Don't Get Caught by Your Husband!

Sharing a ring

Episode 43 : Sharing a ring

“Ma’am….? Oh my, what is happening!!”

Hearing Cindy’s loud voice, Belladonna slowly opened her eyes.

Cindy, I haven’t been asleep in a while… Your voice is really loud this morning…

When Belladonna narrowed her eyes, Cindy became even more excited.

“Lady! no way… Is it true that you two can finally share a ring?”


“For some reason, my lord came out of the bedroom later than usual today! Wow! What should I do!”

Frowning at Cindy’s loud voice, Belladonna lowered her head and looked at her body.

She was naked without a single shred of clothing on, and with red and brown marks all over her body, she looked like someone who had spent a passionate and naked night with her husband.

Bella also nodded her head with a shy look on her face.

“Ouch! congratulations! Where was the prepared ring? wait a minute! I’m going to tell Wolff right away!”

Cindy, wait a minute…

Cindy, who was jumping around in her place, ran out of the room and disappeared without any time to stop her.


Okay, I don’t know.

Belladonna, left alone, buried her face in the pillow again and fell into a poor sleep.

It was four hours later that she opened her eyes again.

It was well after noon when she was able to get her body up, wash up in the bathroom, and come down to the first floor to have lunch.

“Good evening, ma’am!”

“Ma’am, have a nice day today!”


Today, the greetings from the employees seemed infinitely bright and exciting.

Am I taking it strangely? Belladonna somehow felt ashamed and embarrassed, so she smiled awkwardly at them as she entered the restaurant.

‘Oh, I’m hungry……’

Bella, who opened the door to the dining room without thinking and entered, stopped in her tracks, surprised by the appearance of the dinning room, which was very different from her usual.

The restaurant, which would normally be empty, was filled with unfamiliar knights.

They were very rugged, black, and large knights.

What…? Facing the noisy situation, Belladonna was very embarrassed and hesitated, taking a step back.

Several of knights, who had spotted Belladonna, They greeted her.

“Oh, ma’am?”

“Oh my, madam! It’s meal time! sorry.”

There were some familiar faces and some I had never met before, but they all seemed to know me.

The knights smiled or bowed their heads from where they were standing and greeted Belladonna.

Bella blinked her eyes, not knowing what to do.

If you guys are taking up the dinning room like this, what about my food?

“Ma’am, I’m sorry. You were surprised, right?”

At that moment, one of the knights who had been hiding in the crowd came out in front of her and approached her.

Belladonna looked at him, her wariness erased from her face, which she had seen many times before somewhere.


Belladonna pointed to the dinning room with a look on her face as if she was wondering what was going on.

Hazel, who understood what she meant, quickly answered.

“Ah, I guess Wolff didn’t tell you in advance. Our knights just arrived in Sirlenia today. Did you know we were coming?”

I found out yesterday from Cindy that the Knights of Griblata were coming.

Bella also nodded her head towards Hazel.

“We couldn’t get a proper meal because we were riding horses for a long time… First of all, we were in a hurry to come into the dinning room and have a meal. But we didn’t know that you hadn’t prepared your meal yet.”

Oh, I came down too late…

Hazel said as he prepared to lead his knights out.

“We will leave for now. If you finish your meal first, we will come back later.”

Oh no!

Belladonna hurriedly waved her hands.

She didn’t want so many knights to waste their time because of her.

Bella lifted both her hands and slowly lowered them to indicate that they should eat in peace and not her.


At that moment, the door of the dinning room burst open and Wolff appeared out of breath.

He, who appeared to have run to the restaurant, sighed with a sad look on his face when he found the knights already filling the restaurant.

“Oh, I’m too late. I tried to tell you in advance, but I couldn’t take care of you when you got up…”

Belladonna smiled at Wolff, showing that it was okay.

Wolff slightly lowered his head to express his gratitude for understanding, and then blurted out as if he remembered something.

“Ah, madam! I heard the story from Ms. Cindy. I will find the ring for you soon.”

“A ring?”

At the word ring, I felt the knights behind me, including Hazel, prick up their ears.

Ah. no. here?

Bella blinked her eyes rapidly as I felt her face rapidly heating up.

However, Wolff, who didn’t notice her feelings, smiled happily and nodded.

“Yes, that’s right. everyone! Finally, our lord and madam are able to share the rings.”

“Uh, really?”

“A ring? ah! Congratulations, ma’am!”

“Finally!! You two have become a true couple! I’m so happy!”

At Wolff’s words, the knights smiled brightly, clapped their hands, and raised their voices in congratulations.

The restaurant was immediately filled with celebratory atmosphere and enthusiasm.

Haha… Belladonna smiled, fanning her fevered face.

* * *

“I heard you’re wearing a ring.”

A large knight said as he sat down next to Escalion, who was sitting on the stairs.

With his gray hair and beard of the same color, he looked like a veteran mercenary with strong bones.

Escalion glanced around to see the face of the man sitting down next to him, lifted the canteen, drank water, and nodded.

“Congratulations. I didn’t hear anything even after a few weeks of getting married, so I thought you weren’t as good at being a man as you seemed.”

The man, giggling mischievously and took his water.

Escalion immediately frowned and grumbled at the man who drank his water carelessly.

“Where did you sell your water, Graham?”

“I already drank all my water. The road to get here is so long. Do you know how embarrassed I was when I went to Griblata to see you and ended up making a fuss? Suddenly Sirlenia. It was fortunate that I was able to join the group of knights who were coming here at the right time.”

Escalion looked at Graham who shrugged his shoulders, clicked his tongue and shook his head.

His eyebrows were furrowed, but his expression softened, as if he was at peace for the first time in a long time.

Graham looked around him and opened his mouth.

“Where is your wife, anyway? I would like to meet the Saint of Astanya in person, whom I have only heard about through rumors. I was so far away that I didn’t even see the wedding.”

“My wife is not someone you can treat carelessly..”

Escalion said clearly.

“They said she is very beautiful.”

“The rumor got out right.”

“Is it true that she can’t speak? She really can’t say a word?”

Graham asked.

If anyone heard it, it would have been said to be disrespectful to the person in question, right in front of her husband, but Escalion, who knew that this ignorant and rough mercenary had no malicious intent, didn’t think too deeply about it.

He briefly recalled last night, then opened his mouth.

“She can’t talk.”

“And… If she sit still, she almost look like a doll. Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t communicate?”

“Even though we can communicate well, it’s better than couple who just fights over nonsense.”

“Oh, I think I just got hit somewhere.”

Escalion stood up first, leaving Graham with his big eyes blankly blinking, and lightly relaxed her body by rotating her stiff arms.

Graham, who was looking up at him, put down the water he was holding and opened his mouth.

“What about holy power? Do she really have the ability to heal people? I think I need that healing too. I have aches and pains here and there.”

At his question, Escalion turned his head.

“At this point, why don’t you take advantage of your wife’s holy power? Then the people in your territory will be very happy. Since she have that kind of ability, I think she can give you strength in ruling the territory in many ways.”

Escalion, who was listening to Graham, frowned.

“Are you telling me to act like the Pope?”

“What? What’s wrong with the Pope?”

Escalion, who was thinking of Pope Pronance with his sinister and mysterious smile, immediately shook his head and ran hiz hand through his hair.

“My wife is no longer a saint. She won’t use her holy power unless it’s something special.”

“What? It would be a shame to let that ability go to waste….”

“Don’t care about someone else’s wife.”

Escalion threw his wooden sword at Graham. Graham, who suddenly caught the sword flying at him, awkwardly raised the corner of his mouth.

“Why is this… no way… Isn’t it?”

“Come out. I’ll take a break after a long time.”

“Hey, please look at me too! It’s been a long run since Griblata! On the way you didn’t give us a portal….!”

Escalion lowered his posture, grabbed the other wooden sword he was holding with one hand, and rushed at him.

Graham was startled, jumped up from his seat, and said:

“Oh, not yet! I’m not ready!”

“Have you ever waited until the battlefield was ready for you?”

Escalion smiled happily and quickly struck down the wooden sword he had raised high.

* * *

“Lady! The Griblata Knights are currently training at the temporary training ground!”

Cindy, who was looking out the window, let out a shout.

Belladonna, who was sitting in a chair reading a book, turned her head towards her.

Training? What does that have to do with me?

Cindy, who was looking at her with a puzzled expression on her face, stamped her feet as if she was nervous.

“That… How about going to show your support? This is thier first training since coming here, and I think it will be meaningful if you keep your position.”


Bella also rolled her blue eyes back and forth as if she didn’t feel like it.

Does she have to go? I feel somewhat embarrassed, perhaps because Wolff brought up the story of the ring to the knights…

Cindy noticed her expression and quickly opened her mouth.

“How much would the lord like it if you went out to cheer?”


Belladonna, who was still looking at Cindy, narrowed her eyes and glanced at her suspiciously.

Cindy, don’t you just want to watch the knights train?

“I’m definitely not trying to satisfy my selfish desires! This is thier first training in Sirlenia, and the knights will be so happy if we give them something to drink and snacks!”

But the drinks and snacks aren’t provided by me, but by Wolff and other employees.

“Ah, anyway, let’s go! Madam will also enjoy watching you practice.”

Cindy grabbed Belladonna’s hand.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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