Don't Get Caught by Your Husband!

I want to share the rings tomorrow morning

Episode 27 : I want to share the rings tomorrow morning

That’s right!

Belladonna shouted in her heart.

“He haven’t used it once since it was given to him by His Majesty the Emperor, so there are some places that need repairs here and there, but I don’t think you will have any major inconveniences if you are living there for the next two months. If you prepare diligently, you will be able to leave within three days.”


“I will order Cindy and the maids to prepare the items you need. There is a brief description of Sirlenia written on the piece of paper I just gave you. Please read it and let me know if you have any questions.”

Belladonna nodded her head with a satisfied smile.

With this, I will leave Griblata and went to Sirlenia in the south.

Although she is relieved that things seem to be going according to plan, she thinks that in just a few days she may be leaving and never coming back, and the sadness of leaving good people behind raises her head.

Wolff won’t go to Sirlenia with me and will stay in Griblata, right?

‘If I had known this would happen, I should have helped a little more with the household budget…….’

She looked at him with regret. Wolff, perhaps aware of her feelings, pushed up his sparkling glasses and continued his words.

“If there is no disagreement, we will arrange to move at the earliest possible date. I will select suitable maids and prepare a carriage.”

Belladonna nodded slowly at him.
That evening, after bathing her in hot water, Belladonna sat back on her own bed and made eye contact with Escalion, who was staring straight at her.

This is my room, right?

Snoring in her mind, she sat down in front of the dressing table with Cindy’s help.

Cindy, who was overly conscious of Escalion, who seemed to be heating up even in this cold, with his upper body almost completely undone, exposing his sculpted upper body, slowly opened her mouth.

“Ma’am, then let me dry your hair……I guess…… ?”

“I will do it.”

At that time, the man who was staring at them raised his upper body and exhaled.


“I will do it. okay?”

Escalion came to Cindy’s side and snatched the towel she was holding and asked. Embarrassed, Cindy looked alternately at the lord standing next to her and the madam sitting in front of her.

When Belladonna gave her an OK smile in her mirror, Cindy came to her senses and pointed to her hair.

“You can start by pressing and drying her hair starting from the ends. After that, you can shake it off like this…… l”

“I will try.”

Escalion sat down in earnest and grabbed the ends of her hair with a white towel.


Belladonna’s head fell behind her due to the tremendous force of his sudden pull.

“Oh! You can’t do it that hard! So gently…like this….”

Cindy, startled, stretched out her hand and returned Bella’s head to its original position, leaning back. She demonstrated, timidly holding onto the end of the towel that Escalion was holding.

Thank you, Cindy…..

Bella also thanked Cindy for her efforts and turned her gaze to the mirror in front of her.

Through the mirror, Escalion was seen listening to Cindy’s explanation with a serious expression and her brows furrowed.

“I still don’t know how much strength I should give.”

Escalion muttered and began to very gently squeeze out the moisture from her hair. He concentrated all his attention as if he were handling a very small and delicate chick in the palm of his hand.

“that’s right! You can do that.”

“Just leave now.”

When Cindy shouted in a much more relieved voice than before, Escalion blurted out:


“I’ll do the rest, so you can go out.”


Cindy didn’t seem to trust Escalion at all. She looked down at the back of Belladonna’s head with worried eyes, then took her reluctant steps away.

“Lady…I’m going……?”

Okay…Belladonna nodded with a half-given expression.

Cindy kept looking behind her as if she wasn’t at ease, and then she left the room and closed the door.



As she disappeared, an awkward silence suddenly fell in the room.

Bellady looked at him closely in the mirror, sensing his unfamiliar mood due to his unusual mood.

No, even if I were to say that, why is this man so quiet all of a sudden?

Escalion silently squeezed the moisture out of her hair, then gently shook it out as Cindy had instructed, and then repeated the squeeze.

I think that’s enough….

As Belladonna raised her hand to block his arm, Escalion dropped the towel he was holding on the floor.

“Shall we go to bed?”

Should I go to sleep?

Belladonna lifted her body without hesitation and walked to the bed. She lifted the blanket as usual and went inside to take a comfortable position, but Escalion didn’t come to her side.

When she turned her head in confusion and looked at Escalion standing in front of the bed, he looked unusually nervous and opened his mouth.

“Are you feeling okay today?”

What is today….Belladonna nodded her head indifferently.

Escalion, who was looking at her with low eyes, hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“Then tomorrow morning…I want to share the rings.”


It took some time for the words that entered her ear to travel to her head.

Soon, Belladonna’s face turned bright red as she realized what he meant.

“Are you going to be okay?”

Escalion asked again.

Bellaxonna couldn’t move at all, as she froze and blinked her wide-open eyes.

‘Uh….what should i do?’

I never dreamed that he would suddenly ask for an early night like this. No, I knew something like this could happen someday, but it would be more accurate to say that I was too complacent.

I was sleeping in the same bed with him almost every night. No matter how patient her husband was, she couldn’t have put off her first night any longer.

‘What excuse do I have?’

Belladonna quickly shook her head.

Poor condition? I said i was okay with this…Sudden stomachache? no? Or will i just run out of the room like this?

“Are you surprised?”

A bass sound suddenly struck her ears, and Bella Donna raised her head as if waking up from her sleep.

Escalion, who was staring at her looking up at him, raised one hand and covered his eyes. Behind her covered hand, her red-hot ears were visible.

“shit…If you don’t want to do it, I won’t force you to do it. So that expression…….”


Belladonna looked up at him, still distraught. I felt a mixture of various emotions, including surprise, embarrassment, embarrassment, shame, and sorry, and it was clear that those feelings were reflected on my face.

“I did it because I was nervous.”

He spit out, still covering his eyes.

“My wife will soon be leaving for the South to spend the winter in a townhouse there, and I don’t think I’ll be able to join her. If that happens, we’ll have to live apart from each other for at least two months.”


“I thought I wouldn’t see you for two months…..Damn, but I guess I was too impatient.”

It wasn’t that I couldn’t understand his feelings. No, on the contrary, after knowing his feelings, i only felt sorry that i had put off the first night of the night and went far away to prepare for divorce.

<After you get married, follow him to his territory and stay there for just three months.>

The Pope’s sinister voice rang in my ears. Bella frowned as I felt a slight sense of nausea creeping into her.

Just then Escalion lowered her hand from her face and checked her face. Bella, who was frowning heavily, looked at my face and sighed as she felt bitterness.

That’s a complete rejection.

“Just pretend you didn’t hear it.”

Escalion turned her body around.

“Sleep first.”

Oh, that’s not it…..

Belladonna looked at his back as he walked further and further away, not knowing what to do.

<Plenty of wedding funds and alimony. And a revival effect due to sympathy for the saint who returned home after being beaten by her promiscuous husband. Let’s aim for these two birds!>

The Pope’s voice kept ringing in my head.

no…..I really don’t like this….To become a person like that….

At that moment, something broke out in Belladonna’s heart. It was something she had suppressed and repressed over the past year as she unconsciously lived her life as a saint.

‘…I don’t want to do what the Pope says! I don’t want to go back to Astanya like this!’

“Shall I turn off the light?”

Escalion, standing in front of the door, pointed to the lamp with the tip of his chin and asked. Belladonna immediately shook her head.

Even her nod felt like a rejection towards me. Escalion felt the bitter taste lingering in her mouth and turned the handle of the door.

At that time, he heard something running behind him. Instinctively he turned her head and saw Belladonna, who had been lying on her bed, lifting her body and jumping towards him.

“What is this….”

Escalion held her with both arms outstretched. Otherwise, it seemed like she would lose her footing and fall as she ran clumsily.

Belladonna rushed straight into his chest. She couldn’t control her speed, but he caught her just in time so he didn’t end up burying his nose into her firm chest.

“Why are you doing this?”

His panicked voice was heard. Belladonna hugged him tightly, burying her face in his chest and shaking her head.

From above, he let out a low sigh.

“OK got it. I said I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to.”

Belladonna lifted her head and looked up at him. She herself could not define what this emotion was that was now erupting from within her body.

Maybe it was a feeling of rebellion against the Pope, or maybe it was like having free will for the first time in my life. Or maybe it was the excitement or anticipation I had been subconsciously feeling towards him all along, or maybe it was just a natural instinct.

Escalion, misinterpreting the pitiful look in her Belladonna’s eyes, said, pulling her away slightly.

“I’m not angry. It’s just that my head is a bit messy and I’m trying to sort it out. If you sleep first, you’ll be back soon…… ”

Belladonna put her hand on his shoulder and lifted her heel. With a clumsy movement, she placed her lips against his.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. bored_potato_ says:

    amskdksksk i can’t wait for the moment that bella would tell escalion EVERYTHING! kakskdkskdndndn

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