Drama Queen Wins Easily In Historical Novel


Erzai was lifted up and swayed with its short little feet. Lin Chuxia’s enthusiastic praise came to his ears…his ears were very red.

After Lin Chuxia saw the gentle and lovely Er Zaizai glowing with red shyness under her words that were full of Chuuni aura, she knew that gentle and exaggerated praise would at most make him smile.

Gee, every one of her little villains are super cute.

“But, our Erzai is still very young and can’t hold the sickle. If he gets cut somewhere, mom will be very worried and sad.” She put down the four-year-old cub who was already a little heavy. Her hands will get sore if she hold him for a long time.

“In the future, when our Erzai grows up, we will conquer every piece of pigweed in the mountains and every field in the field. I know that the potential of our Erzai is absolutely great!” Lin Chuxia squatted in front of the Erzai, holding his hand. His little fist was full of fighting spirit.

When saying this, Lin Chuxia seemed to have forgotten that Er Zai was not an expert in farming, and would be a man who could sit in a high position in the future.

The Erzai smiled brightly because of Lin Chuxia’s compliment. Yes, he will be a very useful person in the future, so she will definitely not lose money by raising the three of us brothers.

Erzai tried hard to tell Lin Chuxia this fact with his expression and eyes, but unfortunately, Lin Chuxia couldn’t tell it at all.

“Remember?” Lin Chuxia just felt that Er Zai wanted to ‘get through with being cute’, so she educated Er Zai seriously. At the same time, she pulled the two sons next to her and said, “You guys too, don’t play with sickles, Hoes and fire…”

The children are only three, four and five years old now, and they are not sensible. As an adult, you must always pay attention to these dangerous issues. After Comrade Lin Chuxia, a new mother severely reflected on herself, she also spoke seriously, educating her own little children.

The three children nodded obediently as they listened to Lin Chuxia’s serious words of education. Although they felt there was nothing wrong with what they did.

They were there to help with work, to take care of the family, and to reduce Lin Chuxia’s burden…

Lin Chuxia couldn’t see their inner thoughts from the obedient expressions of the three of them, thinking that they were smart enough to understand after listening to her once. After learning, she rubbed their short-haired heads one by one, “My sons are really good.”

“Come on, drink water first.” Lin Chuxia only then remembered the kettle she had just brought, and Erzai had already learned how to call her mother, thinking of this matter again, Lin Chuxia’s bright and gentle smile bloomed on her face, she poured a glass of water from the kettle and handed it to Er Zai.

Er Zai, who just used this as an excuse to let Lin Chuxia leave here, was actually not very thirsty. However, the water was almost handed to his lips. Er Zai could only open his mouth and accept Lin Chuxia’s water feeding service.

After finishing feeding, Lin Chuxia looked at the other two cubs, “Are our eldest son and the third son thirsty?”

Lin Chuxia did not force them to call her “mom” before letting them drink water. Instead, when they nodded, she poured two glasses directly, and each person drank more than half of the glass.

After finishing the drink, Lin Chuxia took the sickle and cut another large bundle of pigweed. Then she stuffed the sickle into the pigweed. She carried the pigweed on her back with one hand and the kettle with the other, and moved toward the three children at the same time. She said, “Let’s go, let’s take the pigweed to the pig farm first, and then go home and I will make delicious food for you, okay?”

In Lin Chuxia’s view, raising children requires lots of work, first of all, eat more, but also exercise and be healthy. They may be too lazy to move, but you can take them move out for a walk.

As for keeping them at home, Lin Chuxia was a little worried, especially regarding those in the Xie family, they were really trash with no limit.

The three little children followed Lin Chuxia. Their short legs walked a little fast, trying to follow Lin Chuxia’s pace. Soon, they arrived at the pig farm.

It is said to be a pig farm, but in fact it only raises three or four pigs. At the end of the year, two pigs will be handed over, leaving two pigs. They originally raised almost ten pigs, but unfortunately they couldn’t keep them. Later, after experience, I
They felt that raising three or Four ligs are most suitable.

The aunt in charge of raising pigs cleans the pig nests every day and occasionally bathes the pigs. Seeing Lin Chuxia cut two bundles of pig grass, she also checked whether it was suitable for pigs to eat.

The treatment was simply better than that of everyone in the village.

When Lin Chuxia returned home with her three cubs, there was already a little boy standing there. When he saw them coming back, he raised his hands with bright eyes and said, “Dazai, Erzai,Sanzai, why didn’t you came to play today.”

The three children who were called looked at the little kid in front of them, who was probably over five years old. He was one of them who played marbles together yesterday, but… they didn’t seem to have made an appointment to play together today.

Ah, seeing them ignoring him. The little boy looked at Lin Chuxia with a hint of help in his eyes.

“Dazai, Erzai,Sanzai, since they want you to play, go ahead. Mom will be busy washing clothes, hanging clothes, and sweeping the floor…” Lin Chuxia thought for a moment, the children also need someone to accompany them to play together.

Yesterday she gave them a bag of potato chips, and thought she has to continue ‘bribing’ them, but…hahaha, her little children are very charming. Now even the children who play with them can be conquered. …

The three little children were pushed out by Lin Chuxia. Let’s go and play. Be optimistic and cheerful. Growing up with so many people playing together, they will definitely not be as autistic, gloomy and withdrawn as they will be in the future…

Being dragged away. The three little children could only follow with a little helplessness, but they still felt a little joy in their hearts. What child doesn’t like to play? It’s just that children from poor families have long been the masters of the family, and they feel that they need to help the family with work and reduce the burden on adults.

When Lin Chuxia watched the three little children leaving with the child to play with brisk steps, a smile appeared on her lips. It was true that she was going to do laundry soon.

She picked up the bucket of clothes. Now, most of the people who come to wash clothes are little girls around seven or eight years old. If they are older, they have to work in the fields.

Lin Chuxia was not very familiar with the children in the village, but listening to their conversations and occasionally interjecting a few words made her laundry work less boring.


The words are divided into two parts. When Aunt Guo saw Aunt Luo Tang harming people in the morning, didn’t she go to the captain?

After hearing Aunt Guo’s words, the captain immediately frowned seriously. The captain really didn’t expect that Aunt Luo Tang would dare to do such an outrageous thing and harm people’s lives.

“I understand, you go back to eat first, and don’t forget to work in the fields later. I will handle this matter!” the captain said and calmly thought about whether it was appropriate to send Aunt Luo Tang in.

However, if something like this really happens, it will affect the commune evaluation at the end of the year.

“Captain, you must not let Aunt Luo Tang off so easily. If she can murder her niece-in-law today, shr will dare to murder us tomorrow. These people in the village must be sent to the police station!” Aunt Guo had the same expression, obviously very dissatisfied with Aunt Luo Tang

“In the afternoon, let everyone in the village go to the open space of the big square and hold a meeting!” The captain didn’t want to send people to the prison. After all, planting a snake plant, if she was really sentenced… it seemed that it would count.

He would also let the people in the commune laugh at her. At the meeting, he would criticize Aunt Luo Tang in front of everyone in the village, as a lesson to her. If she didn’t learn, she would really be hopeless.

“Okay, okay…” Although the former sounded more serious, the latter obviously made Aunt Luo Tang even more embarrassed, and she immediately thought it was a good thing for the captain to do this.

Under the instructions of Aunt Guo and the captain, everyone knew that a meeting would be held this afternoon, but the specific content of the meeting… was not clear yet. They thought it was some new instructions from the commune.

The team leader said: Everyone has to come, including the elderly and children!

This afternoon, around four o’clock, because there was no electricity in the village, they didn’t think about letting everyone go back to cook and eat after the criticism in the evening.

At this time, if you sit on the ground, your buttocks will be a little hot, so everyone moved a small bench, sat on the bottom and looked up. However, what puzzled the people in the village was that Aunt Luo Tang  was tied in the stage

The captain and several cadres were standing on top. At this time, the captain’s expression was very serious, and the faces of the Xie family below were even more ugly.

The second daughter-in-law of the Xie family was bitten by a snake in the morning, so she asked Xie Hongyuan to take her to the old doctor in the village. But when she came back, she learned what happened from her sister-in-law and the others.

At that time, the second daughter-in-law coldly laughed at Aunt Luo Tang at the dinner table. Aunt Luo Tang was very annoyed that her daughter-in-law dared to mock her, and she almost started a fight at the dinner table.

As the head of the family, Xie Wang usually doesn’t talk much, but as soon as he speaks out, he immediately stops the farce. At the same time, he glares at the idiot old woman fiercely, “I told you not to be so noisy recently. ! “

Aunt Luo Tang felt that she was extremely wronged. Was it because she was making such a fuss? Did the second daughter-in-law mock her as soon as she got home, thinking that she was great because she gave birth to the only son of the Xie family?

Of course the second daughter-in-law felt that she was great, and often blew pillow wind into the ears of the second son Xie Hongyuan. She gave birth to the only son of their Xie family. From now on, the Xie family will rely on them. They will inherit everything from the Xie family in the future.

Xie Hongyuan initially rebuked his wife with great resistance, but as time passed, the Eldest sister-in-law only gave birth to two daughters. Don’t know if he was affected, but he felt that there was some truth to it.

For example, at this time, when he saw his mother being scolded by his father, he didn’t say anything, lowered his head, and ate in silence.

Because Aunt Luo Tang had done something wrong, she also noticed that the people in the village looked at her a little strangely. She felt resentful and silently held a grudge in her heart. When this matter passed for a while, she must deal with them well!

In the afternoon, she said they would have a meeting and was called away by the captain. Aunt Luo Tang thought the captain had something to tell her, but it turned out… that

He was going to hold a meeting to criticize her. “Captain, what have I done? You want to hold a meeting to criticize me. I don’t accept it, you are avenging your personal revenge, let me go!” No matter how much trouble she made, she was tied to a pillar in the open space of the main square by the two strong men before.

With that crazy struggling look, the captain snorted coldly, “Based on your previous behavior, I could have sent you to the police station long ago. Luo Tang, considering that you are a member of the brigade, this time,  you are criticized by me in the meeting, but if it’s next time, you may really have to be sent to the northwest farm for reform. I really can’t imagine that you can be so vicious!”

The captain also hated the Xie family very much, and it was almost time to rush for the harvest, while she is still making trouble here must be because they are too free.

The captain made up his mind in his mind that the jobs assigned to the Xie family in the future would be more and more difficult, and the work would be very hard but the pay would not be high. Let’s see how they can find the time to cause havoc!

Damn it.

So damn unlucky.

By the time the others were sitting down, Aunt Luo Tang’s voice had become hoarse after she had been yelled at. In addition, other people in the team were threatening and persuading her to apologize and reflect, otherwise, she would not be able to leave here.

Aunt Luo Tang finally understood that she couldn’t do anything else. She was tied to the pillar, her head lowered, and she didn’t dare to see how the villagers below looked at her.

The captain standing on the stage was sulking in his heart, because something like this happened in the village. If everyone had learned in a decent manner, then it would be okay.

“Today, we will severely criticize the vicious behavior of Luo Tang of the Xie family…” The captain’s angry tone clearly understood how to arouse the anger of the villagers and let them vent, then the matter would be over.

Lin Chuxia, who was sitting at the bottom, was protecting her three little children. The three little children were sitting in the front, and she was sitting in the back. In order to stabilize the three little children and stop them from moving around, she even stuffed a toffee into each of them.

The three little children with toffees in their mouths listened very carefully to what the captain above said, because they discovered that the bad women (their mother) didn’t listen at all.

The captain was talking about the bad things that grandma Tang had done, and he also severely criticized the bad grandma, which made the eyes of the three children shine brightly. At this second, the three children felt that the captain was a powerful and domineering good person.

Lin Chuxia did not move much, and occasionally touched the hair of the children in front of her. The original owner never paid attention to the three little children’s matters, such as cutting their hair, which felt a bit long.

She thought about the possibility of cutting the hair of the three little children. Oh…it seems that there are scissors, but not razors. They are only found in the town…

It seems that the little children has never been to the town, but they are so small, if they ever went they would be taken by kidnapper.

While Lin Chuxia was thinking about how to cut the hair of the three little villains, Lin Qiu Shuang, who was sitting on the other side and had just been released from the woodshed by the Lin family, looked at the tied Aunt Luo Tang on the pillar above with shock.

How, how could this happen… This, this, in the previous life, such a thing had never happened. For a moment, Lin Qiu Shuang felt a little panicked.

How could it have changed?

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