Don't Get Caught by Your Husband!

The Pope's Trap

Episode 51 : The Pope’s Trap

“No matter how casual it may seem on the outside, Escalion was only seven years old when he lost his parents. Still, although I was with my mother for quite some time, Escalion didn’t have a family until he met me. Even after meeting me, it wasn’t a normal relationship.”

Escalion, who seemed stronger than anyone else, actually had deeper wounds than anyone else.

His sometimes sly and very light-hearted demeanor may have been something he made up to hide his inner self.

Thinking of him like that, a corner of my heart felt like it was hurting.

“Please take care of Escalion. If his wife doesn’t betray him first, Escalion will continue to be just that.”

Bella, who was about to nod her head, stopped at one word.


<After you get married, follow him to his territory and stay there for just three months.>

<Three months later, I plan to make you get divorce due to his defects and receive a solid alimony in addition to the wedding funds.>

<Plenty of wedding funds and alimony. And a revival effect due to sympathy for the saint who returned home after being beaten by her promiscuous husband. Let’s aim for these two birds!>

The Pope’s greedy voice and sinister, low laugh rang unpleasantly in my ears.

Bellasonna clenched her fists that were on her lap.

At first… She had no intention of betraying him now.

She couldn’t even imagine leaving Escalion behind and returning to Astanya now.

‘I have to talk.’

Belladonna repeated in her mind.

For what purpose did the Pope send her to him, and what exactly did he ask for. And what is her true feeling now and how has it changed.

She had to tell him everything.


If i tell him the Pope’s intentions are, how will he react?

Pope Pronance Briel was a figure who had a huge influence on the Eleanor Empire.

Everyone respected and loved him, and there were at least millions of believers who would sacrifice their lives for him without hesitation.

If Escalion found out the Pope’s true identity, would he stay still?

‘And… Will he trust me?’

In fact, I had an arranged marriage and was planning a divorce to extort wedding funds from him, but now I truly loves him.

So I want to remain by his side.

In reality, The daughters if the cunning who only cares about money is able to speak, but has been lying about it all this time.

Anyone could see that they looked like a typical con artist father and daughter.

‘Besides, I’m not really Saint Belladonna….’

Escalion showed me his true feelings and acted honestly in every way, but in reality, I was hiding everything and was only showing a fake appearance.

Thinking about that, a feeling of nervousness suddenly appeared in her.

“Ma’am, are you okay?”

Scarlett, who checked on Bella, whose complexion suddenly looked bad, grabbed her arm and asked.

Belladonna pulled herself out of her thoughts and forced herself to smile.

“Anyway, it looks like he has been really busy since becoming a lord. He is being called away without even having a chance to spend some quality time with you.”

Scarlett glanced at the living room door and mentioned Escalion not returning.

He didn’t stay long in Sirlenia before returning, so it was clear that he was suffering from overwork these days. Poor Escalion….

Scarlett looked down at the watch on her wrist for a moment and opened her mouth.

“Oh, I have to go back now before it’s too late.”

Ah! Belladonna, who was thinking about Escalion, belatedly turned her head out of the window. Then, before she knew it, it was completely dark outside.

Then we should bring Escalion…!

When Belladonna stood up to fetch Escalion, Scarlett stopped her and made her sit down again.

“Don’t call him, I will go alone. Anyway, now… I will come often.”

She says she will come often…

While saying that, Scarlett smiled shyly.

It looked somehow cute and warm, and Belladonna also smiled softly.

She nodded her head and took Scarlett’s hand in hers.

That’s right, come visit often!

* * *

“I’m going, ma’am!”

Scarlett stuck her face out of the carriage and waved her hand.

Take care! Belladonna also lifted one of her hands and waved it from side to side.

She stood where she was until the carriage carrying Scarlett passed through the gates and disappeared, and then she turned around.

He said it would only take a moment… How on earth does Wolf pamper people!

Belladonna climbed the stairs, grunting at Wolff for taking Escalion away from her, and she walked towards his office.

She knocked on the door without hesitation, and a pleasant voice came from inside.

“Come in.”

Belladonna entered the office, feeling her heart rise and the corners of her mouth turn up without her knowledge.


She was happy to announce that Scarlett had returned, but the atmosphere inside her office was unusual.

Even though Bella was embarrassed without realizing it, she slowly stopped in her place.

Escalion, whose eyes were different from his usual ones, was staring straight at her.

What, what is it? What happened…?


The air in the office was heavy. For some reason, the stuffy air was suffocating Bella, as if pressing on top of her.

Belladonna stood still and swallowed dry saliva.

Escalion’s eyes, sitting in his chair and staring at her, were very different from usual.

She forced her wavering gaze to quickly scan the top of his desk.


A letter envelope with the Vatican’s seal was placed there.

Belladonna’s heart began to beat loudly after seeing this.

Then, the letter said to have a confidentiality seal… It seemed like what Wolff mentioned earlier was a letter from the Vatican.

Belladonna looked down at the envelope without saying a word.

Although he had often sent me letters as an excuse to say hello, he was the Pope who had never sent a letter directly to Escalion.

What is it about? No way….

She approached him, trying to keep her composure as best as she could.

“…..Scarlett is back.”

“Okay. I heard the carriage leaving.”

Escalion answered without taking his eyes off Belladonna.

At his cold, almost indifferent response, Belladonna stopped in her tracks, not knowing what to do.

Her confusion made her head spin.

I didn’t know why I was standing here, whether I should turn around and go out now, or what on earth I should do.

“This… It must have been a lot of work. I can’t even see you off in person.”

Belladonna swallowed her dry saliva and barely managed to squeeze out her voice.

Escalion, who continued to watch her, turned over the envelope on his desk and said,

“A letter arrived from the Pope.”


“One for you, one for me. There were two in total.”

“…Is it so?”

Belladonna forcibly raised the corners of her mouth.

It was still difficult to determine why the Pope sent the letter and what it contained.

“I didn’t mean to read the letter hw sent you. I just opened the envelope with my name on it and saw.”

Escalion picked up a piece of paper lying nearby.

“I read the letter that came to me, but the content was strange. I guess he confused the letter that was sent to you with my letter.”

He handed her the letter he was holding.

Belladonna accepted the paper he held out with her trembling hands. A feeling of nervousness and coldness ran down her spine.

Belladonna stood still and looked down at the letter.

Now that she was three months into her marriage to him, she was expecting the Pope to react in some way, but not this way.

‘No way….’

She read his letter with her trembling eyes.

[My beloved daughter.

Your marriage has already entered its third month. There is less than a month left until our plan. It must be very difficult mentally, but please hold on to your marriage, which you said ir was terrible.]

Belladonna took a small breath.

The letter the Pope had sent was correct, but it had a completely different tone and writing style.

He didn’t usually write straightforward information about marriage like this in his letters.

The Pope, who only used indirect and metaphorical words that others wouldn’t notice, couldn’t have written a letter like this.

She raised her eyes and met Escalion’s gaze, who was still looking at her, then she lowered her head back to thw letter.

[I still feel really sorry for sending you to Lord Diete due to financial issues. If you hadn’t made a plan to divorce him after three months, the Vatican would have become more difficult every day. The people of the Vatican will remember your sacrifice for a long time.]

What does this mean…? I personally made plans to divorce him in three months?

Belladonna’s fingertips began to tremble little by little.

[I feel sorry for Sir Escalion Diete. But I think he will eventually understand God’s deep intentions. I hopes that your marriage with him will end without any problems. Oh, I am enclosing the letter you sent me just now. Will you burn it all at once there? I think this will be our last letter. Well then, see you soon in Astanya.

Your beloved father.]

Belladonna raised her head.

That’s the letter I sent you?

“Are you looking for this?”

Escalion waved another piece of paper he was holding.

Belladonna realized what it was and her body trembled slightly.

“This is the letter you sent to the Pope a few days ago. Is it because there are so many eyes in the Vatican that there was no other way to handle this?”

He threw the letter he was holding in front of Belladonna.

Bellasonna looked down at the paper falling helplessly at her feet.

[Father, don’t worry. Everything will go as you and I will. But before that, I want to know what my husband’s fault is that you mentioned earlier. I think I need to know what his weaknesses are so that I can conclude the matter wisely in the future when I take issue with his flaws and get divorced.]

Belladonna’s face turned white as she checked a passage in the letter I had written.

These were just sentences written to find out the Pope’s plans.

The intention was to make it appear as if she was still on his side and preparing for a divorce, thereby reassuring the Pope, understanding her intentions, and preparing to remain by Escalion’s side in the end.

However, if anyone were to read the contents, it was really a letter from the Pope, with sentences that looked like the image of the wife only thinking about ending her marriage to Escalion.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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