Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony























Since arriving at the Emblem mansion in the capital from the Condrius territory, Cherrya has spent her days focused on recovery.


While her torn palm was an issue, the bigger problem was her completely injured wrist.


Injuries at such a crucial growing age could lead to serious complications later on.


Thus, everyone at Emblem was dedicated to Cherrya’s recovery, but the Emperor invited Cherrya to a medal ceremony.


‘Ugh! I should have drawn my sword!’


Just as the whole empire was chanting the name of Enoch Gray, Cherrya’s suppressed frustration exploded.


She rolled and jumped on the bed, expressing her immense frustration. She lamented that if she had drawn her sword then, people would be chanting Emblem’s name instead of Gray’s.


‘This happened before too! I did all the hard work, but they got the credit just for helping with the handcuffs! Ugh!’


Cherrya muttered incomprehensible things, showing her severe distress at the Emblem mansion.


Despite everyone’s efforts to stop her, Cherrya insisted on grabbing a sword with her unrecovered body.


‘Even now, Enoch Gray must be training. I can’t just sit around!’


Although everyone tried to dissuade her, Cherrya was relentless. Melsia, who had tried to persuade her daughter and even got angry, couldn’t break Cherrya’s competitive spirit.


Eventually, they had to send a letter to Seffield Emblem, who was on a mission, threatening to take away her chance to ever hold a sword again, to make her promise to focus on recovery.


“Dame Melsia has given up. Only lord Benedict can persuade her now.”


“Haa, fine. I’ll go.”


He put down the documents he was reviewing in his office and hurried to the mansion.


As soon as Benedict arrived at the Emblem mansion, he headed straight to Cherrya’s room upon hearing that guests were there, knowing they were the three ladies Cherrya disliked.


“Why did you let in guests when Cherrya’s in a bad mood?”


The butler responded with a troubled face.


“Well… Young lady Cherrya invited them.”


“Cherrya invited them?”


“Yes. I don’t understand it either, but she did.”


Benedict, feeling uneasy, quickly knocked on and opened Cherrya’s door.


“Cherrya, my dear. What were you doing with the guests…?”


At that moment, Benedict froze, speechless at the sight in Cherrya’s room.


“Oh, you’re here, dad?”


Cherrya greeted Benedict calmly from her bed as she had requested.


She was being attended to by two people simultaneously: one massaging her legs and another carefully brushing her hair.


Thanks to Jessia’s diligent care, such a scene had become familiar to Benedict since Cherrya got injured.


But what shocked Benedict was not this scene.


“Grapes. No, the green ones. And give me some juice too.”


Lying on her side with her uninjured hand supporting her head, Cherrya arrogantly gestured with her chin to give orders.


Two people diligently attended to her, feeding her fruit and juice as she directed.


These two were precisely the people Benedict believed shouldn’t be behaving this way.


“When did you arrive? Cherrya said you’d be a bit late.”


A child’s voice came from behind Benedict. Turning around, he sighed and called out the child’s name.


“Olivia Balmore…”


“Could you move, please? Cherrya has been asking for bread.”


Olivia Balmore, the leader of the troublesome group Cherrya disliked, held a basket almost as big as herself.


“Wow! Bread!”


Seeing Olivia, Cherrya beamed. Olivia hurried over to her.


“I didn’t know what you’d want, so I brought everything.”


Olivia placed the basket on the bedside table, tore a piece of bread, and offered it to Cherrya.




Cherrya opened her mouth, accustomed to this treatment. She chewed the bread and, after swallowing, smiled at Olivia.


“It’s delicious. Thank you.”




Olivia blushed and looked down shyly.


“Shall we try another bread… Oh.”


As Cherrya reached for another bread, she winced. She had used her injured hand, causing a slight frown.


Seeing her discomfort, the other two rushed to offer her bread.


“Cherrya, don’t move! I’ll feed you.”


“No, I will!”


The two, who had been enviously watching Olivia, saw their chance and hurried to feed Cherrya. Olivia, not wanting to be outdone, also jumped in.


“Cherrya, mine is the tastiest, right?”


“No! You already had what Olivia gave you, so it’s my turn this time!”


“Me too, me too! I want to give it to her!”


Benedict couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched the three children competing to take care of Cherrya. Cherrya looked up at him from the middle of the commotion, smiling mischievously.


“I’ll try each one so none of you feel left out.”




Somewhere far in the east, there’s a country where the ruler is always surrounded by women in a harem. Benedict had never seen it, but he could imagine.


His daughter, surrounded by these girls and enjoying their attention, looked just like that ruler.


No wonder he hadn’t seen any attendants from the families of these children—they were all here.


“There are maids in the mansion, so there’s no need for guests to do such troublesome tasks…”


If this scene were discovered, their families might lodge a complaint. However, when Benedict tried to intervene, the three children glared at him.


“We want to do this!”


“If you interfere, we won’t let it go!”


“We only have this time to take care of Cherrya…”


Their competitive looks made Benedict halt. He looked to Cherrya for help, but she just shrugged.


“They’re worried about me. I didn’t ask them to do this.”


“…I see.”


Feeling a headache coming on, Benedict sighed.


“I have something important to discuss. Could you give us a moment alone?”


“No problem.”


Cherrya looked at each of the children in turn. Each blushed under her gaze.


“Can I talk to my dad for a bit?”


“Of course! Come on, guys.”


Olivia quickly nodded and led the others out. Before leaving, they made sure Cherrya was comfortably tucked in and placed snacks within her reach.


“They’re even better than Jessia.”


“That’s what I thought too. I found out today.”


Benedict watched Cherrya, feeling as if he were seeing a stranger.


















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