

DM Chapter 40


“If you keep trembling like that, something might happen.”


Owen’s voice erupts at some point.


Sarin felt as if a beast was speaking to her. She wasn’t sure if she was shivering because she was cold or because of him. When Owen was out hunting, she would stare blankly into the forest, and when she turned her gaze back, she would see Gayeon looking at her with strange eyes.


It wasn’t until Owen returned from his hunt that she realized the meaning of that wordless gaze.


She was waiting for him.


Her chin trembled with a distinct sound. Her weak mind and body didn’t just like alcohol; it was clear she liked anything that would make her lose her mind.




“That’s why addicts can’t help themselves.”


Owen smirked at the idea of her finding something else to be addicted to. Sarin was surprised by how he spoke, as if he had peered into her soul.


“Oh, no.”


“What do you mean, ‘Oh, no’? If you want to suck my c()ck, open your mouth.”


He liked the pale face that hadn’t slept properly while he was away, with the dark shadows under the eyes.


Owen knew that Sarin had chosen him over alcohol.


He had to be more intoxicating than alcohol. To still make her thirst for him.


Just as she always regretted it after she sobered up, she would regret it after she mixed with him.


Just like now.


“How do I look in your eyes?”


Sarin’s voice trembled. She was trying to deny that it was just like those days when she couldn’t sleep without drinking for a day. However, this man saw through that fact at a glance.


It was uncomfortable. In front of Owen, she felt like all the secrets she had carefully hidden were being exposed.


The initial reason for turning to alcohol was to overcome the painful reality. To forget her suffering mother and herself drowning in debts and be able to sleep.


When Owen threw the bottle away in front of her, Sarin broke down, unable to stand the stench of alcohol in her nostrils. She no longer had any purpose. Hayan would receive better treatment here than beside her, who has no money. She had now lost her place.


“You look desperate, like you want to find something else to drive you crazy.”


He wielded her emotions like a weapon. She was defenseless, without the will or strength to resist. Before calculating the relationship with this man, her empty and desolate heart was yearning for him like a hungry beast.


Now that the fact that he was her sister’s man, which she had been trying to ignore, has been shattered, there is no turning back for Sarin.


“…I want to sleep.”


After receiving treatment, she slept well, ate well, and coped well. However, at the moment when something crumbled in her heart, she needed that arrogant man.


“You cried because it hurt down there. You said it felt torn.”


Owen’s hand slid down below Sarin’s dress, below the navel, then pushed into the gap between her legs and exerted pressure.


She tingled underneath where his massive p3nis had crushed her. She still felt dull and sore every time she walked.


“No… it’s not.”


“Then, can I thrust it in again? Should I put it in here now and make you moan so beautifully?”


This man was more poisonous than alcohol.


The kind of dangerous poison that would eat her away and eventually kill her if she became addicted.


Owen pressed his wet body against hers. While he had washed with ice-cold water earlier, now his whole body was unbearably hot, making it hard to breathe.


She didn’t expect anything in return from the man. That alone satisfied her.


There would be no emotions involved, no special things between them, because all they wanted was an obviously animalistic copulation. Sarin pressed her palms against Owen’s hot chest. It was the first time she touched his chest, which had always been tightly pressed against her from behind.


That moment ignited a spark. Owen easily pushed Sarin against the wall.


Before she could sense the wall’s presence on her back, her skirt was lifted from her hips. Her clothes were quickly stripped away over her head. He looked at her almost-bursting chest above the small bra with a lecherous gaze.


“As if you wouldn’t.”




Owen lowered his head deeply and shamelessly sucked on the flesh protruding above her exposed chest, biting hard enough to leave red marks. As he nibbled, Sarin wrapped her hands around Owen’s neck.


The wind from outside relentlessly pounded the flimsy door of the warehouse. The tiny body clinging to him, startled by what she assumed was a visitor, was immensely satisfying.


He slid her palm-sized panties down her thighs, clinging to her hips. Burying his face in Sarin’s breasts, he gripped her ass with both hands and pulled it apart from behind.


“Ha, Owen. Hmmm….”


His fingers slid through the open gap. Confirming the wetness from her anal area downwards, his lips that caressed Sarin’s chest traced delicate lines.


“So tell me.”


Sarin bit her lip, her chin resting on his chest. He looked down at her with a dangerous look on his face.




“Have you been thinking about me all night?”


His broad shoulders in front of her were threatening. He was like a gigantic beast that seemed momentarily crouched, as if ready to prey.




The night hunt was long, and he returned late in the afternoon. Perhaps that’s why the outside was already dimming as the sun set. A small spider was already weaving its web through the slightly ajar gap in the warehouse. Anyone could open that door and come in at any time.


Gayeon might come looking for her.


“Come on.”


Owen demanded an answer. His sharp fangs pierced into the soft part of her chest as if crushing it. Gasping for breath, the hint of a low chuckle escaped him. Burying his face in the delicate area of her chest that felt on the verge of bursting, Sarin felt the pulsation of her heart beneath her ribs.


The soft, pale flesh was left with marks wherever his hands passed.


The inside of her pussy was no different. His fingers probed the wetness, and it clung to her from the front and back.


Squeak, squeak, squeak.


“Well, it was morning when I came to my senses.”


At Sarin’s words, he sharply laughed, then, in a tone feigning nonchalance, he demanded with a hoarse voice.


“I’m not going to hold you there. You should lower your hands, touch it, and rub it down there.”




“Yeah? I’m opening up your hole like this. Well, then, Miss Lee Sarin, you should get ready too.”


He lifted his head from the breast he was sucking, and her head followed his trajectory. A head and a half taller than her, he looked down at her intimidatingly.


The arm that had been involuntarily wrapped around his neck loosened. Sarin stared at Owen’s p3nis, which rose from her navel to just above her chest.


He removed his fingers, which had been thrusting for a while, and looked at the top of her head. Then he took a long, blatant look at her fluid. His index finger, which had a different shine than her water, disappeared into Owen’s lips.


His warm c()ck pressed against her belly, then was stuck in her cleavage between the bra. Owen lightly thrust his waist, as if teasing.


“Can I… suck it?”




Still, with his moistened fingers, he answered, scanning Sarin’s face thoroughly. The firm and unmistakably pulsating genitalia felt overwhelming. But she knew that she would succumb to it when it penetrated her insides.


Owen had already withdrawn his fingers, and warm liquid flowed from the lower hole, showering her upper thighs. Amid the chilling touch that pierced the flesh, the warmth of arousal, tinged with fluids, felt even more vivid.


“If you want to use me as a dildo before going to sleep, you need to put in more effort.”


Sarin’s face contorted upon hearing him mention a sex toy she had never used before.


“I… don’t know. Can’t you just… do it for me?”


“On my own, messily, to my heart’s content?”


The word “messy” sent her mind into a daze. Answering might lead to trouble. Yet, eventually, Sarin nodded.


A satisfied smile bloomed on Owen’s lips, as if he had received the answer he desired. The man was beautiful, appearing as a ruthless predator armed with an unparalleled weapon.


The smell of blood still lingered in her nostrils, but Owen’s intense scent overwhelmed it.


The pheromone scent of the male that had been hunting her just moments ago vibrated all around her. It was a very rough and dangerous scent—an instinctual aroma that Sarin had never encountered before.


Although she knew it was dangerous, she could only nod, unable to muster a response.




He grabbed her waist and effortlessly lifted Sarin’s body. Startled, Sarin held onto Owen’s shoulders; he pushed her against the wall without any gaps and said, 


“Wrap around.”


Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist.


Between her spread butt cheeks, Owen’s c()ck poked everywhere. Her hole twitched. The man, who was clearly taller than her, was now at eye level. To prevent herself from falling, she exerted force through the legs wrapped around his waist.


“Uh, ah, s, suddenly, ah…”


She winced, fearing that the c()ck that had been rubbing against her anus would push right in. The slippery fluid flowed down to the anus, making her gasp in fear every time it poked her glans.


Slowly and menacingly, he searched for the tight hole from below, then decisively pushed the tip of his c()ck into the narrow opening.



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