Empress Of Ashes


Chapter 4
“Ari has chosen a very good hunting rifle.”

“You flatter me, Your Majesty.”
Father, who had his arm around Mother’s waist, praised Aristide as soon as he sat down at the dinner table. He said Aristide had a very discerning and refined taste, even more so than anyone else in the palace. It was unknown.

Just as Mother had done, Aristide had chosen the best item from the list of gifts prepared by the maids.
“He’s not flattering you.

My father always likes whatever Ari chooses as gifts the most in the world. He’s very pleased.”
With a loving smile, Alek praised his daughter.

It was a look that desperately wanted to receive his daughter’s attention and affection. However, Aristide looked at him consistently with a polite face.

He hoped his forced pretense wouldn’t leave any impression on the Emperor.

“How did you come up with the idea of giving a hunting rifle?”

“Your Majesty enjoys hunting, so I looked into it.”

“I see. If it’s alright, I’d like to teach Ari how to hunt. Nowadays, even young noble children are familiar with handling guns. How about Ari and I have a good time hunting together one of these days?”

The Emperor urged Aristide, who was clattering the dishes.
Aristide forced a shy smile. It was unbearable to pull the corners of his mouth in front of his father whom he disliked, but the other party was the Emperor.

If he were just a court official, there would be no need to pretend like this…
“I… ”

“Ari is not cut out for hunting, Your Majesty.”

Afrosa spoke up against the Emperor’s attempt to get closer to his daughter under the pretext of a hunting rifle. It wasn’t just today, the Emperor had always been like this.

Even though he knew his children who couldn’t build a bond with him during their childhood would not be acknowledged as his heirs… No. That’s why he was even more fervent.

“Ari prefers raising and loving animals more than hunting them.”

With a stern face, Afrosa suppressed his expectations. The Emperor looked at his wife, who openly opposed him.

“Then, shall we go see the goats?”

“That should be fine, right? Empress. The kid goats brought into the Imperial Villa.”

As if he couldn’t take it anymore, the Emperor responded to Afrosa’s words with a cold expression. Aristide, who was watching the situation, quietly intervened between them.

“Your Majesty. They say the gift presented by the siblings is very precious….”

Ailek, who was eyeing Afrosa, turned his gaze towards Aristeides.

Aristeides’ choice of a modest hunting rifle was more splendid than the extravagant items selected by Valeri and Gladys’ children. Silk, said to be worn only by the nobles of the southern continent.

Rare fur from lions.

Blue silk flowers and iridescent peacock feathers found only in the hinterlands beyond the continent.

Diamonds and opals gleaming with a golden hue.
Colossal statues that once adorned the entrance to ancient imperial temples…

“I heard they deliberated for a long time for today.”

Aristeides looked at the half-siblings. Amidst the dazzling array of exquisite items, she chose the hunting rifle.

It was the least prestigious item on the list of goods.

Items like rare feathers and animal fur were already individually prepared by Valeri and Gladys, and she didn’t want anything too conspicuous to catch their attention.

“Isn’t that so? Siblings.”

She asked cheerfully to divert attention.

“Although they deliberated for a long time, it seems the hunting rifle chosen by Her Highness satisfies your mother’s taste, doesn’t it?”

Aemilia replied humbly. Aristeides subtly stiffened at the mention of “Her Highness.” It seemed as if she referred to the Empress as “Her Highness.”

Moreover, she referred to herself as a sibling, yet the retort was “Her Highness.” It was a subtle line drawn to keep a distance, yet it was a clear indication.

“If Her Highness is agreeable, how about coming to the hunting grounds with me a week from now and spending time together?”
“The hunting grounds are a bit…”

“Of course, if you don’t enjoy hunting, there’s no need to handle a rifle. The hunting grounds at the palace are pleasant for a stroll. The sun is delightful, and there’s a lovely breeze. It’s rather serene in the ‘lone’ palace, but it wouldn’t be bad to spend time with noble youths of your age.”

Aemilia smiled brightly. The warmth in her solicitous words sent shivers down her spine. Each word seemed like a tender encouragement towards her, but she knew it was blatant deceit.

“Thank you for the suggestion, Princess. But as I mentioned, Aristeides has no interest in hunting. She doesn’t even like the sound from the rifle, so she has never set foot in the hunting grounds.”
“I see. However…”

“Contrary to Princess’s thoughts, life in the lone palace isn’t as dull. Besides, it’s not really ‘alone.’ It’s a small place, but there are many enjoyable things.”

Afrosa replied affectionately with an expressionless face. Aemilia stiffened, then relaxed, meeting her mother’s gaze.

“When did I ask you to care for my daughter?”

Her tone was sharp. It was as icy and cutting as an ice wall, mercilessly harsh. It was not the warmth suitable for addressing a female.

“Your, Your Majesty. I…”

“I don’t want to hear it.”

Aemilia closed her mouth. Tears began to well up in her eyes, resembling her mother’s clear green eyes.

Aristeides glanced at Valeri to gauge her reaction.

Indeed, Valeri’s expression wasn’t pleasant either.

“I feel disconcerted. Choosing a hunting rifle from among many items was not because of the Emperor, but because of Valérie and Gladys. It was to accommodate their preferences. After all, the next heir will likely be one of Valérie or Gladys’ sons. Who it will be is uncertain, but currently, the most likely candidate is the second prince.’’

Prince Carl, the eldest son of the second empress Valérie, was a young man with sharp black hair reminiscent of his father and the characteristic steel-colored eyes of the imperial family.

His resemblance to the Emperor in his youth earned him admiration from many.

Unlike the third prince Léonoc, who resembled the glamorous contours of Empress Gladys, the second prince, being the Emperor’s younger son, resembled the Emperor, quiet and prudent.

Despite his age, his gentle and cautious demeanor was compared to his great-uncle, the Marquis of Offréjus, and his thoughtful nature was said to be a trait inherent to him rather than inherited from his parents.

In short, he was considered flawless.

“Amilrie. If you cannot control your emotions, perhaps it would be best to excuse yourself for a moment? It doesn’t seem appropriate for you to be here at the dinner table, especially in this manner.”

Carl spoke to his sister. Amilrie, who was dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief, nodded and excused herself from the table.
“Pardon me.”
Amilrie got up from her seat. Aristide glanced briefly at Carl. Carl sat quietly, sipping his wine.
“How fortunate to have such brothers.”
Aristide wanted to dismiss the thought as reckless and sinister, but deep down, he knew the people were not wrong in their assessments.

Unlike Laras, he was a more perfect specimen of a man than his father, the Emperor. He possessed not only the appearance and physique inherited solely from his father but also the support of the maternal side, a power that Laras lacked.

Carl had no limitations.

Unlike Laras, who was flawed, Carl was even more perfect. His mother’s lineage constantly weakened. He could have easily been mocked for being frivolous and superficial like Léonoc if his mother had been of lowly merchant stock.

If I had been born of slave blood, you could have been mocked for being born of a humble merchant. Carl and his sister had no such minor flaws.

“How different things might have been if Laras hadn’t turned out that way?”

It was a futile thought.

Aristide turned his gaze away from the serene face of the second prince.

The Emperor. No, the eyes of the Emperor were filled with a loving light as he looked at his children. It was

the gaze of a father admiring his beautiful and virtuous daughter.

It was a tender gaze that had never been seen by many princes and princesses, but Aristide was not embarrassed.

“There will be nothing left for the princesses.”

A grim voice echoed in his ears.

The faded contours of the late Marquis of Offréjus, torn and tattered, loomed faintly. Aristide tore his gaze away from the Emperor.

The man’s words were not wrong. Arrogant and disrespectful though they were, there was no way to refute them.

Aristide would inherit nothing from the Emperor.

So, perhaps the reason his stepmother advised him not to regard the Emperor as his father was because she knew he had nothing to expect.

Even if his stepmother said he was the Emperor’s first wife, she had nothing.

Even if she regarded Aristide with disdain, Aristide would never be able to match the countless achievements of the Emperor.

Because his stepmother forcefully cut off ties with the Emperor, he too would be disconnected from her.

She was as vehemently maternal as she was maternal. She detested it when her husband’s hand touched her children.

Whenever her husband’s hand touched the heads of her son and daughter, she would recoil in horror and instinctively shake off his hand, as if to rid herself of his touch. Just seeing her brush away the spot where he had caressed was enough to know what she thought of him.

“Are we all gathered here?”
Suddenly, there was commotion at the entrance.

‘’Aristide clenched his lips at Laras’ voice. His mother’s gaze, seated beside the Emperor, fell squarely on him.

Despite having experienced it many times before, his cheeks flushed hotly at the disruption.”

“Where’s Julina? Where is Julina?”

“Your Highness, you must lower your voice at the dinner table.”

“Me? I’m already speaking quietly… Oh! There’s Julina.”

“Your Highness, you need to lower it even more.”

The servant pressed his finger to his lips, urging discretion.

But calming Laras was not easy.

Fine. I’ll sit next to Julina.”

The seats are already…”

Laras waved his hand towards his wife. Julina merely bowed her head. Aristide reddened, unable to intervene. He knew this would happen…

“I shouldn’t have come. I should have just sent a usual gift, just like always.”

Yes, just like always.

He should have sent his regards and congratulations as usual.

The last time he attended a banquet commemorating the Emperor’s birth was ten years ago. It was the last day at the palace, leaving behind the Emperor, his other wives, and their children…

“The Crown Prince seems to be in high spirits,” Carl remarked. Aristide couldn’t lift his head. Their unconventional behavior must be unsettling. His jaw trembled. When they were alone in the palace, Laras could prance around as much as he wanted, but Aristide remained composed. Seeing him like this every day made it seem normal.

“Was everyone here except me? When? When did they come here?”

Laras burst in, smiling widely like an excited child. The Empress held back the elders who rose to greet Laras, making him sit down.

“Come on, Laras. Sit here.”

The Emperor personally guided Laras to his seat.

“Father, can I sit next to Julina?”

“You can see Julina better from here. This seat is better.”

“Really. Isn’t that right, Julina?”

“Yes? Yes, Your Majesty. This seat allows me to see Crown Prince better.”

Julina awkwardly smiled in response to the Emperor’s question.

The Emperor sat her on his right, right next to Aristide. As cheerful as Laras was, the court was surprisingly quiet. Whether it was from the Prince’s impulsive actions or the Emperor’s bewildering behavior, everyone seemed stunned, their judgment clouded.


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