Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony












Olivia followed the gaze of the other ladies who were glancing at the entrance of the party hall and then chuckled softly before continuing their conversation.


“There were so many rumors that you would definitely attend this party, so I was really looking forward to it. I hope you won’t find me too rude for asking out of impatience.”


It was indeed rude. Extremely rude.


However, Olivia bit her lip and remained silent.


She had been so excited after receiving the RSVP confirmation that she couldn’t help but boast about it to everyone, which had now led to this uncomfortable situation.


If the party ended without the person showing up, she could already hear what those conniving ladies would say.


‘Lady Balmore often speaks of things that aren’t entirely true, doesn’t she? As compassionate ladies, shouldn’t we just pretend not to notice her unfortunate delusions?’


Yes, that’s exactly what they would say! Olivia could already see herself becoming the laughingstock of the social scene.


If that happened, her mom’s once revered reputation as the belle of the social circle would plummet to the ground.


‘Olivia, I will never allow my daughter to become just another common flower in society. If you’re going to bloom, then bloom bigger and brighter than anyone else! Outshine all those around you!’


‘Yes, Mother!’


Before the party started, her mom, who had always been her resolute support, had watched her from afar with keen interest.


As someone who was once called the flower of society, she could sense the tension in the air and sent Olivia a subtle, yet meaningful glance.


It was a look that said, ‘Don’t you dare lose.’


Olivia nervously gulped and gently waved her fan to hide her face.


“Oh, it’s not rude at all. In fact, I received a message saying that she might be running a little late. Lady Vanderwall, I’m so happy that you’re looking forward to this party so much. It truly means a lot to me.”


“Oh, of course! Apart from the fact that the person everyone has been waiting for hasn’t appeared yet, we’re all enjoying ourselves as much as we anticipated.”


Lizzy Vanderwall, that wicked woman. Olivia smiled sweetly but secretly ground her teeth.


Although their relationship was marked by subtle competition for the prestigious title of the belle of the social scene, they had shared memories of laughing and crying together as children!


Seeing Lizzy Vanderwall now, pretending to yawn out of boredom at what she considered just an ordinary party, made Olivia want to slap her.


‘I will definitely attend your next birthday party,’ she thought to herself.


When that time comes, I’ll pay you back for all the humiliation I’ve endured today.


Olivia resolved to write Lizzy Vanderwall’s name at the top of her list of people to take revenge on for today’s disgrace.


And then there was the person who had RSVP’d but hadn’t shown even a single strand of hair until now…


“Lady Cherrya Emblem has arrived!”


Cherrya Emblem!


As the name echoed through the hall, Olivia’s face instantly lit up.




Olivia’s heart surged with joy as she watched Lizzy Vanderwall’s face twist in shock.


Yes, the person Olivia had been eagerly waiting for all evening was Cherrya Emblem.


“How, how could Dame Emblem possibly attend this party…,”


Lizzy Vanderwall muttered in disbelief.


It was understandable; after all, Cherrya Emblem wasn’t just someone who disliked social gatherings—she practically had an aversion to them. If it wasn’t an event hosted by the royal family, she almost never showed up.


From the year she first took up the sword and participated in the royal hunting competition, Cherrya Emblem had proven herself worthy of her name, earning the title of knight even before making her formal debut as a debutante.


She was regarded as the rising star of the Lutinas Empire.


Moreover, Cherrya Emblem was arguably the most popular knight in the current Lutinas Empire.


She had a way of captivating people, and her charm knew no bounds, enchanting both men and women, young and old alike.


“It’s really, really Dame Cherrya Emblem!”


Everyone’s eyes were filled with admiration as they watched Cherrya make her entrance into the party hall.


Clad in the dazzling uniform of the Emblem Knights, Cherrya had let her long hair, usually tied back, flow freely down her back.


Though she scratched her head as if annoyed, there was something about her that made it impossible to look away.


Her deep amber eyes, sharp gaze, the strong body visible beneath her uniform, and the confident smile she gave to those who met her eyes—all of it was simply mesmerizing.


“She’s… beautiful.”


Someone murmured absentmindedly. The Emblem Knights had a certain charisma that drew people in, but Cherrya Emblem was truly in a league of her own.




At that moment, a child who had been pushed forward by the crowd gathered to see Cherrya suddenly stumbled and fell right in front of her.


With remarkable reflexes, Cherrya quickly grabbed the child’s arm, pulling him towards her and holding him securely in her arms.




With a slight furrow in her brow, she whispered the warning softly. The child in her embrace, as well as the people around them, turned red as if their faces would burst.


The child, staggering slightly as he freed himself from Cherrya’s arms, expressed his gratitude.


“Th-thank you, Dame Emblem…”


“You’re welcome.”


Cherrya smiled warmly and patted the child’s head, causing someone in the crowd to tear at their handkerchief, muttering to themselves.


“I should have been the one who fell…”


“Next time, it will be me!”


The envious gazes of both men and women, young and old alike, were directed at the child. Everyone admired Cherrya Emblem, and they all wished for a chance to speak with her.


“You’re late…”


Olivia, seeing Cherrya approaching her, felt tears welling up and had to blink hard to hold them back.


The memories of all the efforts she had made to invite Cherrya to her birthday party flashed through her mind.


Next to her, Lizzy Vanderwall, who had initially been shocked, quickly composed herself and spoke.


“As Lady Balmore said, Dame Cherrya Emblem is here. Thanks to her, I’m delighted to meet an old friend after such a long time.”


“What are you…?”


Before Olivia could respond, Lizzy Vanderwall stepped forward, blocking Olivia’s view of Cherrya.


“It has been so long since we’ve seen you, Dame Emblem. It’s disappointing. It would be wonderful if we could meet more often, considering the memories we share from our childhood.”


“Ah, Lady Vanderwall.”


Olivia’s face twisted in frustration. How could Lizzy dare to claim the first greeting from Cherrya, the star of Olivia’s party?


This was completely against social etiquette. Even Olivia’s mother, standing from a distance, was visibly angry.


“You have made me so disappointed; should I receive your apology on my hand, Dame Emblem?”


Standing before Lizzy Vanderwall, Cherrya looked troubled.


Olivia bit her lip in frustration.


How could she let the first greeting slip away so easily? She should have anticipated this when Lizzy Vanderwall started causing trouble.


Olivia blamed herself for being too stunned by Cherrya’s appearance to do anything.


“Before that, Lady Vanderwall, I must ask for a moment.”




Cherrya placed her hand over her chest and bowed her head slightly, clearly declining Lizzy’s request.


Lizzy’s expression hardened, clearly not expecting to be rejected so publicly.


A knight refusing a lady’s request, especially in front of everyone, was unthinkable.


That Cherrya Emblem, known for her charming manners towards everyone, would do such a thing was unimaginable.


“Lady Balmore.”


Cherrya walked past Lizzy Vanderwall and smiled at Olivia. That beautiful smile made Olivia’s eyes widen in surprise.


“I must greet the lady of the day first. May I have the honor of kissing your hand?”


“You’re crazy.”




Olivia, not realizing her thoughts had slipped out, extended her hand as if in a trance.


In that moment, she felt as if she were more privileged than even the most noble princess.








N : “RSVP” refers to the French phrase “Répondez s’il vous plaît,” which means “Please respond.” It is commonly used in invitations to request a confirmation of attendance. So, the sentence means that the person had confirmed their attendance (RSVP’d) but had not yet shown up at the event, not even in the slightest way (“hadn’t shown even a single strand of hair until now”).










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