Drama Queen Wins Easily In Historical Novel


The three little children no longer remember their parents very much. They were too young at that time. They only remember the days after they were carried back to the countryside by their father. Because several ‘elders’ of the Xie family were here, their clothes are always the same.

Even if Xie Jingming bought new clothes for the three of them, after Xie Jingming left in a few days, those so-called new clothes would still be taken away by Aunt Luo Tang and the others, leaving them with just a pile of tattered and dirty old clothes.

If Xie Jingming hadn’t made a special trip home without notifying anyone because he had to go on an urgent mission six months ago, Xie Jingming would not have discovered that the Xie family was harsh on his three children.

Xie Jingming was so angry that he fought with the two sons of the Xie family on the spot and beat them up. But there was nothing he could do. He had to go on a mission, and he couldn’t take his children with him at all.

So, he thought about marrying a kind-hearted wife to take care of the children. At the very least… help him take care of the children. All his salary and allowances could be sent home. Anyway, he didn’t have to spend anything in the army.

When the child grows older, if she has someone she likes or wants to leave, he can also let her take all the money away.

It was a little compensation from him.

But Xie Jingming ignored that a newly married daughter-in-law with a timid temper and a good heart was no match for the dog nature of his aunt’s family.

Therefore, the three little children have not worn new clothes since they can remember. Now, they got up and happily ran around their house with their slippers on.

Occasionally, they used their short hands to touch their new clothes. There were three colors and two styles. They were obviously ‘brother clothes’. The three little children liked them.

“Okay, okay, it’s time to brush your teeth and wash your face. I’m going to eat all the meat soon and won’t leave it for you.” Lin Chuxia, who felt helpless, urged them angrily.

As soon as the three little boys heard that the stupid woman was going to eat up all the meat, they immediately went to the cup and toothbrush on the small table with their short legs to pour water and brush their teeth. They loved to be clean.

After brushing their teeth, washing their face and hands, they sat on the stool and waited obediently for Lin Chuxia to bring a plate of meat buns, a plate of boiled eggs, and a cup of milk powder for each person. It was simple, healthy and nutritious.

As soon as they touched it, it felt hot and they took their hands back. Lin Chuxia sighed, “Don’t hurry, your hands will be burned later, and it will be painful for you. Come on, mommy will teach you…”

After breakfast, they were very full and energetic. Before Lin Chuxia took them to cut pig grass, the three villains were very reluctant to part with their new clothes and not wanted to change them.

Why are you wearing new clothes when you are working?

Seeing their actions, Lin Chuxia raised her eyebrows in surprise, “Ah, don’t you like these new clothes? Mom even asked someone to help make the clothes…”

Lin Chuxia saw them like this happy, she thought they liked it very much.

” We are going to work, so wearing new clothes are easy to get dirty. If you accidentally get cut, your new clothes will become rotten because they are not new.”

Lin Chuxia: “Okay so you guys just accompany mom and don’t work. “

Lin Chuxia actually has selfish motives. She is really not the kind of selfless person. Why does she want to let her children walk more? In fact, she just doesn’t want to be alone while working.

Cutting pigweed is such a boring job, and with a few children, talking and laughing, time passes easily, and it can be said to add some color and luster to her lonely and boring job of cutting pigweed.

“Come on, put on the straw hats that Grandma Wang made for us.” Lin Chuxia said, grabbing the three children directly, not allowing them to change clothes, and putting on new straw hats for them.

After looking around, Lin Chuxia nodded with satisfaction, “Yes, yes, this is my Lin Chuxia’s sons. How beautiful, just like me!”

After Lin Chuxia’s voice fell, the three cubs raised their heads and looked at Lin Chuxia’s beautiful face which was filled with tenderness. It was not just the three little cubs who benefited from the nourishment during this period.

Except for cutting pigweed in the morning, she didn’t go out in the sun much. She would just go to vegetable garden to pick vegetables once or twice in the morning. The rest of the time she stayed at home. Hence she became a little whiter and mellower with supplements.

Dazai: Besides, he’s not her biological son, so how could he be like her?

Erzai: She, she, beautiful, confident…

Sanzai: Shy.

After hearing Lin Chuxia’s words, the three little cubs had different reactions, but they still stretched out their short hands and touched the new straw hats on their heads. When they didn’t even notice, the corners of their mouths raised a happy smile and their eyes filled with cheerful and bright colors.

“Let’s go, let’s conquer that pile of pig grass together today!” Lin Chuxia waved her arms and led her little children towards the pig grass field at the foot of the mountain.

Along the way, the three little cubs were wearing identical new clothes and following the adult attracted a lot of people’s attention along the way.

The adults passing by couldn’t help but laugh teasingly, “Oh, Jingming’s family, why are the children wearing new clothes today?”

“In early summer, she is finally willing to buy new clothes for the children. There are also new straw hats, you can tell The three little guys are pretty good-looking.”

Under the cheerful words of these gossipy aunts, the three little guys all had embarrassed smiles. As for their subtext, they were subconsciously ignored by the three little guys.

What happened before is not important. What is important is what the lives of the three brothers will be like in the future.

The aunts and ladies all felt that Lin Chuxia had now learned to be a good stepmother, which was very good. It was all because of their teachings.

For Lin Chuxia, all their words went in from left ear and out of the right ear, with a smile on her face and a very teachable look, which made the aunts in the village feel that she was actually a good girl, but she was bullied by the Xie family before, and now the Xie family members stopped bullying her, she is treating the children better.

But they ignored that when Lin Chuxia went to the market town to buy clothes and shoes for the children, the Xie family still was bullying Lin Chuxia’s family that night.

And some children looked at the three little children with envy, and they were so greedy that they immediately turned around and ran home to find their grandma and mother to wear new clothes.

Of course, only favored children dare to make such requests to adults, thinking that they can wear new clothes and show off like the Xie boys. As a result, they were scolded and some were even beaten.

The aggrieved children ran out sadly. They were going to look for foreign help. Why was the Xie boys mother willing to buy them new clothes?

The three sons who had just cut their hair and walked happily with little steps came home. Then they saw a few little boys squatting at the door, clenching their fists angrily and saying something.

“Dazai, Dazai, you are back quickly, come here quickly, I have something to ask you!” As soon as they saw Dazai and the others coming back, the angry little boys’ eyes suddenly lit up and they rushed over.

The eldest son was frightened by the enthusiastic little boy, and his eyes widened subconsciously. The next second, he was surrounded by this group of children as if he was being overwhelmed.

“Dazai, Dazai, come here quickly, we have something to ask you.” They grabbed Dazai  and subconsciously glanced at Lin Chuxia next to them. It seemed that because Lin Chuxia was there, they did not dare to express their intention.

Lin Chuxia: It makes me seem like I like hearing the secrets of you kids.

“You guys can play, I’ll do the laundry.” Lin Chuxia casually waved, but before leaving, she glanced at the group of boys and said, “You guys, can’t bully my sons while I’m away okay!! “

The little boys who were warned looked at Lin Chuxia with a bit of confusion, and then shook their heads quickly. They never bullied others, and they did not come to bully them.

The three little children listened to Lin Chuxia’s warning. Sanzai touched his new straw hat again with his short hand. Dazai had a cool and arrogant look on his face, thinking: He is not such a kid who is easily bullied.

When Lin Chuxia was doing the two tasks of washing clothes and carrying water, she didn’t take her three cubs with her. They didn’t help and were in the way, so she just went out alone.

Lin Chuxia went to wash clothes, and the three little children were surrounded by a group of little boys. They looked at the three little children with envy in their eyes. For the three of them, it might be because of Lin Chuxia’s previous explanation of why they were called Da Zai, Er Zai, San Zai were convinced.

Therefore, when facing other people, Da Zai and the three of them all call themselves Da Zai,Er Zai, San Zai. After all, most people in the village call them by their nicknames.

“Dazai, your mother is so kind to you. She really bought you new clothes. It’s not even the Chinese New Year…” It usually takes three years for their clothes to be mended. Except for the Chinese New Year when they will tear out cloth to make them new clothes, the rest of the time…don’t even think about it!

So, now is time to get ready for the harvest. How could Dazai’s mom be so willing to buy them new clothes without worrying about them getting dirty and messy?

Da Zai listened to their questions and thought about it in his mind. After thinking about what happened before, “Our clothes were dirty and torn, so they were thrown away.”

In fact, what Dazai said was not a lie, but it was not the real reason why Lin Chuxia bought them clothes. They didn’t know either. But… They still have two or three sets of clothes for a change of clothes.

However, after thinking about it, Dazai couldn’t explain the reason. In fact, the bad woman has become a lot better. She buys them clothes, meat, eggs… But, these words cannot be said out loud, the eldest cub, the second cub, and the third cub told themselves in their ignorant subconscious.

As soon as those words were spoken, the little boys looked down at their clothes, and then thought about the pile of clothes at home.

Although they are old clothes, their mother is very capable and can use needle and thread to mend the damaged areas. There is no need to buy new clothes at all…

“We understand!” The little boy who took the lead nodded seriously. With an instructive look on his face, the other boys looked at him.

What understand, we don’t know yet.

“Xiao Gang, what do you want to do?” A few of the less intelligent ones approached with blank eyes. A few of them lowered their heads and whispered, and soon ran away in a swarm.

The three little children were left behind: Forget it, they went home. The bad woman said that she would raise them to be white and fat. She also said that they would turn black if they were exposed to the sun for a long time. It would be good for them to go back and play Ludo.

In fact, they just wanted to invite the little boys to play Ludo together, but before they could say anything, they ran away.

When Lin Chuxia came back from washing clothes and hung them to dry while wearing a straw hat, three little children also ran over on their short legs, doing what they could.

Sanzai was responsible for picking up the clothes from the bucket and handing them to the Dazai and the Erzai respectively.  Dazai and Erzai were each responsible for hanging the clothes with clothes forks, and then handed them to Lin Chuxia, and asked Lin Chuxia to hang them on the bamboo pole.

The three little children are actually young, but under Er Zai’s remarks that “if she has to work hard, the bad woman will not support the three brothers,” the three little children are still very diligent in doing housework.

For example, Lin Chuxia did not stop them even though they were within their capabilities. The little children were more diligent, which was conducive to cultivating the advantages of hard work.

After drying the clothes, because she was worried that the three little children would be autistic and overthinking if they stayed at home all day long, Lin Chuxia was very caring and urged them to go and play with their friends.

“They are not free today.” Dazai cool little milky voice came slowly, with a hint of disgust at the same time.

That look made Lin Chuxia a little curious, “Oh, what are they doing today?”

“They… went to play rolling games…” After Xiao Gang said that he understood, Dazai and the others followed up to watch, thinking that they wanted to play together, but the result… was too dirty. The three little children wearing new clothes were disgusted. They couldn’t bear to have their new clothes dirty and torn. You know, they don’t know how to mend clothes at all.

Moreover, in the minds of the little children, mended clothes are no longer new clothes!
So they ran home, put on new clothes, played Ludo.

Lin Chuxia started to make pork bone soup, there are quite a lot of pork bones. Fortunately, there is a golden finger like the one in the supermarket that stops time. Otherwise, the pork bones would have stunk.

After adding dried radishes, vegetables and some beans, the soup is rich and fragrant. Although there is no meat in the pig bones, Lin Chuxia can still cut some pork and fry it!

The vegetables in the vegetable garden are almost finished. There were still several days before she could go to the market town after work, so Lin Chuxia had to save some food.

Sigh… She didn’t expect that when she returned to the countryside, she couldn’t even afford vegetables! It was all her fault that she had a body and mind that didn’t like to work.


At this time, when the Xie family came back from work in the fields, they heard… no, they heard it when they were working in the fields. The new daughter-in-law of the Jingming family finally knew how to treat her stepson well, and gave all three stepsons a new set of clothes and a new straw hat.

“What new clothes? Where did that bitch get the money to buy new clothes? She even bought new slippers before she bought new clothes.” As soon as Aunt Luo Tang heard the people in the village say this, her anger exploded, as if it would burn.

The people in the village were also working. The sun was beating down on them and they were not in a good mood. Not many people liked Aunt Luo Tang’s tone and attitude.

She glanced at her sarcastically with cold eyes and said, “How come you start to feel unbalanced when others are living a good life and are ready to harm others?”

People like Aunt Luo Tang have evil thoughts and can’t stand the lives of others being good.

“How could I be such a person? You are talking nonsense!” Aunt Luo Tang retorted unhappily. The more guilty she felt, the more confident her tone became, thinking that this would be able to cover up her inner guilt.

Others listened to Aunt Luo Tang’s words and didn’t take Aunt Luo Tang’s rebuttal to heart at all. Now after that night of criticism, who doesn’t know about Aunt Luo Tang’s vicious things?

Aunt Luo Tang saw that everyone was deliberately targeting her like this, her heart became even more angry, and she hoeed the ground fiercely with the hoe in her hand.

They originally wanted to persuade Aunt Dog’s daughter-in-law to see her mother-in-law working more enthusiastically, but forget it, she should just be angry.

Of course, Aunt Luo Tang didn’t know what her daughter-in-law was thinking. At this time, she could only vent all her anger on this piece of land. After work at noon, she talked about this matter angrily at home.

She thought that Lin Chuxia was really good and worthy of being the daughter-in-law chosen by Xie Jingming. She didn’t share the same aspirations as the Xie family at all.

At that time, when Xie Jingming was looking for a matchmaker to marry, how could the Xie family not think about this problem? The two daughters-in-law, including Aunt Luo Tang, wanted to find their own nieces to introduce to Xie Jingming.

It’s a pity that Xie Jingming didn’t want it, and Lin Chuxia was so cowardly at first, allowing herself to be bullied, and even abused the three little white-eyed wolves.

Now… Aunt Luo Tang took her bamboo hat and wanted to run to Lin Chuxia’s house immediately to beat her.

However, before she could make a move, the second daughter-in-law had already said lightly, “Mom, if you make trouble again, the captain will send you that the Northwest Farm!”

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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