Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony




























Not only me but everyone was astonished watching my grandfather, who seemed to change not just 180 degrees, but even 360 degrees.


“… Why on earth are you like this, my lord?”


My father, sensing something odd about grandfather’s condition, asked with a suspicious tone.


In response, my grandfather, as if snatching me away from my mother, embraced me and replied.


“My precious granddaughter gave a punch to Jade Gray’s grandson’s face, and I couldn’t just stand by!”


“She gave a punch… Did the rumor spread like that?”


“Yes. You should have seen the sight of me rushing out, abandoning the meeting, with my face turning pale as soon as I heard the news!”


My grandfather chuckled heartily and continuously kissed my cheeks.


“You beautiful thing! Thanks to our Cherry, I had a rare sight!”




I struggled with all my might, but my grandfather was relentless.


My father looked at my mother with a puzzled expression.


“It’s ruined.”


My mother touched her forehead with a defeated tone in her voice.


“No, Dad, what did you just say? Our Cherry?”


“Yes. Did you think I wouldn’t even know our granddaughter’s name?”


“Our daughter’s nickname comes out so naturally. Instead of calling her by name, he refers to her as ‘Melsia’s daughter’ as usual.”


My mother pointed out the changed attitude of my grandfather as if turning over the palm of her hand.


However, it seemed that my grandfather’s ears were deaf to Mother’s voice.




“Yes, my lord.”


“Send a good ointment for wounds to the Duke of Gray’s residence. One jar, no, two jars, no, just fill the carriage with it. They will need it in the future!”


My grandfather held me in his arms and pressed his face against my cheek.


“This adorable one will receive endless cheek pinches from now on! Ahaha!”


It was truly laughter bubbling up from deep within.


He laughed so heartily that anyone listening might have thought he had just relieved ten years of constipation.


“Uwahhh… (Please save me.)”


Cherrya Emblem, still at the age of 1.


In exchange for a punch to Enoch Gray’s face, by my grandfather approval allowed me to officially become a member of the Emblem family.
















* * *










6 years later.


Softly. I crawled forward on the ground, my belly pressed against the earth.


The originally radiant silver dress quickly turned into a muddy color.


But I was in no state to care about such things.


“Where is Lady Cherrya!”


“Ladyyyyy Cherrya!”


The maids, with urgency in their steps, were frantically searching for me, flames falling onto the soles of their shoes.


“Ahh, really! Where are you!”


“Jessia! We found torn pieces of Lady Cherrya’s dress over there!”


“Torn…, torn apart? That?”




“Aaah! What kind of dress is that! It’s the children’s dress Madame Dublein designed for the first time!”


“Calm down, Jessia!”


“Do I look can be calm right now?! Lady Cherrya!”


Angry footsteps gradually approached my direction.


I hid in the small thicket, holding my breath silently.




I didn’t forget to pull the fringe protruding under the branches to conceal myself.


“Lady Cherrya!”


At the same time, led by Jessia, a group of maids passed right in front of where I was hiding.


I held my breath for a moment.


“… Just wait to get caught!”


I succeeded.


As the footsteps faded away, I exhaled the breath I had been holding.


Deliberately luring them to pass by, for a while, this place would be a safe zone.


Once they realized I wasn’t here, they wouldn’t return until they searched everywhere else.


“Ugh, so annoying.”


I crawled out in the same position I had been lying in.


Finally, I could escape from the annoying thicket.


“Jessia, really, becoming more and more stranger.”


Jessia, assigned to take care of me since I arrived at the Emblem mansion, had a temperament very much like Mother’s.


It was highly likely that Jessia’s grandmother served as my mother’s nanny, given the resemblance.


Jessia’s nagging had reached a level of annoyance that was beyond bearable.


“I wonder if Mother is very angry…”


Thinking of my mother, who could get furious like fire, made my body tremble involuntarily.


At other times, my mother was as affectionate as my father, but on this particular matter, she was exceptionally strict.


Particularly in issues related to Enoch Gray, my future fiancé.


That’s right.


Today was the day Enoch Gray would visit the Emblem mansion.


“Why is my grandfather isn’t here on a day like today?”


Today, my grandfather, the Duke of Emblem, left early in the morning to investigate a new monster discovered in the western border region.


It was an excellent opportunity for Mother and Diana.


Not so much for me.


“What do I do if I don’t want to meet him!”


Seven years old.


In the world’s eyes, I was the disliked seven-year-old.


And in issues related to Enoch Gray, I was becoming the perfect daughter for that label.


Mother, who had run out of patience, couldn’t even stop my grandfather, they said.


Perhaps today, I would see my mother, who had lost her patience for the first time.


“I’m sorry, mother. But this time, I really don’t want to.”


I closed my eyes and apologized to Mother, who would be waiting for me somewhere, suppressing her anger.


Numerous conflicts circled in my mind, but the aversion was unavoidable.


“…… I dislike everything from one to ten.”


Thinking of the face of my young fiancé involuntarily narrowed my eyes.


Enoch Gray looked truly inhuman.


Despite being the same age as me, he seemed like a fully formed human.


‘Disgusting, to say the least.’


A tree’s potential is evident from its sprout, they say.


It was a saying my inspector colleague carried around in his mouth in a past life.


In various ways, I deeply resonated with that saying.


Enoch Gray was different from the beginning.


Even at the tender age of seven, he had managed to captivate girls, causing various rumors.


‘Why doesn’t Cherry call me when Enoch is around?’


‘Are you trying to monopolize Enoch alone? I hate you!’


Gracefully grown young ladies.


Those girls found it hard to grasp the concept that they couldn’t have everything they desired.


So, when Enoch visited the Emblem mansion, they resented me for not inviting them.


But why would I want to invite them?


It would be more than fine if those girls dealt with Enoch Gray in my place.




“If there’s a woman near Enoch, even a newborn baby, the mothers on both sides are on high alert!”


Thanks to that, I had been diligently earning the dislike of delicate ladies from an early age.


It was just the animosity of young girls, but in the end, I couldn’t form genuine friendships among my peers.


It wasn’t difficult to predict that my life would become quite troublesome in the future.


“All because of that Enoch Gray.”


Enoch Gray. An individual not contributing the slightest bit to my peaceful life.


Brushing off the dust from the ruined dress, I vented my dissatisfaction along with it.


It was during this quiet grumbling that I began to calm my anger.


“…… Huk!”


Nearby, I heard a rustling sound accompanied by footsteps.


Startled, I hastily tried to find a hiding place again.


In my distracted gaze, silver hair resembling a sparkling galaxy entered my field of vision.




Enoch Gray, who had been observing me for a while, revealed himself in front of me.


The mastermind who made me hide because I couldn’t stand the sight of him.


Despite my disheveled appearance, Enoch was dressed in a neat navy blue knight’s uniform.


‘What’s that? Looks like the Gray Knights’ uniform.’


I squinted my eyes and scrutinized Enoch Gray from top to bottom.


Enoch, eyes wide as if he didn’t expect me to be here, stared blankly.


It was a surprised expression uncommon on that arrogant face.


I wanted to mock that face, but for now, resolving the curiosity took precedence.


“What’s up, Enoch. Why are you here?”


“Look at yourself. Why are you here?”


“Obviously, I was hiding because I didn’t want to meet you.”


“I came here to hide because I didn’t want to meet you either.”


It seemed we ended up meeting here for the same reason.


As soon as we realized this fact, both me and Enoch’s faces contorted simultaneously.


“You pissed me off.”


“You pissed me off.”


Sizzle. Sparks flew between our locked gazes.















Thankyou for coming to this sites and read my translation, enjoy! Sorry if theres still have any mistake on the translation. See you on the next update!

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  1. WillowBee says:

    Okay but that’s so freaking cute 🥺

  2. Ataraktos says:

    It’s unexpected for them hahaha

  3. carolpassosd says:

    I really like them kkk cute

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