Developing Superpowers in Another World

Sweet Revenge

Chapter 87 – Sweet Revenge


She finally landed a solid punch on Xie Xu openly!

Hahaha, she finally punched him!

She had wanted to hit him for a long time.

He had beaten her so badly yesterday that she had been displeased with him ever since. Today, she finally got her revenge!

Happy, happy, so happy.

Tu Ran’s face was lit up with an uncontrollable smile; she couldn’t close her mouth.

Xie Xu wobbled as he stood up, leaning on his knee, and glanced at her. “Don’t get cocky, keep training.”

“What? Still training?” Tu Ran’s smile faded as she turned back to him. “Aren’t you going to take care of your face first? I think I heard a bone cracking sound earlier.”

Xie Xu touched his chin. It hurt and seemed a bit swollen, but it wasn’t a big deal.

“It’s fine, let’s continue.”

Tu Ran flexed her finger joints and muttered, “If you end up disfigured, don’t blame me.”

With that, she charged at him again.

They resumed their intense hand-to-hand combat, each blow landing with force.

As the saying goes, pride comes before a fall.

Less than ten minutes later, Xie Xu delivered a powerful kick to her chest.

Tu Ran’s body arced through the air, landing amidst the crowd outside the platform.

Yes, outside the platform.

She didn’t even land on the soft mats of the platform but crashed onto the hard floor.

“Ah… damn it…”

Tu Ran’s voice changed pitch as she fell from a higher to a lower position.

She landed with a solid “thud.”

“Ouch…” Tu Ran winced, curling up in pain.

A crowd gathered around her, all with sympathetic expressions.

Just hearing the sound, they could tell how painful it was.

“You guys could have caught me…” Tu Ran murmured weakly.

Each one had dodged faster than the next, and now they were showing sympathy? What was the point?

“Why are you lying on the ground? Get back up here and continue,” Xie Xu’s voice called down from the platform.

Tu Ran wanted to cry but had no tears.

Can’t she just lie down for a bit?

“If you don’t get up here, I’ll have them throw you up here.”

Tu Ran knew he was capable of doing just that.

Struggling to sit up, she accepted help from those nearby and managed to stand.

Limping and holding her waist, she made her way back up the stairs to the platform.

She had been quite angry.

But when she saw Xie Xu’s face, swollen and misshapen on one side, she burst out laughing.

Forget it, she wouldn’t hold it against him. After all, she had created such a noticeable “masterpiece” on his face. She could forgive his strictness.

“Do we have to continue?” Tu Ran asked.

“You’ve practiced this enough. Let’s move on to the next item,” Xie Xu said, his gaze shifting to the audience below.

“Wang Baobao, bring up two swords.”

Wang Baobao? What a…unique name.

Tu Ran looked at the boy called Wang Baobao. He had a round face, chubby and cheerful.

He quickly ran to the wall to retrieve two long swords and tossed them up to the platform.

Xie Xu caught one in each hand and handed one to Tu Ran.

He stepped back a few paces to maintain a certain distance from her.

“In the Threshold, firearms aren’t necessarily more useful than cold weapons,” Xie Xu said, looking at the sword in his hand. In its reflective surface, he saw his swollen right cheek.

Xie Xu: …

“Why?” Tu Ran hadn’t realized the gravity of the situation and asked in confusion.

Xie Xu snapped back to reality, his gaze flickering over her face, his eyes like knives.

Tu Ran quickly covered her cheeks with both hands.

She realized why Xie Xu had that expression.

“What do you want to do? You think you can hit my face but I can’t hit yours? We’re even now, don’t you dare think about hitting me again,” Tu Ran said defensively.



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