Drama Queen Wins Easily In Historical Novel



Lin Chuxia did not help. She watched them put on their slippers in a hurry, with a gentle smile on her face. At most, she told them to seperate them into left and right, and after putting on their slippers, she took out the three pieces of cloth said, “Here, pick a color you like.”

Boys generally don’t like bright pink colors. Soon, the three little cubs chose their favorite colors, and the eldest ome chose black, the second one chose dark blue, and the third one chose reddish brown.

Such a big piece of cloth should be able to make two sets of clothes, plus the children’s underwear, but…as for the color…ah, Lin Chuxia felt that she had made a mistake again, she should have bought a piece of white cloth.

Can dark-colored clothes be used for underwear?

“Very good. Now that you have chosen colour, mom is going to find someone to help make clothes for you.” Lin Chuxia smiled happily, picked up the three pieces of cloth, and was about to go out.

She stopped walking just outside and looked at the three cubs in front of her who were looking at her eagerly. Lin Chuxia explained, “There’s no way, mom can’t make clothes. By the way, I have to buy eggs inorder to ask for help. Remember to be at home. Keep an eye on our pork.”

The three children were about to follow suit but stopped immediately. Compared with clothes or pork, which one is more important? It goes without saying that of course it’s pork! ! !

The three children who hummed carried the three kilograms of pork back. They were smart enough to remember that when Grandma Tang came to snatch their food, they had to hide it.

As for pig offal and pig bones? No one cares about it, it must be that bad woman who is too stupid to buy it wrong.

When Lin Chuxia went out with three pieces of cloth in her arms, she still remembered the five or six children she had ‘invited’ to play with her children, and took a long way to find them.

When she met the first little boy, Lin Chuxia asked him to call the other five children over. It wasn’t that Lin Chuxia didn’t believe this child, but that the child would really forget other people and other things when they are greedy.

When the six children came over, the big bag of potato chips was handed over to them, “This bag of potato chips is for you.”

Then she went to the house in the village that made clothes for others according to original owners memory “Auntie, can you help me make some clothes?”

When she put down the three pieces of cloth, she also took out four or five eggs and a small bag of white flour and placed them next to her.

The aunt who helped make clothes in front of her did not have a husband or children. Her husband and son all joined the army during the war, and neither of them came back in the end.

Occasionally, people would come over and ask her to help make clothes and bring some food, because the old aunt said that no reward will be paid for no work, and she wouldn’t take any needle or thread from the people.

Everyone in the village respected her. In ancient times, she could be regarded as a clan elder.

They used to give money directly, but after trading was no longer allowed, they could only bring some food and supplies as a thank you

“Just take the flour back, there are so many eggs, that’s enough. What kind of clothes do you want to make?”
The old aunt came over and looked at the three pieces of cloth. At first glance, this color was not suitable for the little daughter-in-law in front of her.

“Make for my three children, one is five years old, one is four years old, and one is three years old.” At the same time, she also told the children’s sizes, and the old aunt nodded.

“Okay.” When she responded, she had already thought about the styles for these pieces of cloth.


When Lin Chuxia went back, she saw three little cubs sitting on the threshold of the door. Their big round eyes were full of vigilance, as if there were bad guys. Lin Chuxia was helpless, “Mom’s little baby, What kind of game are you playing? “

” Come on, come on, we’ll hide the meat, don’t let anyone know.” As soon as he saw Lin Chuxia coming back, the Dazai’s bright eyes lit up as he stood up and ran over, caught Lin Chuxia, and took Lin Chuxia to where they were hiding.

Lin Chuxia: Well…that’s not the case, right?

“Okay, okay, mommy will hide it for you.” Lin Chuxia’s brain only lasted for a second, and she immediately understood why the three little cubs were like this. She lovingly stretched out her hand to touch their little heads, and was full of words of praise for them, “My babies are so smart. If it weren’t for you, mother wouldn’t have thought of hiding them. But in the summer, they will smell bad if left for a long time. Mother has to make ice to keep them cold, okay? “

It’s good to have this kind of heart. However, it is better not to put it anywhere than in your own supermarket. A supermarket that freezes time will not expire and can still be used all year round.

The three children looked at her confused, what does it mean to be cold?

Lin Chuxia didn’t explain it to the three children. After taking out the pork, she put it away without them noticing, and then took out today’s main dish for lunch: pig offals

“This, can you eat this?” The eldest son took a step back when he saw the second son and the third son were confused and disgusted. As the eldest brother, he had to stand up bravely and asked in a sweet voice.

“Of course, doesn’t the eldest son believe in his mother? Mom gave you sausage rice, meat with black bean sauce, and meat buns… Wow, the eldest son still doubts his mother, and mother is so sad.” Lin Chuxiaru, a drama queen, said she felt weak and aggrieved as if she were holding her heart in her hands, and started to cry for a while towards Da Zai.

When Lin Chuxia cried and complained aggrievedly about how good she was to them, then the eldest son remembered the bad woman’s behavior in the past two days. In fact,… it was not particularly bad.

If she stays like this.

Dazai’s little face wrinkled slightly, with a bit of embarrassment. Finally, the cool little voice sounded a little twitchy, “Yeah, it’s not, it’s just that it smells a bit…”

The arrogant Dazai couldn’t say anything. The warm words of concern can only answer Lin Chuxia’s question from another angle. It’s not that I don’t believe you, and it’s not that I don’t remember the meat you gave us, it’s just that the pig’s offals smells too bad.

“I knew my son was the best, and mom loves you the most.” She hugged the cool and arrogant son, and Lin Chuxia’s sweet and soft voice came softly, and the words made the son’s face… His face turned red.

The most, the most favorite…him?

The eldest son struggled to push away Lin Chuxia, who wanted to kiss his little face. However, the shy eldest son closed his eyes, how could he resist the strange aunt…ah, bah, a kiss from a good mother.

When putting down the eldest cub, Lin Chuxia picked up the second son and the third son one after another equally, “Mom loves my second son and third son so much…”

After coaxing the three sons, Lin Chuxia held a pot of pig offals, took her sons, and happily headed towards the stream. They also brought salt with them to wash the pig’s offals cleanly.

Dazai, Sanzai, and Erzai: If, if, it’s smelly and unpalatable, then they can only eat one piece at most.

The three little children were sitting on the rocks over there. Lin Chuxia was washing the pigs in the water. Some other people in the village were washing clothes and vegetables here, both upstream and downstream. The upstream part of the stream was used for washing. There is a small lake dug out in the middle for washing clothes; the lower area are used for bathing and drinking water for cattle, and they are used properly and clearly.

“Hey, Chuxia, did you hear that? Your cousin seems to be having a relationship with the sun bastard in the village?” The aunt who was washing vegetables next to her asked Lin Chuxia curiously.

“Huh? I don’t know. When did it happen? Is it true ??” Lin Chuxia had just returned from the supply and marketing cooperative in the town and had not heard about it.

In addition, the aunt who was washing clothes below shouted, “Can it be fake? Even the stingy women in the village saw it with their own eyes. Oops, I heard that they even went into the woods.”

When it comes to village gossip, the aunts are always the loudest and most emotional.

“No? You’re talking nonsense. That’s not what I heard. They just went to the mountain to dig bamboo shoots together…”

“Aren’t they all the same? I heard before that Lin Qiu Shuang spent all day in order to marry Xie Jingming. She was crying and fussing at home, and then she wallowed and said she didn’t want to get married, and now, this happened again…”

“It’s just that some girls nowadays just don’t know what to think and don’t know how to behave.”

“ Could it be that she was threatened by Sun Xiangxue? At first glance, Sun Xiangxue is not good at all. How can any girl in the village like him?”

Everyone started shouting, without giving Lin Chuxia a chance to interrupt. She didn’t take the initiative to show up, and listened to their conversation while cleaning the pig’s offals.

She roughly understood that in the morning, an aunt in the village saw Lin Qiu Shuang and Sun Xiangxue together, and then publicized it so that the whole village knew about it.

Hmm… don’t know, if Lin Qiu Shuang’s parents know about this now? Will they be furious?

Of course Lin Qiu Shuang’s parents were so angry that they almost beat up Lin Qiu Shuang without even picking up the broom.

“Lin Qiu Shuang, you, okay, you, do you know what the people in the village are saying about you now? You have embarrassed our Lin family!”

Lin Qiu Shuang didn’t listen to Old Man Lin’s anger at all. You are aggrieved because you don’t know about Sun Xiangxue’s success and that he will become a rich man in the future!

“Oh, that’s right. She was unwilling to marry Xie Jingming at first, but now she is getting mixed up with a gangster.” Lin’s Eldest daughter-in-law snorted coldly, with disdain on her face.

“Qiu Shuang, hurry up and stay away from that bastard Sun. Mom has already gone to find a matchmaker. I will definitely find you a better one.” Old Mrs. Lin stepped forward and pulled Lin Qiu Shuang and said caringly, it must be that bastard Sun that threatened her daughter.

Lin Qiu Shuang didn’t mind at first, but when she heard Mrs. Lin’s words, she immediately stood up and looked at Mrs. Lin with wide eyes, “No!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Lin family looked at her, with so many eyes suspiciously, “Why No ? Qiu Shuang, tell mom, are you, are you…”

Mrs. Lin grabbed Lin Qiu Shuang’s hand, but her eyes looked at Lin Qiu Shuang’s belly in horror, is, is she?……

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