in person was a novel experience.


It made me truly feel like I was standing inside the imperial palace.


“Wow, this is incredible.”


“It really is.”


The chamberlain, walking ahead and guiding us, turned slightly to glance back at us as we whispered to each other.


“Thank you.”






Oops. He heard us. Enoch and I both shut our mouths at the same time.


They say that the imperial palace has eyes and ears even in the ceilings, walls, and floors.


It seems even the people of the imperial palace have ears on the back of their heads.


“You may enter here. His Majesty will be with you shortly.”


The chamberlain led us to the reception room of the imperial palace and personally opened the door for us. Feeling slightly overwhelmed, I was the first to step inside the room.


“Oh, the Crown Prince is already here.”


At the chamberlain’s words from behind, I turned around in surprise.




There was no one visible in the room. Though I could see the grand reception room through the open door, there was no one sitting on the sofas or the chairs.


The chamberlain, sensing my confusion, kindly added an explanation.


“On the floor.”


At that moment, something soft squished beneath my foot.


Instinctively, I looked down, and my eyes met it.






The thing underfoot let out a small groan.




I screamed and jerked backward in shock. As I fell, Enoch, who was standing behind me, easily sidestepped out of the way.


My view flipped upside down as I felt myself slowly falling backward, and just as I was about to hit the floor, I saw Enoch looking down at me with a pitiful expression.


‘I’m not going down alone.’


On instinct, my hand shot out and grabbed Enoch’s sleeve.




Before Enoch could even finish calling my name, he tumbled to the floor with me.


The chamberlain, who was observing the three of us sprawled out on the floor, spoke in the same indifferent tone as always.


“Please continue your conversation.”


With a click, the door to the reception room closed behind us.


The only sound filling the room was the occasional groan of pain.


Staring at the extravagant ceiling of the imperial reception room, adorned with ornate patterns and glimmering chandeliers, I thought to myself:


‘Why is the Crown Prince lying on the floor…?’


The person I had stepped on was none other than the Crown Prince.


If the Crown Prince hadn’t groaned in pain, I would have thought I had stepped on a corpse.


“Hey, Enoch. Do you know how long the sentence is for assaulting a member of the imperial family?”


“…Is that really the only thing you can say right now?”


Hearing Enoch’s incredulous voice, I just closed my eyes.


To think that my life would fall apart during my first visit to the imperial palace.





Hello, you can support me here if you like my works ^o^ buy me a coffee.


  1. CowsSayMoo says:

    poor girl lmao

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