Drama Queen Wins Easily In Historical Novel


The little cub’s hands were small and weak. It was better to say that they were working together than playing in the water together.

Looking at the bad woman hanging clothes in front of them, the three short guys raised their heads. After a while, they were pushed aside and sat down to play with your Rubik’s Cube.

The little villains who have never played before finally felt the slightest hint of knocking on the door. The first one to turn the six sides together was Xie Xingrong, the third son.


“Brother is so awesome.”

“San Zai is awesome!”

The three elders praised the younger one, making the shy San Zai smile shyly, but his dark, slightly timid and numb eyes were now full of joy. He was bright and happy.

“Our eldest son is also great, and our second son is about to catch up with you. Come on…” Lin Chuxia treated everyone equally. After drying her clothes, she moved a small stool and sat next to her, clapping her hands and smiling at them.

Under the warm sunshine, with the occasional breeze blowing by, the little cuties playing with the Rubik’s Cube with their heads lowered, and Lin Chuxia’s exaggerated words as she praised them, looked so warm and harmonious.

After finishing so many things, Lin Chuxia, who played with the three cubs for a while, found that the sun was getting higher and hotter, “Okay, it’s time to go home. Mom will be cooking soon. What should we eat for lunch today? “

The little kids are sallow and thin and needs to be well nourished. Just eating porridge is not enough for them. They should have meat and vegetables too. By the way, her supermarket also has milk powder?

Yes… why did she forget it this morning?

A cup of milk every day will definitely help them to put on weight in less than half a month.

“Sausage.” Dazai knew that what he ate this morning was sausage, and he couldn’t forget it. It was delicious. If he could, he would like to live a life where he could eat sausage every day.

He thought, this is a happy life, right?

When he subconsciously stated his wish, he puffed up his face again, and his two little hands involuntarily twisted the corners of his clothes because of tangles, as if he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

“Sausage… that’s okay.” Lin Chuxia touched the eldest son’s little head, then turned to the other two and asked, “Our Dazai likes to eat sausage, but what about Erzai and Sanzai? Do you like it? ?”

Er Zai and San Zai nodded with bright eyes. The sausage is delicious and they want to eat it too.

Lin Chuxia was going to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables. By the way, she would have to pour vegetables on them at night. It was really tiring.

The three little villains were also going to follow. The little Rubik’s Cube was still well placed for fear of losing it. As soon as they went out, they saw the figure of her cousin Lin Qiu Shuang coming towards their home from a distance.

Cousin? Lin Qiu Shuang? Isn’t she the heroine?

Hey, what are you doing here?

As soon as the three villains saw Lin Qiu Shuang, they remembered Lin Qiu Shuang’s disgust for them, and… the bad woman said that her cousin always said bad things about them, which is why the bad woman bullied them like this… …

The eldest son was not afraid of the bad woman, but he was worried that the her cousin would bully his younger brother, so he stretched out his short hand to protect his younger brothers, hid behind the door, and listened with open ears.

Lin Chuxia glanced at the three eavesdropping little guys from the corner of her eye, but didn’t pay attention. Her tearful and aggrieved eyes looked straight at Lin Qiu Shuang who was walking towards her home.

As soon as she saw Lin Qiu Shuang walking to the front, Lin Chuxia’s tearful eyes fell like raindrops, “Oh, cousin, I’m so miserable…”

At this time, a tourniquet-like cloth was still tied on her forehead. Of course, Lin Qiu Shuang, who had never used a tourniquet before, didn’t know what a tourniquet was at all.

“Oh, Chuxia, why are you so miserable?” She had heard that Lin Chuxia was beaten by Xie Jingming’s aunt again, hahaha… Lin Chuxia, finally you also have such days.

She, Lin Qiu Shuang was married to Xie Jingming in her previous life.
Xie Jingming is just as he was in previous life. Not to mention the bridal chamber, he didn’t even finish the wedding banquet and was in a hurry to go on a mission.

Many people in the village laughed at her at that time, but the most disgusting one was Xie Jingming’s uncle and aunt, who always stood on the highest moral level and assaulted her. After seeing injuries all over her body at that time Lin Chuxia still pretended to give her food. What did she say that time? That she felt pity and sympathy towards Lin Qiu Shuang.

But now she is just like Lin Chuxia in her previous life, who came over to watch the excitement. Oh, she is in a good mood now. What is this called? Karma.

Lin Chuxia didn’t seem to notice the gloating in Lin Qiu Shuang’s eyes. She was crying. She took a step forward and grabbed Lin Qiu Shuang’s hand. “Cousin, my aunt-in-law has taken away all our food. Wuwu, what should I do next? Please help me.”

When Lin Chuxia held her hand tightly, she almost threw her away in pain, but she thought that she couldn’t fall out with Lin Chuxia now. With a sad face, she forced a smile, “How can I help you?”

“Cousin, please send me ten kilograms of food…” Lin Chuxia’s voice was a little weak and low, but as soon as she spoke it, she was very domineering and asked directly for ten kilograms of grain.

Lin Qiu Shuang: You are dreaming!

“Haha, Chuxia, stop making trouble. Where can I get ten kilograms of food for you?” Even if Lin Qiu Shuang had ten kilograms of food, she couldn’t give it to Lin Chuxia.

“Then, then you bring me five eggs. Wuwu, cousin, it was you who didn’t want to marry the Xie family, so you asked me to come. You have to make it up to me.” Lin Chuxia tightened her grip and demanded confidently.

“Oh, cousin, if you don’t want to, I will go home immediately and ask my uncle to exchange us back.” Lin Chuxia said, then touched her head and told Lin Qiu Shuang how miserable she was.

“If it doesn’t work, I will go to the captain to make trouble, wuwu… You still instigated me to bully the children of the Xie family.” Lin Chuxia threatened while crying, but her hand was tightly grasped, and Lin Qiu Shuang couldn’t bear it. She hissed in pain.

“Okay, okay, I’ll get it for you, I’ll get it for you.” Lin Qiu Shuang had no choice but to nod her head repeatedly to express het agreement.

“Really? Cousin? You won’t lie to me, right?” Lin Chuxia looked at Lin Qiu Shuang with suspicious eyes. Her bright and clear eyes looked directly at Lin Qiu Shuang, as if she wanted to look into her heart through her eyes. .

“Of course it’s true. How can I lie to you?” Lin Qiu Shuang rolled her eyes angrily, feeling that Lin Chuxia’s failure to believe her was an insult to her personality.

Only then did Lin Chuxia let go of Lin Qiu Shuang’s hand, and Lin Qiu Shuang began to prepare to ‘brainwash’ Lin Chuxia to treat the three white-eyed wolves well, when Lin Chuxia asked innocently, “Cousin, didn’t you say you want to give me five eggs? Why aren’t you going? Did you lie to me?”

Her eyes widened, with a hint of suspicion on her face, as if she didn’t believe her anymore.

Suddenly, Lin Qiushuang was a little angry. Isn’t it just a trivial matter? She had been coaxing Lin Chuxia all day long, but now she suddenly… distrusted herself?

Deep down in her heart, Lin Qiushuang had already labeled Lin Chuxia a ‘white-eyed wolf’, especially when those innocent eyes kept urging her to go home quickly to get her eggs, which made her even more angry.


Looking around, she didn’t see the three dirty little ghosts. When she came to find Lin Chuxia before, she could see the three dirty little ghosts digging for weeds next to the house or on the roadside.

“Chuxia, where are the three white-eyed wolves?” Lin Qiu Shuang asked Lin Chu Xia directly.

“Cousin, didn’t you say you would bring me five eggs? Why don’t you go? Are you reluctant? I was hit in the head by Aunt Luo Tang, and I almost went crazy. You don’t even care about me. Didn’t you say that I am the closest to you? Why don’t you care about me?”

Lin Qiu Shuang gasped with anger like an unreasonable girlfriend. Lin Chuxia is still so stupid that she can’t understand people’s faces. Who cares about you? Who do you think you are?

Pursing her lips, she forced down the anger in her heart, forced out a smile, and felt sorry for Lin Chuxia, “Isn’t this because I care about you? Chu Xia, are those three little white-eyed wolves angry with you? You’re injured so badly, and they don’t know how to care for you…”

The three cubs who were hiding behind the door and listening to their conversation widened their eyes with anger, especially the eldest Xie Hongchu, who clenched his little fists tightly. Damn it, that one is indeed a bad guy.

And those pricked ears are still listening to the bad woman’s answer. If, if, that bad woman really, really listens to the bad guy and bullies his brother again, he, he, will never forgive her again.

He saw Lin Chuxia crying with a “wow” sound, and there was no beauty in the way she shed tears, “Cousin, you don’t care about me anymore. You didn’t ask me if I hurt, or if I was hungry. Are you… “Changed?”

Lin Qiu Shuang: God has changed his mind. Lin Chuxia must have something wrong with her brain. No, it disgusts her.

“Then I’ll go back and get you eggs right now. You wait and have a good rest.” Lin Qiu Shuang didn’t want to see Lin Chuxia recently. She also wanted to go to Sun Xiangxue to get closer.

In her previous life, Lin Chuxia married Sun Xiangxue and lived a good life. She lived in a foreign house, drove a car, and was on TV. If she had married Sun Xiangxue, she would have lived a life that everyone would envy.

Before Lin Qiu Shuang left, she glanced at Lin Chuxia sympathetically with a haughty expression. I’m sorry, Lin Chuxia, for taking away your future good husband, but I will help you take care of your family.

My previous life was really too miserable, too miserable.

After Lin Qiu Shuang left, Lin Chuxia wiped her tears nonchalantly, turned her head and said to the three little boys behind the door, “Let’s go pick vegetables.”

As soon as Lin Chuxia called out, the three little cubs poked their heads out and looked over. Seeing Lin Chuxia with a gentle aura and a gentle smile on her face looking at them, they slowly moved out, for fear that Lin Chuxia would hit them.

“Let’s go, mommy will take you to conquer the vegetable field!” Lin Chuxia, who suddenly transformed into a middle-aged child, held Erzai’s hand domineeringly. Those words made the three children look up at her speechlessly.

“Well, mommy has been working hard today. Look, mommy has a forehead like this. If she had a fight with her cousin, mommy would definitely not be able to win, right?” She squatted down and asked the three little cubs to stand in front of her, teaching them what they shouldn’t be evil in everything.

“We must learn to show weakness, paralyze the other party first, and then fight back when the other party is not paying attention. You have to use your brain in everything. You three little cubs only need to protect yourselves. Do you understand? “

The three little cubs were thoughtful: Okay, we remember it!

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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