Don't Get Caught by Your Husband!

With Emotions

Episode 22: With Emotions

Bobbing up and down on a slowly moving horse, Belladonna was lost in her thoughts.

Escalion was a loyal knight.

That may be his nature, and it may also be his method that has become more solidified over the course of his long career as a knight.

‘I guess that’s why he’s so kind to me, his only family member and wife…….’

Realizing that the infinite kindness he had shown to me was all born out of loyalty made perfect sense, but was also accompanied by a bitter feeling.

‘As for the mistress that I haven’t completely sorted out right now……’

It occurred to me that maybe he was slowly organizing things behind me. And that’s when he can tell you everything.

Belladonna let out her complicated sigh. Before she knew it, her white breath flowed out in the cold air.

“Are you uncomfortable?”

Escalion, noticing her sigh, came from behind her and asked.

Belladonna quickly shook her head.

“Isn’t it cold?”

Belladonna shook her head vigorously again. She didn’t feel cold at all because Escalion was behind her, pulling her into his arms and hugging her tightly.

He let out a windy laugh and rode his horse faster.

Belladonna was already far away and looked back at the village that looked like a small doll house.

How far will it go?

It was about 20 minutes after we left the village and started running quickly that he stopped talking.

Belladonna looked back at him with puzzled eyes as he stopped talking in the middle of a seemingly empty forest.

Why did you bring me here?

The snow-covered white forest looked like a beautiful winter kingdom.

Escalion, leaping down from his horse, turned to her and stretched out her arms to her.

“Be careful.”

Belladonna carefully put an arm around his shoulders, and he lifted her up and landed her safely on the ground. Bella stood on the solid ground and looked around her, feeling like an excited child.

‘This is my first time in a place like this…….’

Perhaps because they were in a forest in a cold area, they were surrounded by trees with spiky leaves that weren’t easily seen in Astanya.

Belladonna stretched out her hand and played with a sharp-looking leaf.

“Go that way.”

Belladonna, who had been fiddling with the leaves for a while, turned her head towards him.

Escalion unloaded his horse, and strode in the opposite direction.

Let’s go together!

Belladonna quickly followed behind him.

She looked at his wide back and her legs, which had been moving quickly, stopped completely at some point.


As she passed between the sharp trees, a panoramic view unfolded before her eyes.

There was a lake there, shining brightly in the sunlight. A beautiful lake that shines so brightly that it dazzles your eyes.

When I was very young, I felt like I had visited a lake that only appeared in children’s storybooks, which were the only ones in the neighborhood and were read over and over again with children.

“Come down carefully.”

Escalion, who had gone down to the lakeside before her, turned to her and extended his hand to her.

Belladonna, who was staring blankly at the lake, took his firm hand and went down.

Once he was sure Belladonna was safely down, he placed her feet on the edge of the water and stomped it down.

Soon, he lifted the corner of his mouth and spoke.

“It’s completely frozen.”


Belladonna looked down at his feet.

Looking closer, the lake was frozen solid, just as Escalion said.

ah……! Is that why it shined even brighter?

Escalion climbed completely onto the lake and began to glide like he was skating.

He walked from the edge to the center and returned to Belladonna with a satisfied smile.

“I think this is pretty thick. Would you like to come this way?”

Belladonna, her eyes sparkling, carefully stepped her feet onto the solidly frozen lake.

Astanya was a city where it never snowed even in winter. The river that flows across Astanya also didn’t freeze at all even in winter.

Standing on such a huge sheet of ice was an experience I had never experienced before.

‘It’s slippery……!’

Without thinking, she stepped on the bare ground and stumbled and slipped.

If Escalion hadn’t quickly reached out and grabbed her, she would have ended up on her butt.

Bella also opened her eyes and looked at him.

Uh, how do I walk?

“It seems our graceful saint doesn’t know how to walk on ice.”

He spat out playfully.

“Don’t try to walk, just slide. Do what I did.”

Like Escalion did?

Belladonna tried walking on the ice, pushing her feet forward just as he had done a moment ago.

“You’re good at it right away. Don’t go too far.”

A satisfied voice came from behind.

Bella couldn’t hide the corners of her mouth that kept rising as she glided across the ice.

Ah, fun!!

Escalion, who stood at a distance and watched her move as she waddled, stared at her with her countenance deepening involuntarily.

The same smile I saw her last time at sea.

It’s not a smile that feels unnatural, like you’re always wearing a thin mask, but an innocent face that comes from the heart.

I wondered if maybe i had brought her all the way to this far away place because i wanted to see her smile one more time.

Before she knew it, Belladonna had gone so far that her legs stopped.

Without realizing it, she was excited and moved forward, and before she knew it, she was in the middle of the lake.

Although she was sure that Escalion said the lake was solid, she knew that if the ice suddenly broke, she would be stuck in the water, unable to swim.

After imagining something scary, my legs suddenly became stiff as if they were paralyzed and couldn’t move.

‘Come and help!’

Belladonna awkwardly raised one of her arms and beckoned him.

Escalion, who had been standing at a distance and looking at her, moved her long legs and came at her in a single motion.

‘Phew, that’s a relief…….’

Belladonna reached out her hand to him and grabbed both of his arms.

Escalion smiled his joyous smile as he looked down at Belladonna, who was coming to lean against him.

He found her hand, grabbed it, and began to back her away toward the shallows.

“Were you scared? I thought I got a brave wife, but it turns out I got a pure coward.”

Belladonna looked down at him as she was dragged by him.

Beneath the transparent ice, there was darkness of unknown depth.

As expected, I should only play gently in shallow areas..

Her escalion caught her and carried her into the shallows, when Belladonna’s toes, as she stood still and trailed, caught the sharp ice.


Belladonna, who was very nervous and then startled, fell forward, struggling on her legs.

Escalion, who was startled, stretched out his arms to support her as she fell.


However, when he noticed that his hand was pointing towards her round breasts, he suddenly moved his hand away and ended up losing his balance as well.


Ugh……it hurts……

no……It doesn’t hurt at all?

I thought i would definitely break my nose or break my knee when i hit the hard ice, but she was lying face down on something soft.

Belladonna frowned and opened her eyes.



Escalion’s face was filled her eyes.

Belladonna opened her eyes wide. Escalion may also have been very surprised, but he looked uncharacteristically embarrassed.

So, Belladonna, she was crushing him and she fell down.


Belladonna, having finished assessing her situation, moved to her knees to rise up from his body.

I’m sorry…….


Escalion lying beneath her let out a low moan.

Ouch! Sorry! Did I click on a bad place?

She was startled and Belladonna lifted her knee, which had been pressed against him, but she lost her balance again and she flailed and fell on top of his torso.

Escalion raised one hand and held her tightly, preventing her from falling down.


Above her head, his low sigh was heard.

Belladonna could’ve lift her face to her embarrassment. She buried her head in Escalion’s chest and listened to the pounding of his heart.

huh……? The sound of a pounding heart?

I thought it was mine, but the sound I heard was much louder and clearer than mine.

Belladonna quietly listened to him.

The sound of fast beating heart was coming from Escalion’s chest, not from within her own body.

After hearing that sound, strangely enough, my face started to get hotter.

Belladonna blinked her eyes rapidly and didn’t know what to do.


At that time, his voice rang low through our bodies.

“I’ll get up. I’m going to stumble a little bit.”

As she finished speaking, Escalion lifted his upper body up from the ice with his thick arms.

She was on top of him, and she naturally slipped into his arms as he sat on the ice.

I’m embarrassed…

She couldn’t bear to look at his face properly.

Bella also lowered her head and looked down at him.

“……Lift your head up.”

Escalion reached out her hand and lifted his chin.

The forcibly raised eyes met his gaze.

Escalion spread her palms and cupped her flushed cheeks.

I thought i might have blushed because it was cold, but a warm sensation was evident on my cheeks under his palms.

Bella looked up at him, not knowing what to do, and my quivering eyelashes were more irritating than I thought.

Escalion felt his mouth go dry without her realizing it.


Belladonna also blinked her eyes in confusion as her heart continued to pound.

Excessively hot heat was flowing out from Escalion’s body that was close to her.

The sight of his ears turning red caught her attention. I thought it was pretty how her bronzed skin turned red.

Belladonna I slowly turned her eyes towards the inside of his gold eyes. Two gazes filled with heated emotions collided in the air.

Then, with one large movement of her neck, Escalion slowly lowered his head towards her.

As Belladonna closed her trembling eyes, he closed hers too.

Their breathing, which was emitting a thin layer of white smoke, intertwined with each other.

Escalion’s large palm pulled the back of Belladonna’s head hard.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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