Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony














When will this social gathering finally end?


I was being dragged around endlessly, unable to find a moment to escape from Olivia’s never-ending birthday party.


‘Ah, I’m exhausted.’


After finishing the dance with Olivia, I immediately approached Lizzy Vanderwall, who was nervously fidgeting with her handkerchief, to ask her for a dance.


I did this because of the early education drilled into me by my mom since I was a child.


[A knight’s basic virtue is respect. A true knight should protect not just lives with their sword but also their honor and spirit.]


This was the lesson my grandfather and mom had emphasized to the point of almost brainwashing me.


Especially when dealing with a lady, one must always be concerned, as if she might shatter if touched, or fall apart if handled roughly.


Thus, I danced with Lizzy Vanderwall to soothe her after inadvertently hurting her feelings, which became the source of today’s mess.


“Dame Emblem, may I request a dance too…?”


“I wasn’t able to attend the last imperial banquet due to poor health. I heard you shared some interesting stories from the knight’s investiture ceremony? I would love to hear them as well.”


“My dream has always been to have tea at Emblem Mansion. Please invite me someday.”


Because of the dance with Lizzy Vanderwall, it gave everyone the impression that I was engaging in social activities today.


Not just Olivia, but even her mom, the Marchioness of Balmore, dragged me around like an accessory, mingling with one person after another.


Finally, after making my excuses and retreating to the terrace, I could catch my breath.


“Surely, it clears my head, mom.”


The sword that had been occupying my mind for so long was now the furthest thing from my thoughts.


I didn’t even have time to think. To survive in this jungle of a social party, I needed something other than a sword, but I didn’t possess such a weapon.


I had done what I needed to do, making the only friend I had in this empire, Olivia, happy.


Now, I just needed to go home.


I slightly pulled back the curtain covering the terrace and looked outside.




I quietly covered the curtain again.


Everyone at the party, while pretending otherwise, was turning their heads in my direction.


Even those who were dancing seemed to be strangely facing forward, as if there was a subtle battle over who would speak to me first once I stepped out.


‘I want to cry.’


Screaming inside, I simply sat down on the floor.


Having seen my mom tormented by people when I was young, I was aware, but the people of this country really had too much interest in Emblem.


There are so many handsome and outstanding knights in this world, so why are they all making a fuss over me?


Even the Duke of Gray, who enjoys just as much popularity as Emblem, doesn’t attract people to this extent.


‘It’s because Emblem is approachable.’


My mom explained it that way, but to me, it just seemed that they thought we were easy targets.


Laughing heartily at everything is a common trait of Emblem knights.


The only thing that could make Emblem knights lose their humor and raise their voices was Gray.


The knights of Gray, with noses so high they could pierce the universe, never laughed heartily.


Just standing still with the same expressionless face as Enoch Gray, as if they had ‘Yes, I’m a noble’ stamped on their faces.


“Even so, Emblem is better than the cold Gray.”


Though tiring, one’s arm bends inward; Emblem is better than the Duke of Gray, even if being surrounded by people drains my energy.


“…Sir Gray is entering!”


Was it because I was thinking about Gray?


The party hall became noticeably louder with the attendant’s announcement.


For a moment, I thought I misheard, so I listened again, and the excited shouts of people reached my ears.


“Incredible, Emblem and Gray are attending the same party. Unless it’s a royal party, how is this even possible!”


Startled by the noise, I yanked the terrace curtain wide open.


“…Enoch Gray.”


The cause of my burnout was crossing the party hall with a brazen face.


Wearing the Gray knight’s uniform and with an expressionless face, Enoch made his way toward Olivia, the party’s protagonist, and her mom, the Marchioness of Balmore.


The people stared at him blankly, unable to approach, unlike the swarming crowd when I entered.


“That’s why the family’s image is important.”


Just moments ago, I was muttering that Emblem was better, but right now, I was envious of the cold image Gray had built.


Enoch Gray greeted Olivia and her mom without any interference, then surveyed the room.


Every time his cold blue eyes scanned the room, it felt like ice shards were falling.


‘Why is he setting the mood over there?’


Watching everyone shrink under Enoch’s gaze stirred up Emblem’s sense of justice within me.


Was it the Duke of Gray’s influence or Enoch’s expressionless face? People tended to find Enoch Gray excessively intimidating.


It was all because of Duke Jade Gray, who insisted on forcing elegance and dignity upon Enoch by keeping him close.


Enoch, who was already too clever and had been called a little old man since childhood, now seemed to have evolved beyond old age, like he had shed his human shell.


I was grumbling about the Gray family’s upbringing when I noticed Enoch walking toward me.


Behind Enoch, Olivia was awkwardly laughing while pointing in my direction.


“Why are you telling him where I am instead of dancing with him!”


I thought Olivia was someone who could call me a friend, but I need to reconsider that.


No true friend would betray me like this, knowing full well that I didn’t want to see him.


Enoch was heading straight towards me, exactly as Olivia had indicated.


‘Don’t become boring.’


The words Enoch once said to me still lingered in my mind, refusing to leave. I felt like he might say those words again the moment he opened his mouth.


How long had it been since I heard them? I was already struggling to focus on my swordsmanship training, so what would Enoch think seeing me wasting time at a social party like this?


A flood of unnecessary thoughts took over my mind in an instant.


“Cherrya Emblem.”


Then, Enoch Gray’s voice descended upon me as I sat slumped on the terrace. He looked down at me with a bewildered expression and said,


“What are you doing here?”


“…Can’t you see? I’m taking a break.”


Worried someone might see, I pushed myself further towards the edge of the terrace. Enoch Gray pulled the curtain aside and stepped into the terrace.


“If you come to a birthday party, you should start by dancing with the guest of honor. Why did you come to me?”


“Lady Balmore said I should dance with you.”




“She said she was tired from dancing too much.”


That can’t be true. Olivia, who looked like she could dance dozens more times, would never say such a thing.


The Marquess of Balmore’s family often interacted with the Emblem family.


Olivia and I had been close since childhood, and her brother, Osric Balmore, the second son of the Marquess, is a full knight of the Emblem Order.


Naturally, they would distance themselves from the Duke of Gray’s family.


After all, Emblem and Gray are sworn enemies!


But to push Enoch Gray onto me?


“…We’re done, Olivia.”


Today, I lost a friend.









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