Dressed as Male Protagonist’s Step-Sister

It’s not rebirth, it’s entering the book

“Qian Qian, do you really plan to move to Beijing with your mother?”

A girl with short ear-length hair with the face of a well-behaved student looked at her friend and asked.

“Yeah, my mother said that they will come to pick us up the day after tomorrow.”

Yu Qian was eating potato chips without any reluctance in her tone.

“Qian Qian, you…really don’t object to your mother’s remarriage?”

Her other friend sitting across from Yu Qian asked cautiously.

“Yes, I really don’t.”

Yu Qian sighed helplessly, “I really don’t plan to be rebellious now. Besides, my mother and Uncle Bai have both received their certificates. If I continue to fuss, do I want my mother’s second marriage to turn into a divorce again?”

She had said this for five days, so why do her friends still look like they can’t believe it?

Looking at her three friends who were younger and livelier than in her memory, Yu Qian still occasionally shook her head. This feeling was really amazing. She never dreamed that one day she would gather with her friends and family inside a book.

That’s right, inside a book!

Five days ago, when she woke up, she saw her young mother and the old house where she used to live before high school. She was shocked and almost thought that she was reborn. Just when she was about to go crazy, her mother suddenly threw a marriage certificate in front of her.

Her mother told her that whether she accepted it or not, she had already registered with Bai Jin. Her tone made her think that she was an evil mother-in-law who beat mandarin ducks with sticks, making Yu Qian almost vomit blood at that thought.

What’s going on, the rebirth also comes with a stepfather?

It took three days for Yu Qian to accept the setting of herself entering a novel—

A novel written with her as a template, but she was not the protagonist, but a vicious female supporting role.

The female supporting actress “Yu Qian” had the same experience from childhood to adulthood as she did, so when she entered the book, she accidentally thought she was reborn.

Just when Yu Qian was distracted, her friend Wang Jiajia next to her wanted to secretly take a bite of the sausage from her hand.

Yu Qian raised her hand to dodge, and in front of Wang Jiajia’s disappointed eyes, she smiled smugly at her, and put the sausage to her mouth.

Just as she was about to start eating, she suddenly remembered that Wang Jiajia was the author of the book, and she was also a major contributor as to why she transmigrated into the book.

Thinking of this, Yu Qian hurriedly held the sausage in front of Wang Jiajia’s mouth and asked her to take a bite.

Yes, she knew that the novel she entered was written by the friend next to her.

Because in the first twenty chapters of the book, the main content was the interesting stories of “Yu Qian” since childhood, as well as the daily interaction with her mother and friends.

Even some embarrassing things she never mentioned to outsiders were clearly written in the book. The only people who knew were these three in front of her.

As for why she become a female supporting role of the vicious kind under her best friend Wang Jiajia’s pen, she knew the reason.

The reason was very simple… She and Wang Jiajia quarreled.

The reason for their quarrel was that Wang Jiajia believed her boyfriend who cheated on her again and again, and then later cried in front of Yu Qian, resulting in her scolding Wang Jiajia, leading to the quarrel between two best friends.

At that time, Wang Jiajia spoke harshly to her, “What do you know when you yourself are single? You’re scolding me now, but if you chased after guys, you might be even worse than me. Believe it or not, I will give you a taste of it!”

She scolded her so harshly that Yu Qian thought she was going to make a big move until she saw the content behind this novel.

She originally thought she was the heroine of the book “Yu Qian”. Her mother suddenly married for a second time into the wealthy Bai Family in Beijing. She was also inexplicably brought along as a drag bottle (child from a previous marriage).

What was even more terrifying was that “Yu Qian” fell in love with her step-brother, Bai Qiming, at first sight. Since then, she started stalking her step-brother, running on the road of breaking up Bai Qiming and his little green plum.

In the more than 70 chapters that followed, “Yu Qian” was constantly seeking death and eventually became a piece of dog shit that could not be wiped clean on Bai Qiming’s love path.

After reading the entire novel, she just wanted to ha ha!

Wang Jiajia’s revenge method was better than primary school students cursing you in circles.

But these were not important to Yu Qian. What was important was that her mother was alive in the book until the end!

Compared to her mother who had been dead for five years because of stomach cancer in reality, the mother in the book who just remarried was really no big deal.

“Seriously, Qian Qian, I’m quite unused to you suddenly becoming a good daughter.” Fang Yan reached out and touched Yu Qian’s hair, combing her hair smoothly.

Fang Yan was very emotional when she thought of the explosive hairstyle that Yu Qian had made in order to anger her mother in the past, but it was now much more pleasing to the eye.

“I really, really don’t plan to be rebellious anymore.” Yu Qian let Fang Yan’s hand mess up her head and continued to eat the sausage in her hand, her tone a little vague.

Her image of going against her mother in the past was so deeply rooted in the hearts of her best friends that now everyone felt that she was holding back.

“Qian Qian, let us help you pack your luggage tomorrow.” Her other friend, Qi Yu, on the opposite side of Yu Qian spoke, “You can’t pack well by yourself.”



Yu Qian said goodbye to her three friends and walked home with a smile on her face.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw her mother sitting in the living room on the phone with a serious look on her face.

Yu Qian sat down next to her mother with a big smile. It was great that after those five long years, she could finally see her mother again. She could be a child with a mother again.

“Qian Qian, mom will go out later. Auntie will come to cook dinner. You must have dinner at night, do you hear me?”

After Wang Hui finished the phone call, she turned to look at Yu Qian with a serious tone.

Wang Hui was very surprised by Yu Qian’s transformation in the past few days. However, she was used to being serious and didn’t know how to treat Yu Qian, who suddenly became obedient.

“I know Mom, you have to remember to eat at night, don’t go hungry.”

Yu Qian replied very obediently. She sighed a little in her heart. It was really an amazing feeling. Before, she would only feel that her mother was annoying and would only argue. But now, she could feel her mother’s serious concern.

Wang Hui talked with Yu Qian for a little more and then hurried out the door.

Yu Qian kept watching as her mother got into the car, and then she looked back at the small black and white spotted dog that had been spinning around her feet.

“Bai Bai, the day after tomorrow we are going to our new home.” Yu Qian reached out and touched Bai Bai’s head.

Bai Bai was still a small puppy when he was brought home, two years after her mother died. It was carried home by her previous dog, DaBai (Big Bai).

DaBai had been with her for fourteen years, but one morning in the second month after bringing BaiBai back, she never woke up again.

Only then did she know why DaBai, who was never seen with other dogs, suddenly brought back a puppy from outside and was willing to keep him by her side.

DaBai was entrusting the orphan, BaiBai to her. DaBai knew that she was going to die, so she entrusted BaiBai to her.

Unfortunately, in this book, DaBai was still dead. Even though she missed Da Bai, she died of old age, so she had no regrets.

Perhaps because of this reason, Wang Jiajia only mentioned BaiBai in the book.

After playing with the dog for a while, Yu Qian went upstairs to sleep after eating the dinner made by the aunt. Before going to bed, she devotedly worshipped the gods and… Wang Jiajia.

She really wasn’t cursing her friend, just respecting the author. Hopefully this wasn’t a dream. If it was, please at least let her finish it.


kiwi’s notes:-
Kiwi here everyone~
I picked up this novel to share with my beloved readers because it contains a good flow of comedy and fluff to make your day better (^π~π^)9
please look forward to it !

With love,
Kiwi ♡

Today’s TMI:- 9th March is the birthday of one of the greatest personalities I have known , concluding the notes with his one of the memorable lines :
“ Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. ”

— Rabindranath Tagore


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♡ Thank you for reading~ see you in the next update !


  1. Purple says:

    Thank you for translating this novel!!! uwu

    1. Kiwi says:

      Thank you for reading~

  2. Zara Arshad says:

    The novel is good 👍 When are you going to update it?

    1. Kiwi says:

      Thank you very much for showing the interest and reading it ~ the next update is in two days^^ see wait till then~

      1. Kuroneko36 says:

        Is the translation dropped?

        1. Kiwi says:

          Not dropped 🙂

  3. DarkPhoenix18 says:

    Umm….. It’s 2024 just wanted to ask when will this be back?

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