Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony













Despite my attempts to console them, these three young ladies seemed truly indefatigable.


Even my stamina, honed to its peak through daily swordsmanship training, was completely drained.


I tried to endure as much as possible, but now, my reason and patience were reaching their limits.


When these three finally saw my fatigued expression and closed their mouths, they exchanged glances with each other.


Then, they collectively took a deep breath, seemingly gathering their strength for one final, louder outcry.


It was precisely at that moment when the threads of my patience and reason, strained to their limits, finally snapped.


“I’m going to marry my dad!! Our dad is even more handsome than Enoch!”




“……  C-cough!”


As I exclaimed, the startled children began coughing, suppressing their laughter.


Glaring at their squinted eyes, one by one, I pointed my finger towards Dad, who was quietly reading a book.




At my sudden action, Dad, who had been focused on his book, turned his gaze towards us. It was at that moment that his forehead, covered by a falling strand of hair, was brightly revealed.


When I pointed towards Dad’s face, the young ladies, who had been teasing me from the beginning, finally looked at Dad.








Three pairs of eyes widened at the same time.


I shamelessly lifted the tip of my chin and made an arrogant expression.


‘You don’t have a dad like this in your house, right?’


It was an expression that only those with wealth could make.


In fact, my dad could infinitely reduce his presence if he wanted to. I don’t know how on earth he could do that with that appearance.


The three of them, unable to close their gaping mouths, seemed to have finally seen their father’s face.


“Compared to my dad, Enoch is like chaff! That’s why I like him better than Enoch! Do you understand?”


I proudly boasted about my dad and snorted at him. Anyone who encounters my father’s dazzling beauty will never be able to deny my words.


Anyone with eyes could never have done that.


“…… Ugh.”


“Okay, Cherrya.”


“Yes, yes, yes…..”


It should have been like this a long time ago. I looked at the three who had finally become quiet and sighed.


We are now an ugly seven years old.


It was a time when my brain grew to a certain extent and my assertiveness became stronger, but it was still a time when I still had a pure innocence.


At this time, girls my age had enough innocence to listen quite seriously to nonsense about marrying their father. Of course, this also works because my dad has looks that defy common sense.


So I had to use this excuse as much as possible while I was at an age when it would work.


“But, you know, Cherrya…..”


At that time, a young lady sitting closest to me gently tugged at the hem of my dress and whispered.


“What should I do if I want to marry your dad too?”


“Think about the age difference. Do you want to make my dad a criminal?”


“Hmph, but…..”


“If you still have any regrets, go tell my mom first. You wants to marry my dad, so ask for a divorce.”




When she glanced at my mother, that child’s face immediately became tearful. To the children of the Lutinas Empire, the Knights of the Emblem were heroes.


“How to beat a hero….”


As I looked around with satisfaction at the crying children, I was finally able to experience peace.


And I decided.


​​‘I shouldn’t play with these guys from now on.’


Dad and Mom, who were riding in the same carriage, were also sick of these gangsters.


Until now, when I said I didn’t need a playmate, my request was rejected, saying I still needed to interact with girls my age, but I had a feeling that they would now allow me.


When you look at the expressions on the two people’s faces filled with absurdity.

























Count Condrius residence provided a generous guest room for our family.


Not only that, he provided separate accommodations for the Knights of the Emblem to stay in, and gave the Emblem permission to freely use Count Condrius’s personal training hall.


As the hunting competition hosted by the imperial family was held in the county, almost all nobles from all over the country gathered.


Condrius was not a territory famous for tourism, and there were no visitors except hunters or nobles who came to Mitro Forest for small hunting, so there was a severe shortage of lodging.


The Count also provided as much convenience as possible even in a not very spacious situation.


“The room is so cozy and pretty! It looks like Count Condrius put a lot of thought into making this a room for you.”


“You can see the count’s mansion at a glance out the window! Cherry, come here. Can you see the training hall over there?”


Dad and Mom looked around my room and kept exclaiming exclamations. Just like someone who came to visit somewhere.




I didn’t really react to the sight of my mom and dad and just sat with my butt pressed against the bed. Then the two people who were looking at each other and exchanging glances approached me and hugged me.


Mom massaged my shoulders and Dad gently stroked my palms and gently massaged her calluses.


“Relax, Cherry. Come on, Dad prepared this for you!”




“Oh my, these are Cherry’s favorite cookies! Mom even brought Cherry’s favorite pillow!”




Dad and Mom tried their best to make me feel better.


This time, I was ignoring the two people because they had abandoned me and ignored me until I arrived at the County of Condrius.


As an adult, I was quite disappointed in the two people who had dumped all the little ladies on me who were crying so hard that my ears were ringing.




I turned my head away. I don’t feel good about seeing these two people not knowing what to do, but this time I was really sad.


Since this is my first trip with my parents, I had really high expectations.


This was my first time in both my previous life and this life, so I couldn’t sleep properly the night before due to anticipation.


“I want to rest.”


Exhaustion, unlike anything experienced during sword training, overwhelmed me.


I lay on the bed without even changing clothes, pressing my back against it, and closed my eyes.






Seeing me like that, exchanging glances, Mom and Dad quietly covered me with a blanket and left the room.




It’s disheartening. It hurts.


Wiping my moist eyes, drenched in a flood of sorrow as if wringing out water, I drifted into sleep.


There was a party scheduled before the evening hunt contest to encourage the participants. To join, I needed to relieve fatigue even a little.


How long did I sleep?


“Lady Cherrya, wake up. Come on.”


Jessia shook me awake. It felt like I was having a good dream, but the sensation of returning to reality snapped me back, and I blinked my eyes.


However, I couldn’t see anything in front of me.




Startled, I quickly sat up and felt my eyelids with my hands. Soft fabric met my touch.


“What… what is this, Jessia?”


“Hehe, it’s a blindfold. Don’t take it off. Just hold my hand and stand up.”


Jessia gently held my hand, preventing me from removing the blindfold, and guided me out of the bed.


“Why? What is this?”


“You’ll know when you get there!”


Guided solely by Jessia’s touch, my steps must look awkward. This isn’t Emblem Manor or Condrius Castle.


Blindfolded, my focus shifted entirely to hearing. We walked for a while, but there were no specific sounds.


“If we’re going this far, can’t you uncover my eyes somewhere close to the destination?”


When Jessia didn’t remove the blindfold, I quietly complained. She chuckled and asked me to be patient.


“We’re almost there, my lady.”


“No, we have to go to the party later. I need to change my clothes, maybe take a shower…”


“Shh. Please be quiet.”




Jessia’s anger is intimidating. I nodded quietly, closing my mouth.


The air touching my skin changed. A cool breeze and the rustling of branches and leaves filled the surroundings.


“Alright, now I’ll take off the blindfold. When I count to three, please open your eyes.”




The fabric covering my eyes disappeared with a gentle pull. Keeping my eyes closed, I silently counted down, not expecting much.


Jessia prepared something to cheer me up. Honestly, I had zero expectations.


I just hoped the party would end quickly, and maybe I could do some training before sleeping.




But where are Mom and Dad?




Are they seriously leaving me alone even when I’m sulking?




This is too much, seriously.


The emotions that were tied to the numbers quickly faded away.


I opened my eyes, trying to dispel those feelings as I had deliberately closed them.









Thankyou for coming to this sites and read my translation, enjoy! Sorry if theres still have any mistake on the translation. See you on the next update!
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  1. Noyuhigo says:

    thx for giving us a two chps in a day

    1. louyve says:

      No problem ❤ thanks for reading this storyyy!

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