Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony



















With a bang, fireworks exploded above, and the flower petals that people scattered during the march with the Emblem earlier gently drifted down.


“Happy birthday, my lovely daughter.”


In the midst of the flower petal shower, my dad stood sparkling with a beautiful expression.


In my dad’s hands was a gift box adorned with the Emblem’s signature red and gold.






“I love you!!! Love you”


“Congratulations on Lady Cherrya’s birthday!”


Emblem knights cheered from behind, showcasing the gifts they had prepared. Among them was my mentor, Lawrence.


Lawrence smiled and shook hands.




Yes, that’s right. The reason I felt particularly melancholic today was this.


Today is my birthday. My seventh birthday and the first trip with my parents.


My answer to the question of what gift I wanted was to spend more time with my mom and dad.


So, instead of guarding the mansion as usual, my dad and I came to Condrius where the hunting competition is being held.


Pleading with my parents, I managed to secure even the Emblem’s grandest carriage, the one belonging to my grandfather.


As the excited carriage set off,


“Hello, Lord Emblem. Our kids have been pestering us for days, saying they want to go with Cherrya. Oh, and please forgive this rudeness. They’re quite stubborn, but if they’re hear that lord Emblem personally refused they offer, they’ll quietly give up. I brought them like this. Please be firm in your response.”


The masterminds behind this whole situation were the mothers of the three young ladies who, with smiling faces, had brought the children’s luggage to the Emblem mansion and made the request.


Refusal? What refusal? The ladies, already shining with the thought of sending the kids on our carriage, seemed to have planned it all.


To display friendship between the next Emblem successor (me) and their own children at this hunting competition, they shamelessly put on a show, steeling their faces.


“Um, lord Emblem, we want to play with Cherrya.”


“Please allow us…”


“We don’t want to go with our mom and dad.”


That young ladies, seemingly eager to join me rather than forced by their parents, looked up at my mothers with pitiful face and moist eyes.




Excluding my grandfather, there are precisely three things that can make my mother, considered the strongest in the empire, appear vulnerable: me, my dad, and kids.


“Sure, go ahead.”




With my mother’s approval, the children eagerly boarded the carriage prepared for me, my dad, and my mom, without any hesitation.








It must have been from that moment on the way to Condrius County that I couldn’t look directly at their eyes because I was tormented by the kids.


“I intentionally didn’t congratulate or give you a gift this morning because I wanted to surprise you like this. I knew you’d be upset, but I hoped this moment would be more special.”


My dad approached me, standing stiffly, gently stroking my hair. Then, he knelt down, met my gaze, and presented a box.


“Will you accept dad’s apology and gift?”




I bit my lips. The corners of my eyes stung. It felt like tears were about to come out.


“So, the reason you brought the other kids to our carriage was also part of the plan?”


“……. Haha.”


Dad avoided eye contact. I guess that wasn’t really intentional. The tears that were about too come out cooled down.


Nevertheless, my mood had softened compared to earlier, and I accepted the box that my dad handed over.


I hadn’t noticed when my dad was holding it, but the box was quite large, and it carried a substantial weight in my receiving hands.


It was probably a weight I wouldn’t have been able to bear if I were not seven years old and hadn’t practiced swordsmanship.


‘What could it be?’


I hummed a tune in my mind as I unwrapped the ribbon and packaging of the box, then opened the lid.




A sigh escaped my lips as I confirmed the gift inside the box.


I blinked, then lifted my head to look at my dad with my mouth agape.


“Dad, this is…!”


“It’s a real sword that Cherrya has been yearning for. Dad collaborated with the patriarch to craft it, perfectly tailored for you.”


A real sword. It gleamed in royal blue, with a sharp blade, a handle shining in gold, and a tiger engraved.


‘Filled with love for the my precious Cherrya Emblem.’


My dad’s handwriting adorned the guard of the longsword.


‘Enoch said he tried using a real sword!’


When I heard Enoch Gray had separate training with a real sword, I pleaded with my mom and my dad to allow me to use one, even prostrating myself on the floor. However, due to my young age, lacking strength, and the associated risks, they had not granted permission despite my persistent requests.


But now, a personalized sword just for me. A real sword!


“……My sword.”


The hand gripping the sword’s handle trembled. The feeling of the grip settling snugly into my palm, wondering if it truly fit me, was extraordinary.


Moreover, the size was perfect for my current build. It might be a bit small as I grew, but it seemed suitable even for use as a shortsword in the future.




Holding the sword, overwhelmed with emotion, I looked up at my dad. However, what I saw before me wasn’t dad.




It was me. My dad had somehow acquired a mirror and was reflecting me in it. My mouth hung open like a fool at the sight of myself in the mirror.


“Emblem Knight uniform…”


While I was sleeping, it seemed they had dressed me in the Emblem Knight uniform.


So, that’s why Jessia had covered my eyes from the beginning!


Holding the genuine sword and dressed in the Knight uniform, seeing myself like this made me truly feel like a part of the Emblem.


“Dad, really, this is the best gift. Really, really…”


I looked up at my dad, choking on my words. Seeing me like that, my dad affectionately smiled and patted my head.


“It’s not over yet. Your mom has another gift for you.”




What else could there be? I widened my eyes and looked around.


Come to think of it, amidst the knights congratulating me, and the Emblem staff, my mom was nowhere to be found.


“Now, look there.”


Dad cleared the mirror, pointing with his hand in front of me.


In front of me, Emblem Knights were happily gathered, smiling and creating a commotion.




Search for my mom among those bustling knights? I hopped in place, looking around eagerly. However, not a trace of my mom’s red hair could be seen.


“Dad, I can’t see mom…”


As I grabbed my dad’s sleeve, about to shake him and ask for a hug,


“Mom is right here.”


Among the Emblem Knights, I heard my mom’s gentle voice filled with laughter.


Simultaneously, the knights parted like a crimson sea.




There was my mom.


Standing in the middle of the path created by the knights, wearing the same splendid and beautiful Emblem uniform as me, holding my mom’s beloved longsword in her hand.


With her fiery red hair, a cool and beautiful smile, and an overwhelming determination and bravery emanating from her self-confidence.


My mom stood before me not as my mom but in the form of the admired and respected leader of the Emblem Knights, exuding a powerful presence.


“Your first duel using the real sword will be with me, the Commander of the Emblem Knights. How about it?”


My mom raised the sword she held. The sharp blade glistened white in the moonlight.


A duel. A duel with my mom. And with a real sword.


Since I started sword training, I had requested my mom to spar with me, but she always declined.


To receive guidance from the Commander, one needs to reach a certain level of skill. It was a rule applied fairly within the Emblem Knights.


No matter how much I was my mom’s daughter, without a solid skill foundation, I wouldn’t be granted the privilege of sparring with my mom and a sword, as I publicly declared.


Though it was somewhat disappointing, I respected this fair aspect of my mom.


“Uh…, am I qualified?”


In response to my question, my mom smiled and answered,


“Of course. Congratulations, my daughter.”


A smile, so much like my mom’s, spread across my face. Strength flowed into the hand holding the gifted sword.




Without anyone saying who should start first, my triumphant cheer coincided with the clash between my mom and my sword.


At seven years old, it was the best birthday gift of my life.















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