Drama Queen Wins Easily In Historical Novel



Mrs. Lin’s movements were not secretive. Anyone who paid attention could have noticed that Mrs. Lin’s movements were on Lin Qiu Shuang’s belly.

The people of the Lin family were not stupid. They knew very well what Mrs. Lin’s action meant. Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were fixed on Lin Qiu Shuang.

Sun Xiangxue, a idle, idle, idle gangster who doesn’t even want to farm in the fields, looks ordinary, Qiu Shuang…why did she fall in love with him?

Could it be…

Lin Qiu Shuang is not blind, so she naturally noticed their eyes and followed their gaze to see her belly? A second later, she came to her senses, blushed with annoyance, and retorted loudly, holding her neck, “No! What are you thinking about!”

“If you aren’t , then just stay away from Sun Xiangxue. ” There is no one else in Sun Xiangxue’s family. He is the only one. He doesn’t work in the fields to earn work points, so why should Qiu Shuang support him?

“Sister, if you can’t find a partner, my cousin from my mother’s side is quite good. Although he’s a little older, he’s still more diligent than Sun Xiangxue. And let’s get closer…” Daughtet-in-law of the Lin family raised her voice, she didn’t say this to Lin Qiu Shuang, but to Mrs. Lin.

After all, it was not Lin Qiu Shuang who made the decision.

Lin Qiu Shuang completely ignored her sister-in-law’s words, “Mom, Sun Xiangxue is very good. Moreover, a prodigal son will never be replaced by gold, so Sun Xiangxue will definitely become a good man in the future!”

If you don’t provide help in times of need now, it will be useless to add icing on the cake in the future.

Lin Qiu Shuang’s stubbornness could not convince the old couple of the Lin family at all. He even thought that his daughter was out of her mind, and she even shouted that she wanted to marry Sun Xiangxue.

“I think Sun Xiangxue is much better. I don’t know how much better than Xie Jingming before. Xie Jingming has three children and that mean aunt. Lin chuxia was beaten until her head bled in early summer!”

“I’m going to marry Sun Xiangxue. We have already agreed…”

Old Lin was so angry that he slapped Lin Qiu Shuang on the face, “Shut up! !”

Mrs. Lin hit Lin Qiu Shuang hard with the broom in her hand. Today Lin Qiu Shuang must be locked up in the firewood shed to reflect for a few days. If she doesn’t pour out the water in her mind, she will never come out again.

When Lin Qiu Shuang was beaten, her face was full of disbelief, as if she never thought why her family was so harsh on her and insisted on preventing her happiness.

She was making a fuss and wanted to rush out like last night. She wanted to go find Sun Xiangxue. However, before she could rush out, she was grabbed by the Lin family’s daughter-in-law.

When Lin Qiu Shuang struggled, her fingernails scratched hard, causing Lin’s daughter-in-law to pinch her waist fiercely. She was stronger than Lin Qiu Shuang when doing rough work.

Lin Qiu Shuang was locked in the woodshed while wailing and moaning in pain. However, no matter what she cried and yelled, no one paid attention to her this time.

Lin’s daughter-in-law snorted and pushed her into the woodshed, locked her tightly, and angrily pointed at her husband and cursed, “Look at what my arm looks like when your sister pinched it.”

What the Lin family’s daughter-in-law said made other people in the Lin family also see it. Regarding Lin Qiu Shuang’s fuss, the Lin family’s people went from feeling distressed at first to becoming impatient later.

Now the old couple of the Lin family are still worried, and the brother, sister-in-law, were already feeling that she is so annoying. When can she get married as soon as possible.

Lin Qiu Shuang’s yelling had spread from the Lin family’s house to the next door family. Knowing the rumors in the village today, they knew what the Lin family was up to.

He also gave a stern warning to his daughter, that she must not imitate the Lin family’s daughter, who was not ashamed at all. If it had been before, she would have been dipped in a pig cage.

The other little girls listened to their parents’ warnings and nodded obediently. Unlike Lin Qiu Shuang, who grew up doting on her parents, they had experienced so many hardships, they still had the concept that a woman’s innocence and reputation were important.

Lin Qiu Shuang, who was imprisoned in the woodshed, had no intention of introspection at all. She sat there with the light behind her, her expression dark, and her eyes full of hatred and resentment. Why shouldn’t she be happy? They are the obstacles that prevent her from marrying Sun Xiangxue!

Damn it.

However, no matter how much fuss Lin Qiu Shuang made, she couldn’t get out. She could only sit there silently and think of a way, and at the same time went on a hunger strike to express her protest.

The two elders of the Lin family don’t care how much she goes on a hunger strike. The most important thing now is to find a matchmaker and marry Lin Qiu Shuang as soon as possible. Don’t follow the bastard Sun Xiangxue. Wouldn’t she be ruined for the rest of her life?

The timeline goes back to the noon when the discovery was made. Many people in the village knew about the Lin family’s commotion, and it also reached Sun Xiangxue’s ears.

Sun Xiangxue was actually quite pleased with Lin Qiu Shuang’s show of kindness. He thought that it would be great if he married Lin Qiu Shuang. Then he would have a wife who could warm the bed and do housework…

As a result, he heard that the Lin family was not interested in him at all. After hearing the news about him, his expression suddenly turned bad. Wasn’t this a joke on him?

He spit out some water, put on his trouser pocket, and casually took the one yuan and a few cents he had won yesterday, and continued to go up the mountain to gamble with his little friend.


The Xie family, because of yesterday’s commotion, several people in the family looked bad, and they were not in the mood to go to the supply and marketing cooperative in the town. Anyway, they didn’t have much money to buy things, so they might as well go up the mountain and dig up some weeds, mushrooms, snakes, squirrels, etc. and come back for extra meals.

Aunt Luo Tang also picked up a lot of swan mushrooms to put them in the vegetable soup at noon. They will be very sweet. She also dug up a bamboo shoot and put it on her back. The thick weight filled her with a sense of security and happiness.

It’s a pity that the squirrel just ran too fast, otherwise he would have been caught.

On the way back, when she saw people in the village, she greeted them with a smile, pretending that what happened yesterday, perfectly carried out what is called “as long as I am not embarrassed, the only one who is embarrassed is others”.

In front of Aunt Luo Tang, other people would naturally not mention the bad things going on in her family, but they would talk about the Lin family’s laughing stock. Aunt Luo Tang was quite keen on gossiping. After all, there were no entertainment programs in the village. So who can tell you that the East has the upper hand and the West has the shortcomings?

“Oh, that girl is not a good thing. She insisted on marrying our Jingming at first, but then she became dissatisfied and pushed Lin Chuxia over, and now she is getting involved with Bastard Sun? Tsk, that’s really shameless.”

Aunt Luo Tang shook her head in disgust. When she said this, she forgot how mean she was to Xie Jingming’s family before. She kept talking about my Jingming’s and my Jingming’s.

Other people in the village didn’t have any objections to this ‘title’. In their understanding, no matter how much trouble the family made, they had to remain consistent and deal with the outside world together.

“That’s not true. How can Sun Xiangxue be a good match? I heard that she was still crying and clamoring to marry him!” When talking about this, they all shook their heads, looking down on him.

Aunt Luo Tang nodded repeatedly, with a look of disgust on her face, “Fortunately, my daughter… Oh, fortunately I don’t have a daughter. If she had followed her example, I would have killed her long ago.”

Of course, when it comes to gossip, you can’t always talk about a certain family. Doesn’t that mean his sources of information are not rich enough?

They chatted about the affairs of this family and the news of that family, and as they talked, they talked about Lin Chuxia.

After persuading Aunt Luo Tang, “Please don’t be so mean to Chu Xia and the third children of your nephew’s family. Their life is not easy. When I went to town today, She can only buy pig offals and pig bones, you said, Jingming worked hard outside to earn wages and allowances, and he also paid tribute to you…”

She couldn’t bear it, and even hurt Lin Chuxia. If Lin Chuxia was gone, wouldn’t those children have a better life? Crap? These people in the Xie family don’t look like people who can take care of several children. Otherwise, Xie Jingming wouldn’t have married a wife in a hurry to take care of the children after returning home?

But… Lin Chuxia is also very kind, and she is willing to buy cloth and shoes for the children.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Luo Tang’s focus was not on this. Instead, her eyes widened and she subconsciously exclaimed, “What? Went to the market town? And bought pig offal and pig bones? Where did she get the money? It’s not about salary subsidies. Didn’t she given them all to me?”

When she said this, her face was still full of anger, as if she had been fooled, and her ferocious and angry expression was as fierce as Tiger.

The lady who said this to Aunt Luo Tang froze slightly when she saw Aunt Luo Tang like this. Oops, did she say something wrong?

She grabbed Aunt Luo Tang, frowned and said, “Sister, are you trying to find trouble? You are still an aunt, why are you so shameless?”

People passing by also heard the conversation between them, they really feel disgusted with Aunt Luo Tang’s shameless behavior, “That is, you have taken away all my wages and subsidies, and she can’t afford to buy meat with the little money she have saved, so she can only buy pig offal and pig bones. Do you want to take it away too?”

“It’s simply a bully’s behavior. It’s really inappropriate.”

Aunt Luo Tang didn’t care when she listened to other people’s accusations. No matter how much she spurned her, after all these years, others might be wrong and envious of herself.

“Xie Jingming’s parents died early. It was us who raised him, and his salary and allowance should be to be filial to us!” Aunt Luo Tang said boldly. She was not the kind of woman who would be knocked down by rumors.

Only by being shameless can you gain benefits.

Then, she headed towards the home of Lin Chuxia and the three little white-eyed wolves with great momentum.

The few people who stayed behind shook their heads, saying that there was nothing they could do to help. However, they still had to go and tell the captain that if something happened again and she hit Chuxia’s head like the day before yesterday and accidentally kill her, then that would be bad.

Especially the aunt who mentioned Lin Chuxia’s incident quickly went to the captain’s house.

At this time, Lin Chuxia, who had finished cleaning the pig’s offals, was holding a basin and leading a the children towards home. As soon as she returned home and put down the basin, she heard the very familiar shouting and scolding at the door.

“Lin Chuxia, you little whore who can kill a thousand people with a broomstick! Come out!” She didn’t stand at the door. Instead, she walked in as if she were in her own home. At a glance, she saw Lin Chuxia put pig’s offals on the table.

It’s disgusting. People in the village never eat it. After all, there are not so many spices to stir-fry. The cooked taste is fishy and smelly, which also affects the appetite.

Aunt Luo Tang looked down upon her, but she was angry that Lin Chuxia actually used her money to buy these dirty things? Do you think the money came from the tree?

“Good boys, go in the house.” Lin Chuxia lowered her head and gently coaxed the three cubs into the room first. The quarrel outside might be too intense for a while, for fear of scaring them.

The three little sons clenched their little fists and glared angrily at the bad grandma who bullied their mother, but they knew that they couldn’t beat her at all.

When Aunt Luo Tang saw the looks in the eyes of the three little white-eyed wolves, her anger burned even more. She walked toward them with a ferocious face full of anger, obviously ready to teach them a lesson.

In the eyes of Aunt Luo Tang, whether it is Lin Chuxia or these three little brats, they are dogs that she can handle at will.

When Lin Chuxia saw this, her expression turned cold. She was soft , but she was someone that no one could bully.

She took a step forward and looked at Aunt Luo Tang with a smile on her face, “Auntie, I haven’t returned the gift you left for me last time!”

When Aunt Luo Tang was wondering what gift she had given, Lin Chuxia made a sudden move, grabbed Aunt Luo Tang’s hair, pressed Aunt Luo Tang’s shoulder with the other hand, tightened her grip, and slammed into the wall next to her.

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