Don't Get Caught by Your Husband!


Episode 53 : Kidnap

Soon, the maid’s disapproving voice was heard.

“Hey. Because of you, I betrayed the master I had served for so long. You take responsibility until the end.”

“Hehe… If I don’t take responsibility for you, who will? Hurry up and pack your bags and get up. They said a broker would be arriving soon to take us to the border.”


As the conversation ended, I heard the maid and the man get up and clean up their seats.

for a moment! What about me…?

Belladonna shrugged her shoulders in surprise.

“Wait a minute, what should we do with the lord’s wife?”

“Let’s just leave her here. How long can she endure this cold? she will freeze to death soon. They’d think she got lost, wandered around, and died.”

Oh, no…! If they left me behind, i would have no choice but to freeze to death, trapped in this place where i truly had no idea where it was.

“Then wait. I have to untie everything I have tied up and go.”

“No, then she can run away and go down. Let’s just leave it alone. By the time anyone finds this place, this woman will be dead in her tracks.”

Belladonna raised her head at a sound I didn’t even want to imagine.

“But I feel anxious. The lord cares for this person a lot… What happens if he later discovers that his wife is dead and comes after us desperately?”

“Hey! How many times do I say this? To me, imperial knights and lords are all the same. If you’re going to say such a weak thing, then go back to the castle!”

“What? How can I get back to work now?”

The man and the maid started fighting.

Perhaps as their emotions grew stronger, a stone from the cave floor bounced and hit Belladonna’s body.

Belladonna, who had been concentrating all her attention on listening to the two voices, was startled by a rock that suddenly hit her and bounced off her body, and flinched her shoulders.

“Huh, what is it? This woman woke up?”

The maid who didn’t miss it shouted.

Damn, I got caught… !

“Uh, let’s go!”

The maid rose from her seat, grabbed the man, and pulled him behind her.

However, the man who was holding her didn’t move, but slowly tilted hiz head, grinned, and opened his mouth.

“No. Wait a moment.”

“What are you trying to do!”

A man approached Belladonna, who was struggling on the floor, and cut off the cloth that was tying her mouth with the small sword he had been working on a while ago.


As soon as the cloth covering her mouth was loosened, a heavy pain was felt where his sword had passed.

“Oh, my. I made a mistake and left a scar on her face.”

The man spat out in a voice filled with laughter.

The maid standing next to her asked in a disapproving and anxious voice.

“What are you really going to do…? Why on earth are you releasing that?”

“She can’t talk anyway. To let her at least breathe comfortably.”

The man soon raised the sword again and brought it near the cloth covering Belladonna’s eyes.

The maid, who became anxious at his actions, looked around her and opened her mouth.

“Are you really going to undo the strings covering her eyes? What on earth is wrong with you? Let’s just leave it here and go!”

“Hey. Because I’ve been doing this for a long time…”

The man touched the cloth with the tip of his sharp sword.

It must have been a mistake again, as she felt a stinging pain under her eye.

Belladonna frowned without realizing it.

“I had to completely nip her in the bud just in case.”

“What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t matter because she can’t talk anyway. Let’s just gouge out her eyeballs. how is it?”

What…? Belladonna couldn’t believe her ears and stopped her movements.

The maid asked in a much quieter voice if the maid was also surprised.

“…..Do you have to go that far?”

“That way she can’t say anything or see anything.”

After finishing his sentence, the man strengthened the hand holding his sword and completely cut off the cloth.

Belladonna frowned and looked in front of her at the sudden light pouring in through her eyes.

She saw the maid she had encountered in the hallway earlier and a large, menacing man crouching side by side, looking at her.

She quickly turned her eyes to look around her, and saw that the place she was in seemed like an abandoned cave in the forest, far away from the castle.

A cold wind blew in through the cave entrance visible in the distance, along with small snowflakes, and cold water droplets fell from above.

On the other side, deep inside, there was only endless darkness.

W, where on earth am I…


The man’s eyes widened when he saw Belladonna’s blue eyes.

Soon, the corners of his mouth gently turned upward.

“Hey, this… She was a crazy beautiful woman, wasn’t she?”

“Oh, let’s just go. I feel so uncomfortable.”

“Do you see this? I really like these eyes.”

“What kind of look are you talking about?”

“You know this. Her eyes look at me are scared and don’t know what to do. The eyes of an herbivore facing a predator.”

A strange look appeared in the dark eyes of the man who said that.

Belladonna looked at him and her shoulders trembled in fear.

The man in front of me right now was a completely crazy man.

‘…How did I end up like this?’

When I realized where I was now, I was shocked at my situation.

I had definitely met Scarlett in the morning and had a good time with Escalion, but in the afternoon, my heart had dropped to the floor with a letter from the Pope, and now I was on the verge of having my eyeballs ruined after meeting two murderers I didn’t know.


The accumulated tears fell to the floor.

What did I do wrong… A sad feeling suddenly came over me.

I, I wanted to die of fever back then! Suddenly, I was reborn as a saint, and I suffered a lot from being oppressed by the Pope, but now I met my husband and felt free and happy….!!

I don’t know who it is, but why are you doing this to me, really!!

“Isn’t she pretty when she cry?”

A man holding a sword approached with a wry smile.

He put the sharp tip of his sword in front of Belladonna’s eyes and opened his mouth.

“It’s a pity that I can’t see your pretty eyes more. Please, forget you ever saw us. ma’am.”

Belladonna squeezed her eyes shut in fear. The man chuckled and lifted his fingers to force her eyelids up.

I thought to myself, too, Bella, with the man’s angry expression on her face.

‘If there is a God, why are you doing this to me? If you were going to do this, why didn’t you kill me then?’

Tears kept flowing down her already bruised cheeks.

However, perhaps because her entire body was frozen in the cold, she didn’t feel much stinging or pain.

Behind her mortified mind, Escalion emerged.

She missed him so much, thinking that her eyes would be gouged out like this, it would be good if it was the last time.


The sound of Escalion affectionately calling my name rang in my ears.

I missed that low voice so much.

She also felt sad and mortified, thinking that if she died like this, she would never be able to resolve the misunderstanding with Escalion.

“Hey, wait a minute….”

Then her maid, who was standing by his side, turned her head toward the depths of the dark cave and grabbed her man’s arm.

“What’s the matter? Let go of this. You have to dig it up all at once. That way, the beautiful lord’s wife will suffer less.”

“No, wait… Didn’t you hear anything strange?”

“It must be the sound of the wind. The more you do this, the longer this person will be afraid.”

The man shook off the maid’s arm in annoyance.


“Oh, no! What does this mean? There was a strange noise just now! Didn’t you hear? Hey, hey, let’s just go!”

At the maid’s urgent words, the man turned his head and looked where she was looking.

“Miss, really…… ”

“No way is this… Isn’t that the sound of a bear?”

“This is a bear cave, but bears hibernate in the cold winter, you stupid bitch.”

“Uh…? Hey, hey, that! Ahh!”

The maid, who continued to fidget and look inside, discovered something and opened her eyes wide.

She quickly took her steps backwards, tripped over a rock, and tumbled hard.

“Oh really… What?”

The maid couldn’t get the right words out, so she stretched out her finger and pointed towards the inside of the cave, kicking the floor with both legs as hard as she could.

“That… that….”

“Oh, why are you like this… Uh…? XX! W-what is that!”

The man who was frowning as he clicked his tongue looked back to where the maid was pointing and suddenly shouted.

Rolling on the floor, just as the maid said, a huge bear, which must have been hibernating, was seen crawling out toward the entrance of the cave with drool dripping from its snout.

His bloodshot eyes were sharp, probably because he was angry at being woken up, and white steam continued to rise around his hot body.

The bear stopped for a moment, looked at the maid and the man, and opened its large snout wide.


“R, run away!”

The man holding the small sword quickly got up and ran towards the cave entrance.

The maid who was rolling on the floor also came to her senses and chased after the man.

“Hey! Take me too, you cowardly bastard!”

Belladonna also tried to raise her body, but her thighs had no strength, perhaps because the drug’s strength hadn’t completely subsided.

Oh, uh, what should I do? Bella also roughly rubbed her wrists against the sharp cave wall, trying to free her hands that were tied behind her.

However, instead of loosening her tightly tightened straps, only a small wound was added to the back of her hand.

As the bear took slow steps with its heavy steps, it came towards me as well.

The bear had its bright eyes fixed straight on her.

“Hah… In the end, is it my destiny to be torn to death by a bear?”

Belladonna frowned and let out a quiet sigh.

A hazy feeling from the drug that hasn’t completely gone away yet, a slight stinging sensation on her face, blood and tears continuing to fall to the floor, and a completely mangled wrist…

Is this my last?

It was so absurd that I almost burst out laughing.

Belladonna looked at the sharp bear teeth visible through it’s gaping muzzle.

I hope the last one doesn’t hurt too much…

Her vision became increasingly dark as she breathed heavily. Yeah, i would rather just pass out.


The bear raised its muzzle again and made a noise.

Bella, who was slowly blinking her eyes, soon came to her senses.


Lastly, I felt that the bear in my field of vision was somehow very familiar.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. HeathBar says:

    The ML turns into a bear? That’s a new one… 🥰

  2. forevergracious says:

    When is the next update 😭

    1. Esraa says:

      I technically dropped it
      There is miserable misunderstanding and it will continue to 30 chapters , i can’t handle it 💀💀💀

      1. forevergracious says:

        Thanks for answering…let me drop it too, I cannot handle misunderstandings😭

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