Drama Queen Wins Easily In Historical Novel


Lin Qiu Shuang listened to what the captain said above, because Aunt Dog threw the Snake Grass behind Xie Jingming’s house and someone saw it and rescued them, people in our village must love each other… He said a lot , Lin Qiu Shuang extracted important information.

Aunt Luo Tang is here today because she tried to murder Lin Chuxia. Lin Chuxia was fine and even caused Aunt Luo Tang to be criticized. Why did Lin Chuxia change? Is it possible that Lin Chuxia was reborn?

Those eyes would focus on Lin Chuxia from time to time. It was full of explorations about Lin Chuxia, and it seemed that Lin Chuxia was also reborn. No, after the meeting ended, she had to test Lin Chuxia!

At this time, because of the panic and nervousness in her heart, Lin Qiu Shuang even forgot to appreciate the moment of Aunt Luo Tang in such a state of embarrassment. That woman who had caused such misfortune to her in her previous life was now being criticized, and she didn’t know how many people made fun of her.

The Xie family members were sitting below, their heads lowered, not daring to look at all, they were so embarrassed.

Aunt Luo Tang, who was tied to a pillar above, had her nose and face swollen with stones thrown at her. Everyone pretended not to see it. It was almost dark when the criticism meeting was over.

As for Aunt Luo Tang, she has to be punished by being tied up here for a night and reflect on what she has done.

As soon as Lin Qiu Shuang heard that the captain said the meeting was dismissed, she immediately got up and grabbed Lin Chuxia. When the Lin family saw Lin Qiu Shuang running away as soon as the captain said the meeting was dismissed, they thought she wanted to go to Sun Xiangxue and reached out to grab her.

“Qiu Shuang, where are you going, are you looking for that Sun again?” Just in the direction Lin Qiu Shuang wanted to leave, Sun Xiangxue was sitting there, and he was about to leave.

The Lin family was about to be pissed off by Lin Qiu Shuang. Previously, she  didn’t want such a good marriage of Xue Jingming. When he joined the army, he got a lot of monthly salary and allowances right ??

Well, even if it is like what Lin Qiu Shuang said, because she is afraid of Xie Jingming’s aunt’s family but he still has an income.

As for Sun Xiangxue, what can he do without sneaking and abducting? He is not a serious person,not willing to go to the ground.

Only when the harvest time comes, the captain personally goes to find these gangsters then only he is willing to go to the fields!

“Dad, I am not going there.” Lin Qiu Shuang couldn’t care less about Sun Xiangxue. When Old Man Lin said this, her peripheral vision just happened to see Sun Xiangxue over there.

There was some hesitation in her heart, but her parents, brother and sister-in-law were all around at this time, and they would definitely not allow her to go to Sun Xiangxue. Lin Qiu Shuang had no choice but to focus on Lin Chuxia.

Damn it, why did Sun Xiangxue place the small stool in the direction of Lin Chuxia? Could it be… that he was attracted to Lin Chuxia or… Lin Chuxia looked at Sun Xiangxue and damned it!

“Go back with us!” The Lin family thought that Lin Qiu Shuang was lying. Now, in the hearts of the Lin family, Lin Qiu Shuang was no longer trustworthy.

Lin Qiu Shuang was caught and could only struggle wildly to throw away Mrs. Lin’s hand, “Mom, I’m looking for Lin Chuxia, I’m looking for my cousin!”

Mrs. Lin frowned. Lin Qiu Shuang’s strength was obviously not small, and she didn’t care about her old mother at all.

Just when Lin Qiu Shuang and Mrs. Lin were arguing here, Lin Qiu Shuang saw Lin Chuxia leaving and shouted quickly.

“Lin Chuxia, don’t leave!” When Lin Qiu Shuang was first released, she did want to go to Sun Xiangxue as soon as possible, but now she learned that there might be such a person who was reborn like herself. Lin Qiu Shuang’s mind immediately changed.

Sun Xiangxue was not important, what was important was to find out who was reborn like her. She thought she was the only one with the advantage, but who knew…

Lin Chuxia was carrying a small bench with her three little ones to prepare leaving this big square, hey, today is another happy day, so happy.

Then, she heard Lin Qiu Shuang’s voice calling her. Lin Chuxia, who was holding a small bench, turned her head and looked over in confusion. Lin Qiu Shuang stopped her anxiously, with an… unkind look on her face.

Well, she didn’t seem to have offended Lin Qiu Shuang. …Oh, if it was about cheating her with three eggs, then there is nothing we can do about it. Lin Qiu Shuang has also cheated the original owner for so long, so courtesy should be reciprocated.

“Cousin, what’s wrong?” Lin Chuxia looked like the original owner when she usually faced Lin Qiu Shuang. She couldn’t recognize that she was a different person at all.

“Chu Xia, I just know now that your aunt is so vicious and did such a thing to you!” Lin Qiushuang held Lin Chuxia’s hand, looking very concerned about Lin Chuxia’s situation.

Several people from the Lin family saw Lin Qiu Shuang struggling and insisted on running out. They wanted to catch up, but she ended up looking for Lin Chuxia.

“Qiu Shuang, it’s very late, we should go back!” Mrs. Lin still cared about her daughter and called out to Lin Chuxia. Qiu Shuang, if you really keep struggling like this, I’m afraid…

“Mom, wait a moment. I want to talk to my cousin and three children. I’ll go back in a while! You can go back to cook first. It’s very late. I’ll come later. It’s getting dark.” Why would Lin Qiu Shuang want to go back now? If she didn’t ask clearly now, she wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.

When everyone in the Lin family heard what Lin Qiu Shuang said, they all thought that Lin Qiu Shuang was making excuses, and their expressions became slightly ugly. Her brother and sister-in-law no longer wanted to pay attention to Lin Qiu Shuang.

He was wasting his words and time, so he was just letting her do whatever Lin Qiu Shuang liked. If something happened, it would be none of his business.

Old man Lin has lost his heart towards his daughter who only knows how to make trouble. Let her do as she pleases. If the old woman cannot find a good matchmaker to marry off Qiu Shuang, he can go directly to find her.

Anyway, there is no use staying at home. It is a waste of food and will only make your parents angry and make you an unfilial daughter.

Mrs. Lin who was left behind saw her husband, son and daughter-in-law gone, and looked at her disobedient daughter in front of her. At this time, Mrs. Lin’s eyes slowly dimmed, but at this time, Lin Qiu Shuang didn’t look at her at all. She didn’t pay attention to her old mother’s current expression. She was more concerned about whether Lin Chuxia in front of her… was reborn

“Cousin, I don’t know what’s going on. My aunt came to my house early this morning. There was a big fuss at the door, and many people saw it and she said that I threw the snake plant… By the way, cousin, did you see anyone who passed by my house yesterday? He must be someone who doesn’t like my cousin. Otherwise, I don’t even know if I will be bitten by a snake.”

Lin Chuxia frowned, and at the same time, she held Lin Qiu Shuang’s hand, “Cousin, do you want to come home tonight? Although we only have whole grains and white porridge at our house, I will work hard to pick vegetables and fry them until they are fragrant. You, you, our house at night… I think my aunt won’t do anything to us anymore.”

She said in a panic. The tone of her voice grabbed Lin Qiu Shuang nervously, with an expression of ‘I can only rely on you’, which made Lin Qiu Shuang’s suspicious expression a little more reduced.

Lin Qiu Shuang didn’t think there was anything wrong with Lin Chuxia being so dependent on her. You know, after she was reborn, she had been thinking about exchanging marriage partners with Lin Chuxia, so she had to gain Lin Chuxia’s trust. “Really?”

Lin Qiu Shuang was a little doubtful. Is it another person who was reborn and knew something was wrong? Would she compete with her to steal Sun Xiangxue?

Sun Xiangxue is the right person to get married. As for Lin Chuxia… if she is reborn, there is nothing she can do. She married Xie Jingming and became a widow with three children. She can still marry Sun Xiangxue.

As for other people in the village, Lin Qiu Shuang have never seen anyone more successful than Sun Xiangxue. As long as she seize this opportunity, who else can compete with her?

“Cousin, do you really don’t want to go to my house? Although It can’t compare to your room, I will I’ll boil bath water for you!” Lin Chuxia reminded Lin Qiu Shuang that our family’s conditions are not good, we don’t eat well, and we don’t sleep well. The only thing we can do is boil bath water, so you can enjoy it at home.

What Lin Chuxia said in the subtext, Lin Qiu Shuang understood the hint, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes. She had long been tired of the Xie family’s crap, and she might even want her to help pick it out water, bah!

“No, she’s already been arrested. She must be fine. The captain has already said that next time something like this happens, she must be sent to the police station!” Lin Qiu Shuang waved her hand casually, and then she looked around.

The Lin family, including Mrs. Lin, have all gone back. It’s getting dark soon, so they should go back to cook early. It’s not that they don’t have kerosene lamps, but they just try to save as much as possible.

Besides, they didn’t think Lin Qiu Shuang was worth their time.

Lin Qiu Shuang looked around and saw Sun Xiangxue walking in another direction from a distance, “Okay, go back quickly. It’s very late and I should go home!”

Lin Qiu Shuang had no intention of telling others where she was. She went to avoid being disturbed and ruining her idea.

Lin Chuxia was not the kind of person who cared about her cousin. She had big ideas. She turned her head and raised the small stool, “Let’s go home. Are you hungry?”

The little children said to the stupid woman just now there was no doubt or inquiry in her behavior. Yes, that’s right, now Lin Chuxia has successfully stepped into the ranks of “bad woman” from “bad woman” to “stupid woman” in the hearts of the three villains.

However, the three young children still have the scene of the ‘confrontation’ between Lin Chuxia and Lin Qiu Shuang imprinted in their hearts. It seems that they still don’t understand it very well, but as they get older, they may be able to understand why.

Lin Chuxia, who was teaching by words and deeds, saw that the three little children did not ask questions in confusion, nor did they take the initiative to talk about it. However, the three little children were holding small stools with both hands.

On the way home, because everyone was walking together, although the sky had turned slightly dark, it was obvious that there were still many people and the sound was very lively.

Lin Chuxia didn’t have anything to talk to the three cubs on the road. At this time, Lin Chuxia was thinking about what to eat tonight. There were pork bones, but it was too late to make soup now.

Let’s fry some pork. Unfortunately, the pig intestines have been fried at that time. Stir-fry the pork with green vegetables… How about making pork porridge and add a few salted eggs..

There are also sausages. Let’s eat them tomorrow. Don’t just eat steamed buns every morning, or she will get tired of it.

The three little children didn’t think there was anything wrong with Lin Chuxia not talking to them. The three little children, who had a lot of fun with the other children in the village today, smiled optimistically and discussed whether to bring the Rubik’s Cube to play with them tomorrow.

Sanzai muttered in a soft voice, “No, don’t!”

Sanzai felt that the children were not as smart as them at first glance, but he was worried that if he said so, his brother would think he was stingy.

“Yes, it’s our toys, don’t bring it to them!” This is a small Rubik’s Cube for each of the three of them. They got it by succumbing to the bad woman calling her ‘Mom’, and they still treasure it now.

Of course, when they turn all six sides to the same color, they may be able to take it out for others to play with. This is their own desire for exclusivity.

On the way, the aunts and ladies greeted the three little guys and joked, “Have the stepmother bullied you? Are you hungry? Did she trouble you…” and the like. The three little children with their big, blank, innocent eyes looked up at them, as if they didn’t understand what they were talking about.

The aunties all found it useless and started talking about other things.

The first cub, the second cub, and the third cub: The stupid woman is so kind. She gives them meat, food, clothes and shoes… but she is not very good at work. She brings water back every day, and she cries to them aggrievedly that her hands are injured today, and she is very clumsy when cutting pig grass and not as good as Er Zai.

In their own minds, the three little cubs wanted to subconsciously ignore what Lin Chuxia had done before. However, the traces of Lin Chuxia now were too short to cover up the bad things she had done in the past six months. Occasionally, the three little children would still feel aggrieved and call her a bad woman in their heart.

As for what Lin Chuxia explained, if Lin Chuxia keeps getting better, they will believe that. But if Lin Chuxia suddenly turns bad again, it means that Lin Chuxia deliberately lied to them.

As soon as they got home, the three little children put down the small bench with relief. They were tired, too tired. After returning home, Lin Chuxia turned on the light, and the next second, she closed the door again. It was too bright. Anyone passing by will notice something is wrong.

The little children who were sitting on the small bench were called over and taught how to wash rice, start a fire, and light a fire…

There was no green vegetables, and it would be dark before there was time. It would be no big deal if they didn’t eat vegetables for a meal.

It was full of the aroma of meat. Fortunately, the door was closed and locked. Lin Chuxia also put a lot of condiments into the thick porridge, such as Codonopsis pilosula, red dates, candied dates, etc., and the aroma made the three little children continue to drink. After finishing two and almost three bowls, they hummed and hugged their round and fat belly, feeling satisfied.

After eating, Lin Chuxia placed the basin with the bowls and spoons soaked in on the table, preparing for the four of them to wash it together. However, as they had just finished eating, they wanted to play a small game first.

Let her think about a game that four people can play… Oh, by the way, Ludo!!!

“Wait a minute, mom will go to the room to get something good to play with you.” Lin Chuxia decided to get Ludo for them, the three little children sat there obediently waiting for Lin Chuxia with their big round eyes.

When Lin Chuxia came out with the Ludo piece, she looked at the three well-behaved little cubs. Under her daily care of filling their stomachs with meat, the three sallow-looking little villains had begun to slowly gain weight.

Looking at the picture of them sitting there obediently waiting for her, under the bright light, there is an inexplicable warm feeling inside. In modern society, she is alone.

But now …
Lin Chuxia had a gentle and sincere smile on her lips. She stepped forward, took out the Ludo, spread it out, and began to tell them the rules of playing Ludo: “This is called Ludo, one colour for each person, this is called dice…”

The three little villains thought it was ordinary at first, but as they played… they became addicted. After one game, they looked at Lin Chuxia who had won, With a puffy face and high spirits, Dazai said that he would play another game.

It’s a pity that Lin Chuxia coaxed them to wash the dishes together and take a bath… Before going to bed, they played another round, without any thought of sleeping.

She placed the ludo on the table next to the bed, “Didn’t you say yesterday that you wanted to listen to the story of little red pig? Lie down first, if not naughty little pig will have no meat to eat tomorrow.”

The three little children were still about Ludo, and when they heard that there would be no meat to eat tomorrow, they immediately lay down.

At this time, they completely ignored how their family… could have so much meat and still eat it every day.

Lin Chuxia was telling stories and gently patting the three little cubs to coax them to sleep: “Little Red Pig and his friend.” ” After making friends, the kingfisher raised his head and looked towards the south, with determination in his eyes, and walked towards the animal kingdom again.

Looking in from the outside, the forest was deep and dark, but when he walked in, he could see that it was lush and green. The grass on the roadside grew so well that the little red pig couldn’t help but take a few bites.

It was delicious!

The little red pig, who wanted to take a few bites, found that he was hungry and kept nibbling on it. It was delicious. The full little red pig was a little sleepy. He stood there, looked around, and subconsciously looked for his sleeping nest. Then he remembered that he had gone out on an adventure from home and found a clean tree where the little red pig lay down and began to sleep.

Just when the little red pig fell asleep, the breeze brought a little bit of coolness, blowing away the summer heat. The little red pig also slept very sweetly.

The little red pig dreamed that he had found the colorful orb, and his red skin had successfully turned black. The other little black pigs never disliked him anymore, and they all played happily together…

Suddenly, the little red pig felt something in his sleep. Something was beating him, and when he opened his eyes dimly, he saw a strange-looking face staring at him above his head…”

Lin Chuxia felt that her story was extremely beautiful, from brave adventure to passionate reaching out. Friendship hands, stories of adventures with good friends can inspire…

Turning around, she saw that the three little cubs had fallen asleep listening to the story. The third little cub was still grinning and muttering, “Pig, Pigs are delicious…”

Lin Chuxia: …

This little boy is not worthy of her telling the story. After a while, feeling the warmth from the three little boys, dhe slowly fell asleep. There was no entertainment program at night, so she might as well go to sleep.

The next day, when Lin Chuxia got up, she looked at the little cubs sleeping well and touched their little heads. Later, she will let them go back to the their room or add another bed here.

Because Lin Chuxia found that when she woke up, her feet were pressed on the Dazai, almost crushing him…

Isn’t she supposed to be in such a bad sleep condition… yesterday… He was fine with sleeping.
She pretended that she had not done anything, got up quickly, and asked them to get up together to brush their teeth, wash their faces, make porridge and boil eggs.

After eating, she was ready to cut pig grass, just like yesterday’s trip. However, as soon as Lin Chuxia went out, she heard news that shocked her.

Lin Qiu Shuang and Sun Xiangxue were found having affair. Now the Lin family is going crazy. They said they would drive Lin Qiu Shuang out of the house. They are still making trouble there…

Lin Chuxia knew that Lin Qiu Shuang was reborn and wanted to steal the original owners husband in previous life, but… She didn’t expect that Lin Qiu Shuang would use this method, and it was really… worthy of being reborn without raising her IQ!

How could she be so stupid? Even Lin Chuxia, a descendant who came from the book, knew how to protect herself and her Reputation…

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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