Drama Queen Wins Easily In Historical Novel


Regardless of whether they helped or not, Lin Chuxia would like to thank everyone and build a good reputation. Although it seems useless now, maybe one day in the future, it can come in handy.

Regarding Lin Chuxia’s good attitude, they all said that she would not hit anyone with a such a sweet nature. What’s more, now they were so sympathetic to Lin Chuxia, and persuaded her to go back to cook quickly, and they left first.

Lin Chuxia scratched her head in embarrassment, “Aunts and uncles, go slow, I am sorry there is nothing I can do for you. What we are cooking is pig offal, which may not be in line with the taste of aunts and uncles…”

The others waved their hands, it was really pitiful, they were so miserable that they wanted to eat pigs offals.

Then, after leaving, they told other people in the village or their family how pitiful the Lin Chuxia family was, and also how hateful and mean the Xie family was. Suddenly, her reputation became good.

At this time, Lin Chuxia took the three little children back home, closed the door, turned on the shining white light then squatted down and looked at them with a gentle expression and a smile.

“My son’s did great today. They have protected their mother.” First of all, giving affirmation and encouragement to the children will not undermine their confidence.

There were still some tears on their faces, but the loving tenderness exuded the light of motherhood. The eyes of the three little children suddenly lit up when they heard Lin Chuxia’s praise.

They felt more confident that they could help, and they were very happy and wanted to pounce on Lin Chuxia.

“However, mom wants to apologize to you. Just now in front of the captain, mom lied, saying that Grandma Tang hurt her head by herself. This is wrong. You all can’t learn from this.”

Lin Chuxia said warmly. She coaxed the three of them, telling them what was right and wrong, and that some things should not be learned. Lin Chuxia said that she knew she was wrong.

But next time… try not to show it in front of the children.

Because although the little children are smart, they are still young and cannot distinguish between white lies and malicious lies. Maybe if they learned it wrongly, then it will not be good.

When they grow up, they may be able to distinguish on their own. By then, they will be able to understand it on their own without having to teach them.

The three little children looked at Lin Chuxia with their big dark eyes, a little confused, as if they didn’t quite understand what Lin Chuxia meant.
Dazai, who felt that he was a little smart, wrinkled his little face and said, “But, we are here to prevent Grandma Tang from bullying us…”

Dazai’s voice was wrapped in embarrassment and confusion. Moreover, in this case, the captain would not scold them but Grandma Tang, right?

“I did it this time as a last resort. Mom couldn’t think of a good way. From now on, we can’t lie…” Lin Chuxia used to be an unruly girl and had no experience in raising children.

When Dazai asked her this question, she was speechless. Her mind was filled with the question of Dazai’s cute little voice, so she reluctantly answered Dazai’s question.

She stretched out her little finger very childishly, “Let’s do pinky promise, okay?”

The little cubs didn’t understand, but they still followed Lin Chuxia’s request, stretched out their little finger, and made a pinky promise with Lin Chuxia, and added a sentence at the end: pinky promise, don’t change your promise for a hundred years, anyone who changes will be a big pig.

Dazai, Erzai, Sanzai: In fact, big pigs are also very good, fat and delicious.

“Let’s go stir-fry pig offals!” Lin Chuxia thought that she had made an agreement with the three childrens just now. The smart children must know what she was talking about, so she took them and went to make lunch.

Damn it, if that aunt hadn’t come to cause trouble, she would be eating right now.

Unlike now, after a beating, crying, and being hungry, Lin Chuxia could feel her stomach growling in protest.

The garlic was pulled from the vegetable garden, the ginger was stored before, and there were other cooking wines and the like, were available in the supermarket. Lin Chuxia went to get them out, while the three little children were sitting not far away and continued to play, holding the Rubik’s Cube.

They all talked very softly, and they gathered together to discuss the pig offals for lunch today. Brothers, please don’t eat so much, it will definitely not taste good. If the bad woman scolds you, let her scold you.

The brothers said that sweet potato porridge is actually quite delicious, and wonder if some people particularly like to eat the offals… ahem, it’s not delicious, but you can’t dislike others like this.

Then, after chatting for a while, the aroma of fried large intestines came, causing the three little children who were still playing with the Rubik’s Cube to take a sharp breath of the aroma and raise their heads to look in the direction of the big pot.

How, how could it be so fragrant?

The more it was fried, the more fragrant it became. The three little children were a little hesitant, as if… it smelled very fragrant and delicious.

They moved their index fingers a few times. When the pig intestines were fried, Considering that they might not like it, Lin Chuxia specially cut off a few pieces of pork and fried vegetables for them.

 When the pig intestines were fried, Considering that they might not like it, Lin Chuxia specially cut off a few pieces of pork and fried vegetables for them

(fried large intestines)

( Fried pork and vegetables)

( Fried pork and vegetables)

Two plates of food were placed one by one. Each person had a small bowl of rice. The small spoons were held by the three little children with their short hands. Lin Chuxia held the pork for them, “Eat well and eat vegetables, so that you can grow. You must be fat and cute. “

The combination of meat and vegetables is an eternal law.

The three little villains bit into the pork, gnawing on the vegetables, and then spooned the rice… They didn’t even have time to chat. The first priority was to eat.

After finishing a bowl of rice, they looked at Lin Chuxia’s favorite pig intestines. Seeing that Lin Chuxia only ate pig intestines and not pork, the three children were a little confused and at the same time, they thought a little more.

Bad woman, are you thinking of leaving all the pork to them?

“Do you also want to eat it?” Lin Chuxia used her brain to think about whether the child could eat pig intestines. She didn’t seem to say no in her memory. She took a piece and said, “Try it first. If you don’t like it, don’t take it. If you like it, eat it!”

The little children scooped it up with a spoon and put it in their mouth. The hot pig intestines were filled with onions, garlic and ginger. It was fragrant and not at all what he thought before.

Still, still… very delicious.

Then, the children who had eaten more than half of the bowl of rice showed their round belly, and touched their fat belly with their short hands. Their face was full of happiness and satisfaction. If they could eat it every day from now on, then they would be full and eat meat all the time!

Lin Chuxia also finished the large plate of pig intestines, and sat there full and rubbed her belly. At noon, Lin Chuxia washed the dishes and chopsticks at home. There was nothing she could do, the smell of meat was so strong that people in the village would definitely feel like they were being cheated if they smelled it.


The Xie family.

The eldest son of the Xie family and his eldest daughter-in-law carried Aunt Luo Tang back with one arm each. No one else in the Xie family showed any concern. Aunt Luo Tang’s husband, Xie Wang, had gone out. The second son and daughter-in-law were still complaining about yesterday’s incident.

In the afternoon, when Aunt Luo Tang woke up, she still had a look of resentment on her face, struggling to teach Lin Chuxia a lesson.

“Okay, Mom, please stop making trouble. The captain has already warned us. Let’s ignore the recent affairs of Xie Jingming’s family.” Xie Guoan, the eldest son of Xie’s family, saw that his mother still wanted to go out and make trouble, but he was already bored, so he angrily discouraged her.

After hearing Xie Guoan’s words, Aunt Luo Tang paused in her angry movements, “Why didn’t the captain punish that bitch Lin Chuxia?”

“No, he asked us to give up the job of cutting pig grass. ” Xie Guoan spoke irritably, with some resentment in his heart. After all, cutting pigweed is a very simple job. His wife or the second daughter-in-law can just take turns going up the mountain to cut it in the morning.

It doesn’t take up much time, and there are two more work points every day. Who wouldn’t be happy?

“Why did the captain give our work to Lin Chuxia?” When Aunt Luo Tang heard this, she suddenly became furious and shouted angrily.

“What’s wrong is that Mom beat Lin Chuxia too serious before. The captain was afraid that we would kill her. Forget it, Mom, just bear with it for now and we’ll talk about it later.”

Xie Guoan couldn’t help complaining, “Mom, Why are you looking for Lin Chuxia? The salary and allowances are all in our hands…”

In fact, they don’t know that Xie Jingming has been promoted, and his salary and allowances have already been raised to a higher level. The money sent to them before was still retained and was in their hand.

Later, when he was about to go on a mission, all the money was left to Lin Chuxia.

“Guoan, I saw today that bitch bought slippers for those three little white-eyed wolves. She must still have money in her hand. Didn’t she give it to us?” Aunt Luo Tang suddenly thought of this problem, her eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Xie Guoan, she had to ask Lin Chuxia for clarification.

Xie Guoan frowned. Even so, it’s not easy to worry about it now. After all, the captain just warned them, “Mom, the captain also threatened us that if we bully military families again, we will be sent to the northwest farm for rehabilitation, Just bear with it for now.”

Upon hearing this, Aunt Luo Tang’s face turned ugly. The captain didn’t know if he was seduced by that fox (Lin ChuXia). Otherwise why did he choose to help that dead girl?

“I know!” Aunt Luo Tang reluctantly responded, but she couldn’t swallow this breath in her heart. She wanted revenge no matter what. That little whore dared to grab her head and bang it against the wall.

Xie Guoan didn’t care about his mother’s troubles. He went out and didn’t know what his mother wanted to do.

After resting for a while, Aunt Luo Tang was carrying a basket on her back, indicating that her bamboo shoots were damaged and she had to dig out two more.

“Mom, you must not cause trouble, you know?” the second son shouted impatiently at Aunt Luo Tang. Aunt Luo Tang was so angry that this bunch of useless sons didn’t know how to help her get revenge, so she had to do it on her own!

Then she found some snake-inducing grass, and in the dark of night, when others were not paying attention, she secretly scattered it on the left, right and behind the house of Lin Chuxia…

After doing it, she clapped her hands happily, her eyes still full of malice, and stretched out her hand, touched the wound on her forehead, it had been tied with a cloth strip, but it still hurt a little.

Damn Lin Chuxia, if I don’t kill you, how can I swallow this incident?

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