Developing Superpowers in Another World

Don’t Hit the Face

Chapter 86 – Don’t Hit the Face


Xie Xu didn’t comment on her response.

“The others are no longer a match for you. Today, you’ll spar directly with me,” Xie Xu said.

Tu Ran became serious and flexed her wrists a few times. “Then I’ll start.”

Xie Xu gave a slight nod, and Tu Ran charged at him.

Her attacks were fierce, using all her strength and skill.

For Xie Xu, Tu Ran hadn’t yet found any weak spots.

He seemed to be flawless in every aspect.

His defense was impenetrable, and his offense had no blind spots.

The methods she used to deal with Lu Huaiwei were completely ineffective against him.

The spectators below the platform were astonished to see Tu Ran holding her own against Xie Xu for so many moves without losing ground.

Yesterday, this woman was defeated by Xie Xu within ten moves, but today she was on par with him.

Her learning ability was frighteningly abnormal.

Tu Ran just wanted to say that the reason she kept getting knocked down yesterday might have been because she had already fought a group battle and expended some of her strength before facing Xie Xu.

By the end, her face was swollen like a pig’s head, her eyes reduced to slits. She couldn’t see anything, so it was inevitable she would be crushed.

Although she seemed at ease now, only Tu Ran knew how hard it was to maintain this state.

Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last. Xie Xu landed an unexpected hook, leaving Tu Ran no time to dodge.

She immediately crossed her hands to cover her cheeks and shouted, “Don’t hit the face.”

Xie Xu’s fist stopped just one centimeter from her face.

“I already aroused suspicion from Xu Bingli when I went to the medical department yesterday. If my face is swollen again today, it’ll be hard to explain,” Tu Ran quickly said. “You can hit anywhere else, just not the face.”

Xie Xu nodded slightly. “Alright, continue.”

The two clashed again, and Tu Ran was fully concentrated, fearing that any slight mistake would allow Xie Xu to find an opening.

She bent her knee and aimed a strike at Xie Xu’s abdomen.

Xie Xu reacted quickly, catching her leg and retreating backward.

Tu Ran was forced to fall forward.

Seeing her face about to hit the ground, she took a risk and used Xie Xu’s arm as a pivot, leaping up with her other leg and aiming a kick at his face.

At that moment, Xie Xu let go.

Tu Ran’s heart skipped a beat, and as expected, she crashed heavily to the ground the next second.

The pain made her gasp, feeling as if all her bones had shattered.

Xie Xu bent down to pull her up. “Are you okay?”

Tu Ran sprang up and unexpectedly grabbed his head, executing a solid reverse slam.

There was a gasp from the spectators.

Before Xie Xu could get up, Tu Ran rushed over, and they wrestled, rolling around the platform.

They kicked each other, strangled each other, and even resorted to gouging each other’s noses.

The fight was as undignified as it could get.

The spectators were embarrassed.

They never expected to see Brother Xie being wrestled to the ground and unable to stand up by a novice.

After a long struggle, it ended with a surprising punch.

The audience was silent, no one dared to speak.

Tu Ran’s punch landed heavily on Xie Xu’s jaw.

She vaguely heard the sound of bones cracking.

Her knuckles were also in great pain.

Xie Xu was knocked to the ground by the unexpected punch, staring up at the lights above, feeling dizzy and seeing double.

Tu Ran was extremely excited. Ignoring the intense pain in her knuckles, she jumped up and ran around the platform with her arms wide open.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!”



Tu Ran said “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” in English. XD


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