Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony































Enoch, who had suddenly become a shield for the troublemakers, was also in trouble, so he turned around and got out, asking.


“You will have to be honest. This forest where the hunting competition is held is a place where entry is strictly restricted except for participants.”


“But everyone said that the youth division was safe because there were no monsters… That’s why they said that Cherrya could participate as well.”


“I can say that I and Cherrya are safe because we’ve learned swordmanship and can defend ourselves, but there’s no guarantee that the ladies like you all won’t get hurt if they run into one of those piles of prey.”


Enoch raised his hand and pointed to the wild boar he had just dragged. The faces of the trio immediately turned pale when they saw the ugly molars sticking out.


As I watched they hurriedly take a handkerchief out of their arms and cover their nose and mouth to see if they was vomiting, I was so angry that I burst out in anger.


“What lady you talk about? Which lady would sneak into the knights hunting tournament secretly?”


Under the guise of being a playmate of them, and for the sake of my parents who would be in trouble, my patience, which I had been enduring tightly, suddenly snapped.


“I understand that you want to play knight and lady with Enoch, but I don’t think you should act recklessly like this.”




In response to my words, the young ladies shot me resentful glances with tears welling up in their eyes. However, I paid no heed to such things.


“This incident will be formally addressed. Including your brother, Olivia.”




“Your brother’s dream will be shattered by your thoughtless actions, so either live your whole life in atonement or not.”


During the tournament period, those other than participants cannot enter the hunting grounds. This was the Emperor’s decree.


If he were to sneak his younger sister and her friends in here against this, Osric Balmore wouldn’t be able to escape the clear charge of disobedience.


Fortunately, none of these young ladies were injured, and the offense is not severe. Plus, since everyone, including Osric Balmore, is underage, the family will not suffer much damage.


Perhaps it will end with a light punishment like house arrest.


However, for Osric Balmore, who dreams of becoming a knight, the repercussions will be significant.


A knight is the guardian of the royal family and the empire. Because loyalty is considered the most important virtue, disciplinary action due to disobedience to imperial decree would be fatal.


Olivia, who realized this fact belatedly, rushed over desperately, grabbing the hem of my clothes and pleading.


“No, my brother did nothing wrong!”


“Why did your brother do nothing wrong? He brought you and those kids here.”


“I said I came secretly! My brother just promised to show me around the forest after the tournament and told me about various paths…”


Olivia’s eyes welled up with tears, streaking down her pale cheeks as she looked utterly crestfallen.


Unlike when she throws tantrums, her silently weeping, lips tightly bitten, invoked involuntary sympathy, such was her pitiful state.


Seeing a child who hasn’t even lost their milk teeth trembling in fear that her brother might suffer harm made me feel like I was the villain.


“Uh, uuh, uawaaaakh!!”


In the end, I screamed towards the sky, tearing at my hair.


“You crazy fools!!”


At my thunderous scream, birds perched on a sturdy branch scattered in surprise, taking flight together.



































The nobles, who were gaily socializing in the stands while waiting for the results of the hunting competition, saw birds taking flight and all looked at the forest.


Someone observed the scene and spoke in a cheerful tone.


“Looks like there’s quite an intense competition going on inside.”


“Indeed. This year has been really entertaining.”


“I can’t wait to see who the winner will be.”


Though no one explicitly mentioned names, there was an implicit understanding referring to Emblem and Gray.


Unlike the atmosphere in the crowd that heated up after seeing the phenomenon in the Mitro Forest, the atmosphere in the Emblem and Gray camps was actually subdued.






Jade Gray and Melsia Emblem exchanged glances, facing each other from a distance. Despite being far apart, the two who had overcome human innate limitations had clear expressions visible to each other.


There were no words spoken, but just the look was enough.


The gazes of the two, after their exchange, simultaneously turned towards the Emperor seated on the central throne.


“What is that?”


Sensing the coldness in their gazes, the Emperor shivered briefly, his skin prickling with goosebumps.


“Are you cold?”


“A bit.”


“I’ll have a blanket prepared.”


The Emperor draped the blanket brought by his attendant over himself, alternating his gaze between Emblem and Gray.


Then, he raised his head, looking at the attendant and asked.


“Surely, they haven’t caught on?”


“They haven’t revealed anything yet.”


“Really? But why are they looking at me like that…”


The Emperor squinted, assessing the reactions from the Emblem and Gray factions. Though they seemed suspicious, there was no concrete evidence yet.


After all, it hadn’t even begun.


His advisor leaned in, whispering cautiously.


“Shall we reconsider the plan?”


The Emperor looked out, observing the birds circling and chirping above the seemingly peaceful Mitro Forest. Despite its serene appearance, the flock of birds created an atmosphere that hinted at something unusual happening inside.


“The two families are glaring at me so disrespectfully right now. Living up to their expectations is probably a virtue that a ruler should possess.”


The emperor lifted one corner of his mouth, smiled, and nodded.


“Release them.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”


As the command was given, his advisor nodded briefly and swiftly disappeared behind.


The Emperor crossed one leg, sinking deeper into his chair.


The tedious skill assessment was probably over; now it was time to stir up true competition.


“Indeed, Emblem and Gray should spar with each other—it’s more entertaining that way.”


The youthful laughter in the Emperor’s voice betrayed his unmistakable anticipation.


Before ascending to the throne, the late Emperor, in whose arms the current Emperor was cradled, had advised him. A true Emperor leads the country as the people desire.


Now, everyone in the Lutinas Empire is so eager for a showdown between Emblem and Gray, so what can we do?


It seemed that he thought it was the emperor’s proper duty to meet the people’s expectations and organize the competition.


The Crown Prince, who had been gazing at the Mitro Forest with sparkling eyes beside him, asked his smiling father curiously.


“Your Majesty, why are you laughing so?”


“Ah, as expected I can’t help but anticipate who will emerge victorious in this tournament. Crown prince how do you suppose?”


“I always hope Emblem will win, but this time it seems Gray might claim victory.”


“Oh, really?”


The Emperor’s interest peaked when the Crown Prince unexpectedly spoke against Emblem. He leaned towards his son, intrigued.


“Why like that?”


“Because Emblem always prioritizes protecting the weak.”


The Emperor tilted his head at the meaningful response from the Crown Prince.


In the midst of the ongoing hunting tournament in the Mitro Forest, where could the weak be that Emblem must protect?


A smile played on the Emperor’s lips at the obvious question. He reached out, gently stroking the Crown Prince’s hair, and spoke.


“I see. There is something you want to see too.”


“Of course.”




There was nothing the noble ruler of Lutinas could not do in this empire. Therefore, what they want must always appear before their eyes.


They two, well aware of this fact, exchanged satisfied smiles.

































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