Developing Superpowers in Another World

We Wish You Success

Chapter 94 – We Wish You Success


[The broadcast control of the suspended train has been transferred to Senior Federal Researcher Xie Xu and Federal Pioneer Tu Ran. The train’s operating program has been modified, all doors are now closed, and the train will stop at Mitney Square.] [All security personnel from the Executive Department and the remaining members of the Pioneer Team are on their way to Mitney Square. We will be waiting for you there.] [We wish you success.]

The broadcast echoed through all the carriages of the suspended train.

Hearing that there were government researchers and pioneers on board, the desperate passengers miraculously calmed down.

“There are pioneers! There are actually pioneers! Pioneers are specialists in dealing with aliens. They will definitely know how to handle those aliens. We’re saved!”

To them, the appearance of pioneers at this moment was like divine intervention, about to rescue them from disaster.

Xie Xu brought back a group of people from the front carriage, then closed the front door and took the communicator from Tu Ran, connecting his voice to the train’s broadcast system.

“The alien species broke out in the third carriage and are gradually spreading in both directions. I am currently in the seventh carriage, and the alien species are about to reach here. Now, I ask all passengers on this train who have weapons to gather in the seventh carriage.”

Xie Xu’s calm voice carried a reassuring power.

“We need to hold the seventh carriage to prevent the aliens from spreading to the rear carriages. Meanwhile, survivors in the first six carriages, if you can hear my voice, please quickly take out your communicators, connect to the port named ‘Pioneer,’ and share your location. We will form teams to rescue you.”

He repeated this message twice, then exchanged communicators with Tu Ran.

Tu Ran’s communicator now displayed many red dots, indicating the locations shared by survivors in the front carriages.

Several people emerged from the rear carriages, both men and women, carrying various types of firearms, mostly handguns.

There was also a burly man carrying a large machete, with a deep scar on his rough face, making him look particularly menacing.

In a gruff voice, he asked, “Who here is the pioneer?”

Tu Ran raised her hand slightly. “I am.”

The man’s thick, black eyebrows instantly furrowed into a line as he looked Tu Ran up and down. Placing the large machete on the ground, he said disdainfully, “A woman? Where’s the guy who was talking earlier?”

Tu Ran felt insulted. “…”

The others who had followed him out also seemed deflated upon seeing that the pioneer was a woman.

“I’m Researcher Xie Xu. It was me speaking on the broadcast,” Xie Xu said, raising his voice.

“Shit, we’ve been duped,” the burly man cursed.

The others had the same thought.

They had assumed the pioneer was a man and had felt confident in following him into battle.

But the pioneer was a woman, and the researcher was a man.

What could a researcher do? Cheer them on?

They couldn’t understand why the Federation had put the lives of everyone on this train in the hands of these two.

The disappointment on everyone’s faces was evident, and some were already losing their resolve.

Xie Xu, seemingly unaware of their contempt, calmly made arrangements.

“There are many people trapped in the first six carriages, especially the first and second carriages, which are full of survivors. Some of them have firearms, but the aliens are attacking them, and they can’t hold out much longer. We need to form a team to rescue them. Who is willing to go?”



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