
DM Side Story 6

DM Side Story 06

Since he was born, he has spent more time in the hospital than at home. So when he stayed in a hotel suite for the first time, he felt like he was in another world and when he came to this grand mansion by plane, his heart was racing.

As he became healthier, his childlike curiosity grew. He wanted to explore the entire mansion. However, since he was in an unfamiliar place where he couldn’t speak the language, he stayed as quiet as possible.

Although this was his first time visiting someone else’s house, he had learned not to cause any trouble. So, Hayan just stayed still.


Hayan smiled at Karlena.
Everyone in the hospital liked seeing Hayan’s smile, saying it was beautiful. His mother in heaven and his aunt, who became his guardian, would always hug him when he smiles. Karlena, who was looking at the child indifferently, soon turned away. She decided to observe the curious child for a while instead of sending him away immediately.

She returned to her desk and continued her work. The child, whom she had expected to be noisy, was still sitting quietly. In fact, the only sound in the office was her voice as she answered calls from here and there.

Every now and then, she would look up from the couch and meet the round, golden eyes of the child. Each time this happened, the child smiled brightly. Although there was no reason for the child to show any kindness to her, the child kept smiling.

Without realizing that her headache had eased, Karlena answered a call from Yuri.

– The situation with Sergei has been handled. His followers will all be dealt with by dawn.
“What about Owen?”

When the child heard the name Owen, he perked up. Fortunately, he didn’t understand the conversation, which was clearly not suitable for him to hear.

Thinking about this, Karlena recalled her own childhood and the childhoods of her own children. From a young age, they knew everything happening in the household, and no one tried to shield them from it. Instead, they were quickly taught about reality of life and how to protect themselves from enemies.

– He left me to clean up this time.

It must be because of the woman who came.
Karlena smirked. Owen, who always saw things through to the end once he got involved, had backed down because of a single woman, even though Karlena had told him to handle it.

“What’s so great about her?”
– Yes?

Yuri asked, perhaps having heard her talking to herself.

“Make sure there are no lingering resentments left. I’m sick of it.”
– Understood, Elder.

Having lived her entire life in a cycle of resentments, Yuri’s response to Karlena’s remark, which was a reflection of her own life, was heavy. The title he used to call her father has been passed on to her. It’s a weighty term given to someone who had first established the darkness in this cold war world.

“Owen? Uncle!”

Hayan, waiting for Karlena to finish the call, called Owen “uncle.” But it was still a word she couldn’t understand.

Seeing the child’s innocent face after giving orders to wipe out every trace of her enemy caused cracks in her frozen heart.

“Uncle, it’s Uncle,” the child said with a shy smile.
“Have you finished looking around?”
“My uncle is a good person. He donated part of his liver to me.”
“I don’t understand what you’re saying,” Karlena replied.
“He’s really strong. Whenever my uncle walks by, everyone looks at him. He’s also nice to me. If I wake up at night, he comes to put me back to sleep so I don’t wake my aunt.”
“He’s different from my dad. He’s the kind of person I want to be. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.”

The chattering mouth looked joyful. Eventually, Karlena decided to just watch that chirping little mouth. His voice was warm.

For a moment, she rested her chin on the desk and closed her eyes, listening to Hayan’s voice. Her nerves, which had been on edge, began to relax.

“Are you sleeping?”

Had he talked too much? Seeing no response and Karlena’s closed eyes, Hayan stopped speaking.
The office was a little cold. The fire in the fireplace was dying down. Hayan looked around, picked up a blanket from the sofa, and quietly approached the desk. She gently draped the blanket over Karlena’s shoulders.


The child, who had been startled thinking Karlena had woken up, let out a sigh of relief when she saw Karlena resting her head on her arms on the desk.

It would be more comfortable for her to sleep in her bedroom. However, Hayan couldn’t bring herself to wake Karlena, who looked so exhausted. He was shocked when he saw the dark circles under Karlena’s eyes and her bloodshot eyes, indicating she hadn’t slept well for a long time.

Her aunt Sarin also had such moments occasionally, so Hayan realized that Karlena might have insomnia as well.

His aunt had told him that when someone falls asleep in such a state, it’s best to let them be. Moving them might wake them up, making it impossible for them to fall asleep again. So, whenever his aunt fell asleep on the sofa while playing with him, Hayan would leave her undisturbed.

Hayan quietly bid a silent farewell to the sleeping Karlena and left the office.

☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓 ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓

It was well past midnight when they returned to the grand mansion, which now belonged to Karlena.

Owen had suggested they go to the hotel he was staying at, but Sarin wanted to go where the child was. Also, she had never seen a grand mansion before and was curious about it.

Even the mansion Owen had taken them to earlier was too large to take in at a glance, but Sarin now understood why this place was called a grand mansion.

From the front gate to the inside of the mansion was a long drive, passing through three security posts that resembled guardhouses before finally reaching the mansion. The structure, visible through the massive forest, felt more like a castle than a mansion, causing Sarin’s mouth to drop open in awe.

“If you like it…”
“No, it’s fine.”

Sarin politely declined, knowing what he was about to say. The man who offered to buy everything her eyes landed on had started to scare her. She tried to look out the window instead.
She swallowed hard, feeling Owen’s blatant gaze on the back of her neck.
Before she could fully take in the exterior of the mansion, Owen led her inside. Even at this late hour, the staff outside stepped aside hastily to make way for his urgent stride.


The more impatient he became, the more anxious she felt. Sarin called out hurriedly, but his long legs carried him swiftly up to the second floor. Fearing he might scoop her up and carry her if she slowed down even a bit, Sarin quickened her pace as well.

It wasn’t until they reached the deserted second-floor hallway that he gently but firmly pressed her against the wall.
Her back met the hard wall. Before she could say anything in the wide, empty corridor, Owen’s face came closer. His large hand cupped her cheek, her small face fitting perfectly into his palm.
She was so small, everything about her—her hands, lips, and even the place below—felt tight and seemed to devour him. Saliva pooled on her lips. Slowly, Owen rubbed his lips against her quivering ones, his body pressing against her. His knee lightly parted her thighs.


She felt like a prey being targeted by a predator. His golden eyes watched her intently, ensuring she couldn’t escape. Her legs grew weak, and she ended up sitting astride his knee and thigh.

“Mmm, Owen….”

In this entirely unfamiliar place, Owen was the only thing familiar to her.
The fear of not being able to live without him surged within her. She had come to this country solely to be with him. This mansion was new to her. The only familiar thing was the man with the scent she had grown used to, making her feel a deep warmth inside.

“Why are you so impatient?”

He was acting like a beast in heat, completely devoid of patience. Perhaps it was his mating season like an animal. Owen’s nerves were burning more and more, a condition that had started after Sarin had disappeared. He wanted to keep her close, not letting anyone else see her.
A cherished presence that he desperately wanted to keep safe and sound in the safest place.


The kiss that started on her cheek gradually moved downward. His lips trailed down her jaw and licked her neck long and slow. The sharp tips of his canines lightly nibbled on her delicate skin.

“If you take off what’s covering this and give it to me, how could I hold back?”

He was crazy with the desire to touch her.
Every time he shoved his member into her tight opening and watched her groan from below, a twisted pleasure filled his mind.

“The only one who cares for me.”

His wet voice continued as he smeared saliva over her neck. Feeling like prey, Sarin could barely breathe properly.

“…is you, Lee Sarin.”
“Someone might come here…”
“Who would be around at this hour?”

She felt a chilling premonition that she might have to take him between her legs right here, without even the chance to open the door. And that brought a peculiar, sinful excitement.

“I know. We won’t do it here. I’m just too impatient right now. Did you perhaps fantasize about getting pinned down here?”

She could feel the subtle laughter in his voice against her neck. Feeling teased, Sarin pushed him away with her hand. Slowly stepping back, he still looked at her with a dangerous, excited expression. His fists clenched and unclenched.


When the child coming up the stairs spotted her, Owen’s palm covered Sarin’s face.


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