

Chapter 55

With a half-risen c**k, he nonchalantly brushed it off with a stern face, exuding an ominous aura as if ready to pounce at any moment. Unconsciously, her body tensed up. Her hand trembled as she held the foam while washing herself. Did Owen see it too? As she washed her body, Owen remained still.

So she let her guard down. Just as she tried to convince herself to perceive Owen as nothing more than a mannequin outside the glass door and was about to come out of the shower booth with one hand covering her chest.

“What about down there?”


“You should wash down there too. You said you scraped off saliva with your fingers.”

Whether the reddened face of Sarin was due to the hot water from the shower or from embarrassment, it was hard to tell. Owen was demanding. He touched the genitals, still covered with bodily fluids from inside the vagina. He demanded to wash thoroughly down there and come back out.

Unable to bring herself to touch in front of Owen, she felt a slippery sensation as she quickly skimmed through below with the showerhead. The towel happened to be next to that man, so she couldn’t reach for it.

“Just… wipe it.”

Now Sarin understood the meaning behind those glances.

When Owen wanted to convey something without saying it twice, he often stared intently at Sarin. It would have been less embarrassing if she had just touched it herself in front of Owen. Resentment surged within her. Despite Sarin’s pleading eyes, Owen remained unmoved.

The hand that had covered her chest moved towards her navel, then slid downwards towards her groin. Passing through the dense pubic hair, it delved between the narrow thighs. She tightly closed her eyes.

“You need to spread your legs wider. Even like a dog, let one leg in.”

Owen said in a kind voice, explaining that the hole would widen, making it easier to scrape out with his small fingers.

Sarin bit her swollen lips. They were both naked, yet she felt nothing but shame. She thought it would have been better if she had welcomed Owen from behind, offering her buttocks, rather than feeling so embarrassed all alone.


He feared what this man would do if she didn’t comply.

Her heart pounded loudly, and her whole body flushed with adrenaline. Sarin lifted one leg and leaned against the wall. Her body quivered. To steady herself, she placed one hand on the wall above the leg she leaned on and reached down with the other hand.

With his head tilted, Owen roughly ran his enlarged fingers across Sarin’s genitals.
As he fondled below, his fingertips quickly became wet with a different kind of moisture, distinct from the water. Sarin’s fingers fumbled as they wandered around the tight opening. Then, like Owen had done, he spread apart the closed flesh and tried to insert himself almost forcibly into the hole.


It was a moan filled with shame and humiliation.

Owen’s lips parted slightly. It was evident that he enjoyed the moaning.

Unwiped droplets traveled down Sarin’s body, from her plump chestbone down past her navel, disappearing into the hidden forest. His middle finger delved deep inside and stirred. When Sarin withdrew her hand, the pent-up semen dribbled down her standing thigh with a loud thud.

With heavy-lidded eyes, Owen approached.

At that moment, Sarin considered it a relief. Somehow, she would resolve this humiliating moment.

However, Owen, who approached, did not embrace her. Instead, he knelt between her spread legs. His face, looking down at Sarin, was filled with malice. His determination to fulfill his desires was evident on his face.

“Oh, Owen, ah, mm…. Ahh….”

The man on his knees lowered his head and lightly licked Sarin’s thigh. He sucked the pre-cum, cooked to the appropriate temperature for Sarin’s body, with his tongue.


With a noticeable swaying of the Adam’s apple, Sarin’s hand ruffled her hair at the sound of the blatant noise. She bit her lips, holding back tears as she felt like she might burst into tears to avoid collapsing.

The lips that rose above her thigh sucked vigorously at her lower part.

Slurp. Slurp. Suck.

Bending deeply and fiercely exploring beneath her, his body significantly smaller than hers, he resembled a four-legged beast. Sarin was repulsed by the moist and lewd tongue and lips, as well as Owen’s eyes looking down at her.

Just facing him made it clear that something was wrong.

Instinct warned her. Since some time ago, or rather, being submerged in the water, she sensed that this man had become even more dangerous.

“Miss Lee Sarin seems to be obedient.”

Owen’s eyes narrowed deeply. The glint in his eyes was icy, leaving Sarin unsure if it was a willing statement or a warning sign. Withdrawing his lips, which had been greedily sucking, Sarin swayed.

And at that moment, Owen’s erect c**k, which had been kneeling, ejaculated instantly.

Running down his chin, Sarin’s thigh and calf, which had been close by, were completely covered in semen.

“I need to wash again.”

Owen said in a wet voice. Sticky semen dribbled down his cheeks and chin. He smiled as he gently wiped away only what was on Sarin’s white thighs with his hand, seemingly unperturbed by the mess on his face.

His face resembled that of a sated lion after a feast.

While Owen leisurely washed up, Sarin remained on the bed in the shower gown he had put on her.

She slapped her face with her palm to clear her mind. It wasn’t for nothing that people said you could feel full without eating. She couldn’t fathom where the man had found satisfaction. Her eyes wavered as she couldn’t figure out where he had found satisfaction.

Not wanting to show the maid the sheets, she wanted to take them off beforehand, but her body wouldn’t move an inch. She reluctantly lay down on the clean end of the bed sheet. As she sniffed quietly, she felt as if the smell of their rolling around lingered in the air.


There was no visible injury. Could it be that he had hit her head while submerged in the water?

Owen’s demeanor had subtly but surely changed. Perhaps Sarin couldn’t identify that subtle change.

“Why are you doing this to me…?”

Their relationship had only been about physical desire, and she had thought that was enough. But now it seemed to have stubbornly changed.

As Sarin let out a deep sigh, Owen approached, his wet hair tousled, naked.

“Someone will come to change the sheets, and breakfast will be served. So just eat and wait.”

“Just be quiet…”

“Yeah, be quiet.”

Owen chuckled as he lightly ruffled Sarin’s wet hair with a face that seemed to say, “Well done.” Sarin, who hadn’t found the right timing to get up, swallowed dryly as his hand brushed against her cheek.

As if sensing the unpredictable mood of the man, she glanced at him discreetly.

“I want to go see Hayan. When can I go?”

Being close by made her want to see her face. She also wanted to reassure the child. The fleeting smile on Owen’s face disappeared in an instant. His eyelashes cast a shadow over his eyes, as if gauging something.

“When the time is right.”

But when would that be?

Sarin’s frustrated heart wondered, but Owen rose and disappeared into the dressing room without acknowledging her inner turmoil. She felt confused as if everything had taken a turn for the worse since sleeping with Owen.

As she contemplated Pavel’s fingers, which would surely be reaching for a plate somewhere, she felt a slight headache coming on. She couldn’t think logically or rationally. Instead of being surprised at how brothers from the same womb could harm each other, she needed to think about why it had to be that way.

Owen had something he absolutely had to do.

That would likely mean Pavel couldn’t be free from the attack.

Realizing that things were getting complicated and tangled, her mind became muddled.

When Sarin briefly closed her eyes and got up, there was no trace of Owen anywhere. Only then did she venture out of his room. The dogs sitting on the sofa perked up their ears. The gaze of the maids, who had already finished cleaning outside Owen’s room, and the three dogs, all turned towards Sarin.

“Ah, hello.”

Sarin greeted them, wearing a shower gown clearly too large for her. Not realizing that the gown was trailing behind her, she bowed her head in a quiet greeting. When one of the maids, who responded with a quiet greeting instead of answering directly, gestured, the others hurried into Owen’s room to prepare for cleaning. They all had an unspoken curiosity in their gaze.

They had never imagined a woman coming out of Owen’s bedroom wearing his clothes. In fact, it was the first time a woman had been brought into this suite. However, the maids quickly hid their surprise and began their tasks professionally.

“We will prepare breakfast,” the eldest-looking woman quietly addressed Sarin.

“Thank you,” Sarin replied hesitantly. As she touched the three dogs that approached her, they wagged their tails excitedly. But when she accidentally brushed against their hindquarters, Owen’s words about recognizing the smell flashed through her mind, and she froze for a moment.

“I really… don’t know,” she muttered, realizing how little she understood about the man named Owen.

With the dogs in tow, Sarin headed back to her own room. Their eager following was comforting.

She wanted to change clothes and gather her thoughts quickly. Glancing at the table, she was relieved to see that there was no trace of last night’s events. It was better to dismiss it all as a dream, if possible.




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