
DM Chapter 82

Chapter 82

“…Is it fun?”

As she half-buried her face in the sofa and looked at Owen with a fading voice, he lightly brushed her revealed cheek. He hadn’t realized until now, but this woman’s husky voice was also to his liking. His hand, as if prompting her to say more, tapped her lips lightly.


Struggling to sit up, Owen pressed his shoulder against hers again and spoke.

“Just stay still. I’ll wipe you down.”

As his firm body descended, a chill emanated from him, causing Sarin to huddle her shoulders. Owen went into the bedroom, fetched a blanket, and returned, covering Sarin’s naked body. It was a meticulous care, almost making her doubt if she should say it was cold.

Pulling the blanket up to her neck, Owen lightly dabbed Sarin’s sweat-drenched hair and tousled it.

After a little more dabbing, Sarin, feeling Owen’s absence, finally got up from her seat.

She noticed the empty spot on the table where the half-eaten cake and cherries had been, only traces remained.

She remembered him feeding her cherries and stifled a moan inwardly.

Realizing Owen had completely disappeared, she sensed the dogs, previously scattered, now circling around her with their characteristic tapping footsteps. Seeing their noses approaching, Sarin pushed them away instinctively to prevent them from touching the cake.

“No, you can’t.”

The dogs seemed to perceive this action as a joke between Sarin and themselves. As they approached again, sniffing curiously, Sarin pushed them away to protect the cake from their snouts.

Suddenly, Sarin’s hand slipped from the blanket, and the dogs’ damp noses nudged against her bare shoulder.


A snort blew out.

As if sensing Owen’s appearance, Sarin, who was pushed down, instinctively felt his presence.

As they circled around Sarin, Owen approached, carrying a warm towel. The towel headed straight for the spot where the dog’s nose had touched. Whether it was intentional or coincidental, she couldn’t tell. Owen sat next to Sarin, wiped her shoulders, arms, and fingers gently.

Owen was already dressed, perhaps having already washed himself. Embarrassed by suddenly being left with only the blanket around her waist, Sarin tried to move away.

“I want to… take a shower.”

“Just stay.”


“Washing completely gets rid of the smell. And when you wash up, you get sleepy.”

That seemed to be the case.

“Do I smell?”

When he mentioned the smell, Sarin suddenly became conscious of the scent emanating from her body. As she tried to get up, Owen wrapped his arms around her waist and seated her between his thighs. Her small body settled into his embrace in an instant.

With a sharply defined profile, Owen rested his nose on Sarin’s shoulder from behind for a moment, then took a deep breath, inhaling the scent she had mentioned.

“The scent I left behind.”

As he buried his face and soaked in it, the scent of a male in heat, poured and soaked deeply, emanated from her body. Only after transferring it to Sarin could he truly grasp what kind of scent he was exuding. He slowly ran his hand down from her shoulder to her navel, then below her belly button.

“Are you even eating the cake?”

His bodily fluids had already started to dry up, sticking to her thighs. Under the pale, congealed mess, she had barely cleaned the surface. Sarin grabbed the table urgently with both hands. The more she leaned towards the table, the closer Owen came from behind.

“Ugh, ah, Owen, I’d rather… take a shower.”

It seemed better than him wiping her so openly like this. Sarin, now seated between Owen’s legs with her knees up, barely managed to speak.

“Let’s eat and then shower.”

Since he said he’d sleep well after, his words sounded convincing enough, as long as it wasn’t his touch. His hand, wrapped firmly around her back under the pretext of the towel, went below. The swollen flesh kept teasing Owen, making Sarin lean completely against him.

Knowing Sarin couldn’t do anything, he put down the towel and quietly wrapped his arm around her belly, waiting.

He hoped she would eat the sweet he had personally bought for her.

“From now on, let’s eat the delicious things first. It’s fine to keep eating only the good-looking delicious things.”

Owen’s words were peculiar. His gaze conveyed a sense of shyness, even though his neck wasn’t visibly blushing.

She was different from other women. She constantly needed to be fed, but it wasn’t enough to just fill her stomach with something containing the right nutrients; she required more delicate care.

But even this trouble was enjoyable to him.

The only ones he had cared for so meticulously were the dogs he had grown up with, so he willingly endured everything for this new beautiful companion.

When Sarin remained silent, only looking at the cake, Owen spoke again.

“You know I’m waiting for an answer.”

“Okay… I’ll do that.”

He seemed to be smiling behind her.

“Then, I should show you better in the future.”

Appetizing and tempting.

Owen’s voice was low and dangerous. He turned the cake box towards Sarin. Instead of the already crumpled cake, there was another intact and beautiful cake in front of Sarin. She picked up the fork she had put down.

“I’ll eat well.”

“Don’t mention it.”

The fork, which had hesitated at the end of the cake, picked up the strawberry placed on top. When she brought the cream-covered piece into her mouth, the taste was different from the cherry, which had only tasted sweet.

Owen asked again, his face buried against Sarin’s shoulder from behind. The raised corners of his lips were drawn elegantly against her skin.

While eating the cake, she had been conscious of the hard object pressing against her back. Now, her skin didn’t feel any sensual touch from the hand that had been caressing her comfortable belly. But why was he still leaning against her? Recalling the sex they had just had, Sarin’s body twitched involuntarily.

“Uh, your… keeps touching my back.”

Stirring the soft part of the cake with the fork, she spoke.

“Don’t mind.”

How could she not mind? His presence was so imposing. She kept imagining his erect penis and its size. If she thought a little more, she might remember the taste when she put it in her mouth and the smell it had that day. To avoid that, Sarin quickly swallowed the cake.

This time, the hand that wrapped around her belly playfully explored the dark plot underneath. As she lowered her legs to cross them, it seemed like Owen was aware of her every move, so she couldn’t do anything. The hand that had slowly descended now groped the damp underside that Sarin had barely cleaned.

“I’ve finished the cake.”

At Sarin’s response, his finger slid into the hole.

“You were putting up quite a fight.”

Hardly anything came out, right? Between the fingers that had been inserted, white semen gathered into small droplets and fell. He raised his finger with a low laugh. It was stained as if he had dipped it in cream and then removed it.


“Why? Didn’t want to spill a drop?”

“It might fall on the floor.”

It was a very Sarin-like response. But it was odd that she was putting so much effort into it, even though she was carrying his weight.

Owen lifted Sarin lightly in his arms. As her legs floated in the air, Sarin reflexively put her hands around his neck. It was a familiar yet embarrassing posture. Despite having moved her several times like this before, it still felt awkward. But she knew she had to get used to everything they would do together in the future.

“Just stay still. So it won’t fall on the floor.”

He said he would take her to the bathroom quietly. Utilizing Sarin’s response to his own advantage, he couldn’t refuse. Owen carried her to the bathroom next to the bedroom. His steps felt weightless, making her feel as light as a feather.

Her body swayed at a steady pace.

He had said that showering would make her sleepy, and she seemed to understand why now.

His body, moving her, was like a cradle. It relaxed her body, filled with trust that he wouldn’t let her fall no matter what happened.

“Look at this. You’re already falling asleep again.”

He said, looking down at Sarin. Sarin, who had unknowingly closed her eyes too, agreed with him and giggled softly. He was a man who slept well. She should have doubted that their relationship would become like this from the moment she successfully asked him to sleep with her, even leaving behind alcohol.


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