Drama Queen Wins Easily In Historical Novel


She immediately waved to the three little cubs. Her mysterious appearance really attracted the attention and curiosity of the three little children.

Moving their steps slowly, Lin Chuxia did not pay attention to their vigilance. After all, Rome was not built in a day, and she had to shoulder the blame of the original owner.

Finally, when the three of them stood in front of her, Lin Chuxia opened the small wooden box. There were toiletries in it, toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, shampoo, small cups…etc.!

Anyway, they are all things used at home.

Lin Chuxia stretched out her hand and touched these things, which seemed to be trembling. She raised her head and looked at the three little villains in front of her with a nostalgic look on her face. Her expression was gentle and pitiful, “When I learned that I was marrying your father, I was so happy, that I’ve secretly hidden the money to prepare a gift for you.”

Let’s patch up with them first. Of course, the original owner also hid the family money given by Xie Jingming. He also knew that his newly married wife had no money to raise children. So he gave her wage, subsidy allowance and so on.

It is also hidden in a dark corner of the room. When the time comes, she will pretend to take the money to buy something from the supply and marketing cooperative in the town, but actually change it out in the small supermarket. It is perfect!

“It’s all my fault that my cousin often comes to our house and always says bad things about you. And your father also left just after getting married. Mother is feeling bitter and hurt.m..”

Lin Chuxia, who doesn’t need to maintain a persona, is now starting to let herself go and act. That’s right, but the three little cubs in front of her are too young to tell whether her acting is real or not.

Listening to Lin Chuxia’s words, the three little cubs didn’t know what to say anymore. They looked at the small cups, small toothbrushes, toothpaste, and small towels placed in front of them… and then remembered what Lin Chuxia said.

Anyway, anyway, it’s all the fault of this bad woman and her cousin, but the cousin is even worse…

“Come on, mommy will teach you how to brush your teeth. Oops, I heard that people who don’t brush their teeth will have bad breath all day long and are despised by everyone.” Lin Chuxia’s exaggerated tone was full of tender concern for them, and she led them to the kitchen.

Of course, when Lin Chuxia prepared these things for them, she did not forget her share.

As soon as they heard that not brushing their teeth would cause bad breath, the three little cubs immediately grabbed the small cups and small toothbrushes in front of them. They didn’t want to stink.

There was still water brought back from the well last night. Lin Chuxia, who taught them how to brush their teeth, squatted there with them and brushed their teeth. For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly became warm and lively.

“First take a sip of water, then spit it out, and then brush like this…” When Lin Chuxia taught, smallest child still swallowed the sweet toothpaste. Only after Lin Chuxia repeatedly stopped him did he learn to brush his teeth.

For the three children, whose oldest was less than five years old, she did not dare to let them do dangerous tasks, such as cutting sweet potatoes, lighting fires, etc. She had to go to the well to fetch water.

“Mom is going to fetch water. You guys sit here obediently.” Lin Chuxia arranged for the three of them to sit on a small stool and patted their heads continuously.

“Okay.” The second cub nodded obediently. The third cub didn’t answer. He lowered his head and looked at the table in front of him. The eldest cub looked to the other side with a sullen face, as if he didn’t want to talk to Lin Chuxia.

Carrying the bucket out again, Lin Chuxia met other people in the village on the way to the well. When the uncles and aunties saw Lin Chuxia, they saw a bandage tied on her head and thought it was torn from her clothes.

Oops, they have all heard about what happened yesterday. The new daughter-in-law of the Xie family was also miserable (being bullied by the elders of the Xie family), but she was also cruel (bullying Xie Jingming’s three children).

“Jing Ming’s wife, are you coming out to fetch water?”

“Hey, do you know? Something big happened to your aunt’s house last night.”

“That’s not it. I heard she was bitten by a snake, right? I live next door to their house, I heard howling ghosts and wolves in the middle of the night. “

Several people originally greeted Lin Chuxia, but while talking, they started talking about gossip in the village.

Lin Chuxia’s face was full of shock, with a bit of frightened worry, “There are snakes?”

“Isn’t this normal? We live at the foot of the mountain.” She felt that Lin Chuxia was a little fussy, and then she seemed to remember something, “Chu Xia How did you feel when you were fell down ?”

Lin Chuxia knew that the aunt in front of her was talking about her aunt pushing her, so she subconsciously touched her forehead, “Auntie, I am okay no. “

” Is my aunt injured?”

“Bah, she is not injured, but when she heard that she was bitten, she went to take medicine from the old man at the end of the village…” The aunt said at Lin Chuxia’s words.

“Oh? So, she is okay ?” Lin Chuxia’s attitude was flat and she didn’t seem to be excited about this matter. Seeing her aunt shaking her head, Lin Chuxia sighed inwardly.

Lin Chuxia: It’s such a pity. I thought she could get away with it…

Xie Jingming is the father of the little villain. Xie Jingming’s grandparents gave birth to two sons together.

Xie Jingming father was the eldest son. The eldest daughter-in-law died in childbirth when giving birth to Xie Jingming. The eldest son did not want to remarry, so he was disliked by the Xie family.

When Xie Jingming was seven or eight years old, Xie Jingming’s father died, and his aunt Luo Tang was forced to reluctantly provide him with some food to raise him until he was fourteen or fifteen years old.

But it wasn’t for free. Most of the work at home and outside was given to Xie Jingming, and he was used as if he were a maid in the family.

Xie Jingming went to the military camp and later sent money back to them to repay his “nurturing grace” for those five or six years.

The old couple and his uncle and aunt already subconsciously believed that all the wages and subsidies earned by Xie Jingming should be used to be filial to them. Who knew that Xie Jingming inadvertently brought three children back.

Then, he married a new wife. She was dove occupying magpie’s nest…, one thing after another…and didn’t give them any time to react.
So she often came to their door to make trouble. This time she almost killed Lin Chuxia. The Aunt Luo Tang was panicking. She was bitten by a snake again that night. She cried and made a fuss. She had no suspicion of Lin Chuxia.

She wondered if her daughter-in-law was dissatisfied with her and deliberately let a snake to bite her. After all, someone like her could be so mean to Lin Chuxia and her own daughter-in-law.

The daughters-in-law at home were dissatisfied with themselves. Occasionally, her son would often argue with her over the daughter-in-law’s issues, which made the aunt even angrier. She believed that her son had been snatched away. She only spoke out when facing Xie Jingming’s family.

No, as soon as the Aunt Luo Tang came home from the old village doctor’s house, she started to make a fuss, which made her crazy.

Otherwise, how could other people in the village know so quickly? People passing by heard the noise, tut tut tut…

Lin Chuxia didn’t care about it. She carried a bucket and imitated how others used to draw water from wells. It was difficult and impossible to learn, so she let the villagers who were there, to help.

“Yunxiang, you are so awesome.” Lin Chuxia looked at the little daughter-in-law in front of her with admiration, her bright smiling eyes made the little daughter-in-law in front of her purse her lips a little shyly.

“It’s okay…” The newly married daughter-in-law who came to the village was nimble and diligent. The only thing was that she was not particularly familiar with the people here. Isn’t Lin Chuxia in front of her a good person?

Under Lin Chuxia’s sweet compliments, Ma Yunxiang’s face turned red with embarrassment, almost pulling Lin Chuxia to say she was her good sister…

Lin Chuxia, who was carrying most of the bucket of water back, saw three very well-behaved little cubs sitting on a small stool. A gentle smile appeared on her face, “Mom is back.”

After the voice fell, the three little cubs raised their heads. They looked over and saw Lin Chuxia carrying the water back with difficulty. The arduous movements showed Lin Chuxia’s difficulty.

The Eldest looked at Lin Chuxia hesitantly, then looked down at his small palms. Without saying anything, he saw Lin Chuxia taking out three or four sweet potatoes, “Mom is going to wash the sweet potatoes. Do you want to go with mom? “

Now that Lin Chuxia knows how hard it is to carry water, she doesn’t plan to wash the sweet potatoes at home. The sweet potatoes are so dirty that the water must be changed two or three times before they are washed clean.

She originally planned to go alone, but when she came back with water just now, three little cubs were sitting on the small stool waiting for her. It was really pitiful sight.

As soon as the three little cubs heard Lin Chuxia’s question, they raised their heads and looked at her with their dark eyes. By the stream? If they go, the bad woman must be trying to push them into the water.

Seeing them shaking their heads, Lin Chuxia didn’t think much about it. It was easy to wash sweet potatoes anyway, and she also went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables and washed them with the sweet potatoes, and brought them back.

After returning, on the pretense of going to the room to get food, she also picked up a few sausages from her small supermarket and put them into the porridge to cook… Well, she had to cut them first.

Three little cubs were sitting there. Lin Chuxia saw that they seemed bored, so she brought a small Rubik’s Cube, the kind specially for children to play with.

Lin Chuxia threw the rice and sausages on the kitchen chopping board, then sat in front of the small table. She took out the small Rubik’s Cube and placed it in front of the table. She smiled sweetly, gently and amiably, “This is what mother brought. I heard that only smart children can play with this.”

When the three little cubs heard this very simple provocation, they couldn’t help but move their eyes towards the little Rubik’s Cube. After Lin Chuxia taught them how to play, she put it on the table, and then left a sentence: The smartest child can make each of these six colors one side.

Then, she cut the sausages, put the rice, make a fire, and occasionally looked up at the three little kids struggling with the Rubik’s Cube. When the porridge is almost ready, she stir-fry the vegetables. After all, the combination of meat and vegetables is the most nutritious.

On the other side, the Dazai was holding a small Rubik’s Cube in his small hand. Because he couldn’t turn it two sides, sweat was pouring out from his forehead. The Sanzai and the Erzali next to him came over, stretching out their short fingers. They were directing their brother how to turn, and the scene looked warm and harmonious.

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