Don't Get Caught by Your Husband!

Sirlenia City Center (2)

Episode 37 : Sirlenia City Center (2)

I definitely said I was going this way…

Bella also walked around, looking around her.

It wouldn’t have been difficult for Cindy to follow her in her usual easy-going manner, but now, Cindy had been lost for several hours and she was anxious. For a moment, it seemed as if she was quickening her pace with a sense of duty to get Bella to the mailbox store.

‘If I keep going like this, I’m really going to get lost….’

If she couldn’t get enough, she could have grabbed someone and asked for help, but even that was too much for her because she couldn’t speak.

‘Should I just stay still?’

Originally, for someone who lost their way, the best option was to stand still and wait in the original spot instead of wandering around trying to find the person who was with them.

Any time, Cindy will notice that I’m gone and come back to look for me…In many ways, it seemed better that way.

Bella quickly turned away, went to the intersection where Cindy and I had crossed paths a little while ago, and leaned against the corner wall. If i stay here, she will come looking for me and take me away, right?


As her anxious mind calmed down, the surrounding scenery slowly began to come into view. Belladonna stood still and looked at the busy streets of downtown Sirlenia.

People carrying large luggage walked past Belladonna, chattering. It seemed as if Belladonna could feel the serenity and joy on their faces.

“Put all the dried fruits here!”

“I need to buy some thick cotton for the blanket.”

“Don’t forget you’ll need extra thread, too!”

Winter seems to be winter.

Under Belladonna’s gaze, the smiling commoners walked diligently.

The corner of Belladonna’s mouth turned upward as the scene in full swing in winter seemed somehow familiar and relatable.

‘I used to be that busy in the winter too….’

Still, perhaps because there were many crops harvested this fall, the expressions on the faces of the common people passing by were not bad. Fortunately for her, Bella thought, she continued to watch them.


At that time, someone tapped Belladonna on the shoulder.

When she turned around in surprise, she saw a woman walking along with a tall box blocking her view. Belladonna was startled and she veered off her path. Should I help? It looks like she has too much baggage…

“oh my! Sorry, miss. It’s because I can’t see clearly.”

She was stretching out her arms vaguely, not knowing what to do, when a woman peeked her face out from behind the box and said, Bella also smiled brightly at her.

Bella nodded and smiled, indicating that I was okay.

If this happens…As always, after seeing her smile, I thought she would be greeted an ecstatic or surprised expression, but the woman who made eye contact with Bella moved her gaze as if nothing had happened and went on her way without hesitation.

‘Huh? just now…..’

Belladonna, left alone, blinked her eyes and slowly turned her head. She opened her eyes wide and focused her gaze on the back of the woman’s head, who was moving further and further away.

Are you just going to leave like that? She definitely made eye contact with me…?


It’s been a long time since I’ve had a reaction like this. It had been so long that I felt dazed.

Since her awakening as a saint in Astanya, people’s gaze towards her has always been that of the commoners who show her admiration, love and respect, or the nobles who desire her but secretly ignore her. It was all they had.

Even after marrying Escalion and moving to Griblata, as a lord’s wife, people’s caution and vigilance were added, but not much changed.

Most of those gazes were burdensome and uncomfortable. An unspecified number of people she didn’t know at all knew her, and everyone was even watching her.

‘A few weeks ago she briefly enjoyed the Griblata festival with Escalion in commoner attire, but a few sharp-witted people gave her suspicious looks. But this perfectly ordinary reaction…It’s been so long.’

Bella, who was standing still, suddenly turned her head and looked at her surroundings.

No one who passed me gave me a long glance. A few men stopped and looked back as if they were surprised by her beauty, but even that lasted only for a moment.

‘Ah…In Sirlenia, neither Astanya nor Griblata, almost no one knows who I am…..’

So here, Belladonna was perfectly ordinary person, neither a saint nor a lord’s wife.

As soon as she realized that, an unknown feeling of nervousness suddenly rose in her heart. Belladonna’s heart trembled strangely, as if she were a caged bird looking at a wide open cage door.

‘No one knows me……’

Here, she was a saint and the wife of the lord of Griblata, so it was nice not to be looked at by people.

Belladonna’s heart began to pound as she felt her freedom for the first time since she awoke as a saint.



Belladonna swallowed her dry saliva and slowly made her way through the crowd. She could feel people passing by glancing up at her as they blocked her way, but then it disappeared.

“Miss, don’t block the road.”

“Oh, sorry….”

I must have been so relaxed that my voice came out without me even realizing it.

Bella was startled, but lifted one of her hands and covered her mouth.

Ah, even if they don’t know me, this isn’t true…!

However, the person who spoke to Belladonna  turned and passed by her without much response.

Belladonna slowly removed her hand that covered her mouth and looked at the people. No one on this path had much interest in me.


Belladonna clenched her fists as she lowered them to her sides.

I knew I was quite impulsive right now, but I thought I didn’t want to miss this opportunity.

It wasn’t that I wanted to run away from Escalion or the Pope, but the thought of wanting to enjoy the freedom given to me for a while dominated my unstable reason.


Belladonna turned her head to look once more at the alley where Cindy had disappeared. There was no sign of her returning yet.

Her hurt and tangled mind kept driving her to make unfamiliar decisions.

‘It’s okay if it’s very short, so just for a moment….’

Yet. Belladonna let out a small breath and took a step forward. I wanted to go, wherever it was.

I wanted to avoid everyone’s gaze and organize my thoughts alone, even if just for a moment.

* * *

“Ah beautiful…migratory bird…”

On a low hill slightly away from the city, Belladonna, who had been standing still and hesitating, awkwardly settled down and sat down.

As she wandered around without deciding on a destination, she seemed to have followed the familiar tune of the song again without her realizing it.

‘I come out of a busy place and immediately comes into this open area.’

Belladonna glanced back at the path she had walked, then pulled her knees up, curled her body into a circle, and looked at the peasants below.

Even though it was cold, people who were red with fever were constantly moving their bodies.

“With your big wings…Sing the hope that dwells within you…”

Even though it was busy, the singing continued.

Belladonna watched them quietly and leaned her cheeks on her lap. The wind that blew at that moment lightly blew her hair.

Thanks to Cindy, I was dressed warmly and the winter sun was shining well over the hill, so I was fortunate that it wasn’t too cold.

‘It’s peaceful.’

Belladonna quietly closed her eyes, feeling the freedom and serenity of not having anyone around.

“Oh no, it just popped up…The sun…Get down to the ground and sit down….”

As she quietly closed her eyes and listened to the work song, she felt as if she had returned to her former life. This moment felt very sweet, like taking a break after working hard all day.

At this moment, the Vatican of Astanya, the Pope, Scarlett, and Escalion…Nothing made her anxious.


Belladonna, who had been sitting quietly for a while soothing her complicated mind, slowly opened her eyes.

‘Anyway, soon….’

After her divorce, she would never see Escalion again. So it was much better to leave her needlessly complicated and clumsy feelings here or in Griblata with him.

‘Even if i fell in love with him….’

As she thought about that, she felt her heart, which she had tried so hard to suppress, begin to ache again.

Ugh, why did I have to feel that way about my soon-to-be-divorced husband…!

Belladonna, her eyes squeezed shut, shook her head quickly. Let’s forget, let’s forget! He’s going to live happily ever after with his mistress once I’m gone anyway! The more this happens, the more I lose!

“The whole place is filled with red energy…”

The endless work songs of the farmers came from far away and raindrops fell in my ears. Belladonna looked at them quietly for a moment, and then she slowly opened her lips.

Farmers sang work songs not only to escape from hard work, regain strength, and find a little joy, but also to get rid of useless thoughts. So I too, just for a moment…

Soon, a very small hum came out through parted lips.

“Hmm…Um hmm…..”

The hum, which started out as a whisper, gradually gained its own sound.

As she concentrated on recalling the next lyric she couldn’t quite remember, her thoughts about Escalion seemed to fade away.

“Hmm…Facing me…on your face… The proud smile…”

Belladonna’s expression, which had been singing in a low voice, gradually relaxed. Her mood was gradually improving.

Her favorite work songs always brought her comfort. So, even at the Vatican, when no one was around, she would secretly hum her songs.

“…Anytime I see it…So beautiful…”

She sang along to the peasant song for a while, and then blankly spat out the last line and giggled softly. Come to think of it, that was the first time she met Escalion..

<Beautiful little bird…Your day…Ah!>

At the time, I thought he had really heard my voice, but since he hasn’t said anything until now, I guess he was busy sleeping soundly.

Belladonna quietly blinked her eyes.
When the song was completely finished, there was a short silence. Before I knew it, all I could hear was the sound of the wind.

I saw the farmers sitting on the floor getting up one by one and putting their belongings away. Belladonna, who was looking at them, also slowly stood up.

She had to go back now. She had to go back in time to find Cindy.

Bella got up from her seat and moved her arms and brushed the dirt off her skirt. Feeling much lighter than before, she turned around.


At that moment, Belladonna stopped in her tracks. Not a few steps away from her was someone she knew very well, standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.


Her untidy voice came out of her mouth.

Eventually, his lips opened.

“My wife has a beautiful voice.”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Slezula says:

    omg 👁️👄👁️

  2. Fara says:

    Omggg.thank you for update❤️

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