Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony





At first, I didn’t fully believe my mother’s words.


My Grandpa, or Seffield Emblem, actually liked me, she said.




“Once again, today, he sent us something precious!”


“This is the heart of Toot and the liver of Merucus! Aren’t these the ingredients said to be so beneficial for increasing the mana of knights? In times like this, during the breeding season of the monsters, even His Majesty the Emperor wouldn’t be able to obtain them…”


The maids, along with the servants doing various chores, were gathering everything piled up in the mansion’s front yard and carrying them inside.


“Aren’t you happy, Miss? Thanks to this, the head chef will be very busy. We’ll make nutritious meals with these ingredients.”




“Yes, yes, we’ll make it delicious for you.”


“…… Uh!”


Leaning against the shoulder of the maid holding me, I rested my chin and continued to gaze at the gifts still piled in front of the mansion.


According to the mansion’s people, these were all precious food items.


And the one who sent all of this was none other than Seffteld Emblem. My grandfather.


‘He called me a tiny fish because I really look dried up like one.’


I was completely fed up with the gifts that clearly hinted at being told to eat well.


There was no room for doubt.


Seffield Emblem was undeniably smitten with me.


Even the unspoken feelings of my not-so-honest grandfather filled my stomach just by being present.


It wasn’t just a figure of speech; my stomach felt like it might burst.


I had to eat all those things piled up in front of our house.


‘When am I going to eat all of that again…’


A sigh escaped involuntarily.


“Give Cherry to me.”


Just as Father walked out of the mansion, he reached out to me.


“Ah, Lord Benedict. You’ve come out. I apologize; it’s a bit noisy outside…”


“It’s alright. Has there ever been a quiet day in this mansion?”


My father, Benedict Emblem, was like sunshine and warmth.


With hair so light brown it almost seemed blonde and pumpkin-colored eyes.


Unlike my mother, who exuded a strong presence with rich colors.


His colors were light, and unless you looked closely, his presence might go unnoticed.


He was often referred to as the most handsome man in the history of the Lutinas Empire.


“Now, Cherry. Come to your father.”




I eagerly rushed towards my father, who opened his arms wide for me.


My father was my favorite person in the mansion.


“You seem uncomfortable, Cherry.”




“Haha, even though you eat to the point of getting tired, new things keep coming in. Our Cherry must find it unpleasant to look at.”


“Yeah, yeah!”


Giggling sounds involuntarily escaped my lips.


Communication is clear. It’s really going well!


My father was the only one in this mansion who truly understood my wishes.


While others looked at me with their own judgments, only my father noticed my subtle discomfort and irritation.


“Shall we go back to the room with Father? Today, I’ll read you plenty of your favorite books.”




Clapping my hands and rolling my feet in joy, my father smiled like sunshine.


I couldn’t help but respond with a smile that momentarily let my mind wander.


‘This is amazing. Mother really hit the jackpot.’


Mother, who welcomed such a man as her husband, was enviable.


Throughout my past life and my short present life, I had never seen a man more handsome than my father.


Moreover, he was kind, wise, gentle, and mild.


‘And he’s capable.’


After marrying my mother, he took charge of managing the mansion.


While my mother, the commander of the Emblem Knights, received a salary from the imperial family, in reality, that alone was a bit insufficient to maintain such a large mansion.


The powerful wealth of nobles comes from their family, and since Mother was expelled, it was Father’s abilities that resolved this.


Starting with the hobby-level estate management, he now proudly holds the title of one of the top three estates in Lutinas.


“You smile like this only in front of Mr. Benedict, Miss.”


“Our Cherry really likes him a lot.”


Father seemed pleased that I was treating him specially.




I enthusiastically nodded, playing along.


Thanks to Father, a life of being well-off was guaranteed, which was naturally a good thing.


Moreover, Father’s smile was simply a welfare in itself. Beautiful.


“Mr. Benedict, duke Emblem’s is coming this way!”


However, the joyful mood didn’t last long.


“Already? You came even earlier today than yesterday.”


News of Duke Emblem’s visit set people in motion again.


Since his first visit to see me, he made sure to drop by every day, choosing times when Mother wasn’t around.


“Duke Seffield Emblem is entering!”


At that moment, a magnificent procession of carriages unfolded in front of the mansion.


The emblem of the Emblem family, a tiger, intricately embroidered in golden leaf, adorned an extravagant carriage.


No one knew which carriage Duke Emblem was in among the numerous ones.


I heard that in my past life, even presidents prepared multiple cars to keep people from knowing which one they were in, but here it seemed the duke received similar treatment.


Of course, in terms of extravagance, this side seemed more excessive.


After the seventh carriage passed by the mansion, Grandfather’s carriage, the eighth, stopped right in front of us.


“Have you arrived, my lord?”




Grandfather nodded and extended his hand with an imposing expression.


“Uh-uh, no!”


I vehemently shook my head, expressing my discontent.


However, Father, who seemed like he would be on my side forever just a moment ago, simply passed me over.




Betrayer, betrayer!


I resisted the awkward handshake with a sense of repulsion, struggling fiercely.


But my struggles became meaningless before Grandfather’s sturdy muscles.


“Once again, like a rotten branch. Can’t even use it as firewood.”


A chilly gaze swept over my arms and legs.


When our eyes met, he licked his lips, then spoke.


“Sending something good, and it turns out like this.”


By now, I was used to this treatment, and he visited me in this manner several times a day. It was no longer frightening.




“Aaaah! (Ah, infuriating!)”


His unfortunate and domineering attitude was infuriating.


A grown man, moreover, a gentleman of considerable age and respect in society! It’s ridiculous for him to act so childishly just because his granddaughter got engaged to a place he dislikes.


“Well, begging like this in front of me, you truly resemble your mother.”




“That’s enough.”


Grandfather scowled and handed me over to Father.


Father continued to receive me with the same gentle smile.


Perhaps aware of my frustration, Father whispered to me in a soft voice.


“It seems my lord is worried that Cherry doesn’t gain weight, aren’t you?”


“…… Uh?”


Where is he looking?


“Still, it seems my lord wishes for Cherry to grow just as lovely as Mel.”


Father’s interpretation of Grandfather’s language was truly astonishing.


Perhaps Father understanding my intentions until now was just luck.




“Yes, my Lord.”


“…… Isn’t it about time Melsia’s daughter starts walking?”


Ah. The anticipation is palpable. It’s clear what he’s expecting now.


Even as a mere child, I could feel the excitement radiating from Grandfather, something unmistakable.


Whether Father sensed it or not, he smiled joyfully and nodded.


“Of course. If you let her down now, she walks quite well already. She maintains a good balance.”


“She walks?”




“She’s already walking?”




After Father’s response, there was a moment of silence from Grandfather.


His tightly sealed lips and stern gaze indicated that something was amiss.


And it was so blatant that everyone present could easily notice.




Thud, thud, thud, thud.


Suddenly, the ground began to tremble.


‘An earthquake?!’


I was startled, clutching onto Father’s robe tightly.


“It’s okay, Cherry. Looks like my Lord is a bit surprised.”


With a gentle sweep down my back, Father reassured me.


At Father’s words, I turned my head to look at Grandfather.


A terrifying force emanated from Grandfather as he bowed his head.


“Darn it….”


At that moment, a faint curse escaped from Grandfather’s lips.


Trying not to fall while trembling, Father approached Grandfather.


“Are you alright, my Lord?”


“Jade Gray, this darn bastard dares to…!”


A tremendous roar erupted with immense vigor.


Father quickly pulled me into his arms and stepped back.




And I watched closely.


As Grandfather rolled his legs forcefully, the ground sank right there.


“He’s gone!”


Grandfather created a large hole in our mansion’s front yard and swiftly turned away.


In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.


“… Leaving the carriage behind and running.”


With Father’s mutterings, I realized that Grandfather didn’t vanish but had dashed away in an instant.











Thankyou for coming to this sites and read my translation, enjoy! Sorry if theres still have any mistake on the translation. See you on the next update!

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  1. 🐥 says:

    Wowww thanks so much translator for picking this up! I’m so exciteddd

    1. louyve says:

      Thanks for your comment, will try my best for translate this novels and post update as soon as possible.

  2. sadbeech says:

    Thank you for the update! And what a silly grandfather. I hope he makes up with his daughter soon. Also I too envy her mother for getting herself a malewife. Her dad sounds super cute.

    1. louyve says:

      Her grandpa is a tsundere 👀

  3. carolpassosd says:


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