Don't Get Caught by Your Husband!

I can't stand it

Episode 24 : I can’t stand it

“Thank you. Please sit here and take your time looking at the report I gave you.”

After taking Belladonna’s lumber ledger with her signature and placing it on her desk, Wolff pulled out her chair for her and opened her mouth.

Belladonna snapped out of her thoughts and she looked down at the chair he had so kindly pulled out for her.

Uh, no, I’m going back to my room…

“I guess there’s a lot to see, right?”

Oh, no, I’ll just take a quick look and then go back to my room….

“You will probably have to concentrate all morning to see it carefully.”

Ah, no, I’ll just leave….

“I’ll ask Cindy to bring some tea, ma’am.”

ah…… yes…..

Bella, who had failed to escape from Wolff, who was pushing her with her benevolent face, had no choice but to nod her head and sit down on the chair in front of the wide desk.

Yes, i should at least play hostess for the remaining time……

She adjusted her posture once and lifted her hand to turn the cover of her thick report.


Wow, this is boring.

Wolff was a good butler who worked neatly and quickly, but he didn’t seem to have the talent to write interesting reports.

Within a few minutes, my concentration quickly began to break and my eyelids became heavy.

Bella blinked her eyes slowly, and shook her head slightly and strained her eyes to read the report.

As she was struggling with the sleep that kept trying to consume her, a particular page from Wolff’s report caught her eye.

It was a page with a list of furniture to be brought into the new room.

‘New room……? Was there anything in the bridal room that needed repairs?’

As far as she knew, the bridal room was Escalion’s private space until Belladonna arrived at the castle, and there was nothing special about it other than a large bed and a few pieces of furniture.

But what repairs and supplements are needed?

“Ah. There are no areas in particular that need repair in the new room, but we are planning to install new items such as a new bed, dressing table, and wardrobe.”

Wolff, who was scribbling down something with a pen across from him, glanced down at the page Belladonna was looking at closely and opened his mouth.

New bed and dresser? And the closet? Why…… ?

As Belladonna still had a puzzled look on her face, Wolff explained further.

“This is a special instruction from the lord.”


“It seems like the furniture in the new room is very old and out of style. He has never been very interested in such things throughout his life, but now that the madam has come in, he seems to be somewhat concerned.”

Hmm……Was the furniture very old?

Actually, Belladonna didn’t have time to worry about such things.

Because she was sleeping in a strange place with a strange man, she never really looked at furniture or anything, and even if she did…

‘…..If a poor farmer’s daughter knows, how much does she know?’

Belladonna shrugged her small shoulders. She didn’t really trust her own eyesight.

“Ma’am, I’ve brought you some tea.”

Just then, Cindy came into the office and placed a warm, steaming cup of tea on her desk where she sat.

Bella also raised her head and looked at Cindy and gave her a grateful smile.

After finishing her work, Cindy was about to leave, but Wolff also stood up as if he had an agenda.

huh? Are you planning to go?

“Ma’am, then please watch in peace. I have something to say to the employees, so I will leave for a moment.”

oh! Nod!

Go quickly!

Belladonna smiled a little more sincerely than usual.

As soon as Wolf closed the door, she was left alone, and Belladonna jumped up from her seat.

Ugh, I was bored. I need to relax!

She raised her arms and stretched out, walking towards the brightly lit window.

Despite the cold weather, the winter sun was shining warmly on her.

‘It’s warm…….’

Belladonna stood close to the window and looked down, catching the sunlight all over her body.

Outside, I could see people walking around the large garden.

They were smiling brightly and exchanging greetings as they passed each other, and it was nice to see that they looked similar to the people of the Vatican, but a little brighter and more lively.

‘Griblata seems like a really nice place.’

Because it was in the north, the weather was harsh, but the people seemed to have a warm spirit despite the cold weather.

Most of the people, including the residents I saw at the festival, seem kind and simple.

‘And Escalion…….’

Hmm, would it be correct to say that he has a warm body rather than a warm heart?

Belladonna, looking at cozy outside, thought about various things and sat down on the wide window sill.

The shelf on the window sill was quite wide, so even though she was petite, there was enough space for her to climb up and sit on it.

As she sat there, leaning her head against the corner and getting into a comfortable position, she felt like she was falling asleep. The warm winter sunlight enveloped her like a blanket.

No wonder Wolff’s report was incredibly boring….

She yawned slightly and closed her eyes.

I need to sleep a little and wake up…

She suddenly woke up when she heard the sound of her office door clicking open.

‘Is it Wolff?’

If it’s wolff, i should open my eyes and woke up quickly, but my body didn’t listen.

My posture is so comfortable right now…I want to sleep a little longer…

She was distracted with her mouth slightly open.

Someone who entered the office stopped in tracks when he saw Belladonna sleeping, leaning her body against the window sill.

I thought that Wolff would wake me up or leave on his own, but I found it strange that he was acting awkwardly.

‘But what should i do? I want to sleep.’

Belladonna took her mind off the person who came in and fell into sleep again.

* * *


Escalion entered the office and was mesmerized by the unexpected sight.

Under a large window with bright light coming in, her wife was sleeping, sitting like a picture.

The winter sunlight shining behind her was like a halo, making her look like the beautiful saint that the people of Astanya praised so much.

Escalion, who was staring at her, unable to catch his breath, clenched his fists.

He thought back to when Pope Brielle sent a letter to his castle.

A letter that appears to be asking for marriage without a proper introduction or even a polite greeting.

It was an unpleasant letter filled with the impression that someone like you would dare to disobey the Pope’s suggestion, which was almost an order.

It was a choice that was a mixture of childish feelings toward the Pope, a bit of curiosity about the familiar melody of her song that he heard in his sleep, and the courage to get married anyway without bothering to think about it any more. Marrying her was a mixture of that.


Staring at Belladonna with dark golden eyes, he let out a deep sigh and raised one hand to cover his eyes.

But what about this unfamiliar feeling….

After standing still for a moment, he slowly lowered his palms and turned his gaze to her desk.

‘She was studying.’

The report spread out on her desk wasn’t even more than a third of the way through, and when I thought of her falling asleep like that, I thought she was both ridiculous and cute.

He let out a hushed laugh and approached his wife, who was fast asleep, leaning against the window frame.

Since the window frame looked hard, I was planning to take her to the bed in the bridal room and let her sleep comfortably.

Since I came back from work early on purpose, it would be nice to lie down together.

When he bent down and reached out to hug Belladonna, his eyes were caught by her lips slightly parted and letting out a sweet breath, as if she was sleeping so soundly.


As she looked at that, his mouth suddenly became dry and his felt like her blood was rushing.

It was scandalous that her entire body was thin and thin, but only her lips were so attractively plump.

After hesitating for a moment, Escalion lifted his finger as if possessed and very carefully traced it across her lips.

Belladonna frowned and pursed her lips as his thick fingers touched her.

‘I’m going crazy.’

Escalion let out a sigh that was almost like a moan and lowered his head.

Since the kiss that day….

He felt a sense of immorality toward himself for leaving his innocent wife, who knew nothing, and constantly thinking dirty thoughts about her.

After looking down at the floor and catching his breath somewhat, Escalion raised his head again.

This time, I decided to move her to her bridal room without her thinking about anything else…


Escalion raised his head and stopped moving.

Before he knew it, Belladonna had woken up from her sleep and was looking at him with her eyes full of languor.

“…You eete sleeping so soundly.”

These are the words I barely uttered.

Escalion braced his lower jaw as he cursed himself harshly in his mind.

At his words, Belladonna smiled brightly as if it were funny.

And because she’s so pretty…

‘I can’t stand it.’

Escalion impulsively lowered his head.

* * *

It tickles….

Belladonna frowned at the unknown thing that kept coming to her lips.

Go away…I’m sleepy.


But the warm, thick feeling that touched her lips had no intention of stopping.

Belladonna slowly woke up when she felt it very gently and very carefully grazing her lower lip.

As soon as she opened her eyes, what she saw was someone’s pitch-black head.


Escalion lowered his head toward her, exhaling her low breath.

‘What, why are you doing that?’

Confused, Belladonna blinked her eyes, which still felt heavy.

Escalion lowered his head and clenched his hands on the window frame, as if he was in some kind of trouble. Her fingertips, which had turned pure white due to the blood not flowing through them, caught her attention.

Finally, he slowly raised his head.

Belladonna turned her still blank gaze to meet his golden eyes.

“…You were sleeping so soundly.”

Escalion, who was staring at her, opened his mouth with an expression she had never seen before. He seemed to be deeply focused on something, and at other times he seemed completely lost.

The sight of him in her sleep was funny, and Bella smiled without realizing it.

What kind of stupid expression is that?

At that time, a small breeze seemed to blow, and his masculine body scent approached me. At the same time, something hot touched my forehead.

Without realizing it, my body was pushed back. She thought she was going to slam the back of her head against the window, but Escalion’s hand was already there, holding her head firmly in place.

‘……It’s a surprise.’

Bella also opened her eyes wide as she looked at the inside of his gold that had suddenly come before her eyes. She felt as if she had suddenly woken up.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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