

DM Chapter 49


Pavel taunted, saying, “Owen will eventually kill you, so what is there to fear?” Frustrated by the situation, Romanov lost his composure and sent loyal subordinates with orders to kill the woman if necessary.


It was exactly half a day after the incident that he realized he had fallen for a cunning trick: if Owen died, who would be the new king of Eden City?


The body of Romanov, who was sleeping under the influence of drugs with a woman, was swiftly bound to a chair. It wasn’t until his underwear was shoved into his mouth that he came to his senses.


But by then, Owen was already sitting in the chair in front of him.


He pulled a blood-soaked cigarette from his pocket. It was a foreign object, out of place in his otherwise perfect appearance. Romanov immediately recognized it as the brand favored by the subordinate who had been with him since his difficult days.




Owen smiled gently and waved it in front of Romanov’s eyes.


“Some dead axxhole gave it to me.”


He took out a cigarette stained with blood, put it in his mouth, and lit it. After taking a long drag, he grabbed the underwear covering Romanov’s mouth and threw it away.


“P-please spare me. Please spare me.”


Instead of answering, Owen shoves the entire cigarette in Romanov’s mouth and punches him in the jaw.




The sound of the jawbone snapping was heard.


Blood trickled down from Romanov’s lips. He seemed to have bitten his tongue badly, as the amount of blood flowing was substantial. Owen slowly brushed off his ringed hand, taking a handkerchief from the bodyguard beside him and wiping his fingers one by one.


“I… I’m… I have a child….”


“If a good person saved your life, you should live a little more meaningfully. Be grateful to heaven and live on.”


The good person was currently in the hospital.


Owen clicked his tongue low. If he had known that this would quickly come back like a boomerang, he would have killed him then. He knew that the arrow would inevitably return to Sarin, yet he let it go, and the result was obvious.


He hoped she would learn about the evil in the world.


Not like this, though.


“Forgive… me…. Pavel… Pavel….”


“You have to take responsibility for what you’ve done.”


Such a meaningless bond. Owen gave a short laugh. Pavel’s name rolled off his tongue so easily. The only person who had a grudge against him and used a Moscow accent was Romanov. Owen slowly licked hisher lower lip.


“Why… like this…”


A bloodstained cigarette butt fell from Romanov’s mouth, along with a clot of blood. At the question of why he was treating him like this, a faint smile played on Owen’s lips.


“Well, when you have organs in your belly, you should be careful to take good care of them. What’s the use if they spill out? Don’t you think?”


If you have a hole in your hand and a hole in your head, you should take care of the rest.


It was funny how he couldn’t learn.As Owen reached out, the knife that had once pierced Romanov’s back was extended from the side. When the hand with the ring gripped the knife, the half-turned ring caught his eye.


He still had no patience.


Nikolai hadn’t given him this ring in the first place, hoping for such a thing.


A bodyguard behind Romanov, anticipating Owen’s movement, firmly covered the bloodstained mouth with his palm.




The sound of the blade slicing through flesh echoed for a moment.




Sarin stood in front of a place that was no different from her hospital room and straightened her clothes for a moment. She wanted to go into the room Yuri had told her about right away, but she had to look in the mirror several times in the bathroom to make sure there wasn’t even a hint of pain on her face.


She practiced smiling.


It had been a long time since she had smiled, but she tried her best. They even brought her clothes and makeup, so she diligently applied them to her face. The clothes made her look somewhat presentable.


As a niece who spent most of her time in the hospital, she was always tense when meeting the child, taking extra care of everything. Sarin took a deep breath and opened the door.




The child, who had been looking out at the exotic scenery through the window, turned around at the sound of the door opening. A woman she had never seen before was standing next to the child. As Sarin entered and closed the door, Hayan smiled brightly with her small, pale face.


She was born on the day of the first snowfall, so they named her Hayan.


The snow that falls in Gangwon Province is terrifying. When she woke up, the world was a white field of snow, so her sister named her without much thought. That’s how her little niece came to have the name Hayan.


“Why did you come now? I missed you so much.”


Unlike when they parted, the child spoke with a bright and clear pronunciation. The child had continued to grow up in the hospital. Sick children matured more and more beyond their guardians. She didn’t even realize that it was a heart-wrenching thing. But when those children’s hearts broke, they cried like children of their age.


“Hello, I’m Han Yujin, the interpreter.”


The Korean interpreter. Sarin bowed her head in greeting.


“I’m Hayan’s aunt, Lee Sarin.”


“Hehe. My aunt is so pretty.”


Hayan, who had never seen Sarin dressed so beautifully, smiled. Despite being a protective aunt, Sarin didn’t get to spend much time with the child. That’s how difficult life has been.


She worked frantically day and night, barely showing her face when the hospital called. The only time she could get to her was late at night or early in the morning, so she would often only see her sleeping. The child was forced to understand this behavior by her only remaining family member.


“How did the test go? Did it hurt?”


“Yeah, it was okay.”


Sarin asked the question she’d been dying to know. Hayan nodded. Her cute display, as if it were nothing, made Sarin burst into genuine laughter. They both knew it wasn’t okay, yet they refrained from discussing it.


It’s a lot to take in, but the child’s eyes sparkle with anticipation of meeting her father.


Her clear golden eyes were so much like Owen’s that upon seeing him, she was convinced he was her father.


“Our Hayan is so brave.”


“Mmm, Auntie, but is Daddy still busy?”


It was a question she had already anticipated. Sarin swallowed dryly.


“It seems so.”


“But since I’m here, he’ll come to see Hayan soon, right?”


Sarin nodded at the child’s words. Hayan smiled beautifully, saying she could wait as long as needed. The child talked about how she wasn’t scared at all when coming here and how she was looking forward to it. Then, she introduced some strange toys in the hospital room that Sarin hadn’t noticed before.


The interpreter. who is also a certified nursery school teacher, got along with Hayan very well.


Listening to the child happily talk about the delicious meal, Sarin couldn’t help but smile faintly. Seeing the numerous toys and the interpreter, she felt that Owen was paying more attention to the child than she had thought.


A part of her felt relieved.


She wanted to stay with the child in her hospital room, but after some time, Yuri asked Sarin to leave the hospital. She couldn’t argue any further when she was told to wait in the hotel’s suite.


Without saying a word, Sarin nodded as she imagined the worst-case scenario of something dangerous happening while the child was with her. She promised the child that she would come back and return to the hotel.


The child, who bid Sarin farewell with a smile and a wish for her to earn a lot of money, still believed that Sarin’s absence was for the purpose of making money. She wasn’t wrong.


As she returned to the now-familiar hotel, she saw three dogs running towards her.


“Blue! Are you okay?”


Sarin kneeled in front of the elevator, hugging Blue, and touched hisher abdomen where she had been kicked. It was a relief to see that he didn’t whimper.


The dogs, happy to see a familiar face after so long, stayed close to Sarin’s side. They didn’t stay still for a moment, almost tripping her as she walked.


As she finally made it to the living room of the suite, she cautiously looked around in case Pavel was there. After confirming Pavel’s absence, she sat in the spot where Owen always sat on the sofa, and Blue jumped up next to her as if it were natural.


For a moment, she felt like Owen. Finding their rightful places in the hierarchy. She gently stroked Pinky’s ear as she sat on the ottoman, then petted Blue and Yellow’s heads.


What had happened here a few days ago felt like a nightmare.


“You were kicked around like that, yet you still like him?”


Sarin quietly asked Blue, knowing she wouldn’t get an answer. The three dogs clearly liked Pavel. They may not have been as friendly to Pavel as they were to Owen, but they were still friendly towards him.


Pavel kicked them for getting in his way.


Knowing that it was to protect herself, Sarin continued to stroke Blue’s head for a little longer. The sensitive dog could sense the reason for the petting and responded by calmly and proudly resting its head.


“Sorry. You must have been very lonely.”


Sarin muttered as if making an excuse for the situation.It had been a day straight out of a movie, with a car accident and falling into icy water. However, her body remained robust, with no serious injuries. There were some scratches, but they were inevitable.


Owen didn’t seem to be too badly hurt either, as he was already taking care of his business.


“Your master is fine.”


Sarin relayed Owen’s well-being to the dogs who followed him.



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