Developing Superpowers in Another World

Looking Fierce

Chapter 81 – Looking Fierce


Some departments needed night duty.

Tu Ran took the elevator to the training ground.

She changed into her training clothes and began today’s training.

As per Xie Xu’s instructions, she started with physical training, which included weightlifting, weighted running, endurance training, and combination exercises.

By the time she finished the routine, it was already seven in the morning.

Others gradually arrived to train as well.

Tu Ran saw Ding Naiqing, whom she hadn’t seen for two days.

His hair was still wet, seemingly just after a shower.

“Hey, Sister Ran, what a coincidence.”

Tu Ran nodded, “Yeah, what a coincidence.”

Ding Naiqing eagerly walked up to her, drying his hair as he spoke, “Yesterday I heard that someone from our Pioneer Team had a one-on-one match with the Executive Department’s A6 team members here at the training ground. I asked around to find out who it was.”

“They said it was a woman who killed the most aliens during a mission in Reigaken State a few days ago and looked very fierce. I guessed it was you, Sister Ran, so I came here today hoping to see you. I didn’t expect to actually run into you.”

Tu Ran: What does it mean to look very fierce?

She looked fierce? Tu Ran turned her head to the full-length mirror on the pillar beside her.

She was wearing tight training clothes, her figure well-proportioned and attractive, with shoulder-length hair casually tied into a bun. A few strands of hair were wet from the exercise and stuck to her face, which was fair and clean. Despite her expressionless face, she didn’t think she looked fierce.

Ding Naiqing noticed her confusion and laughed, “Sister Ran, don’t listen to their nonsense. You’re not fierce at all. They just don’t know you. They think you’re fierce because you’re stronger than the men. In their eyes, even Sister Yao looks fierce. Any girl who is stronger than them is called fierce.”

Tu Ran chuckled, “If they knew you were saying this to me, would they beat you up?”

“Beat me up?” Ding Naiqing spread his hands, “They can’t even beat me.”

“Haha, alright then.”

Ding Naiqing was indeed quite capable; he had managed to hold his own for a long time in a knife fight with the possessed Tubin last time.

Tu Ran suddenly had an idea.

Between her current skills and Ding Naiqing’s, who would come out on top?

“Sister Ran, do you come here to train every day?” Ding Naiqing asked as he tossed his towel aside and picked up the dumbbells next to Tu Ran to start his workout.

“Yes,” Tu Ran replied, looking at him. “Ding Naiqing, how about we have a close-quarters combat spar?”

“What?” Ding Naiqing was shocked and then vigorously shook his head. “Sister Ran, please spare me. I definitely can’t beat you.”

“Not necessarily. I’ve been practicing close-quarters combat these past few days and I’m having trouble finding a sparring partner. Let’s just have a friendly match, no serious harm,” Tu Ran tried to persuade him.

Ding Naiqing still wanted to shake his head, but Tu Ran held his head steady with both hands.

“Not shaking your head means you agree. Since you agree, let’s get on the ring. Okay?”

Ding Naiqing: “…”

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, not expecting Sister Ran to have such a childish side.

“Okay.” He nodded obediently.

It was only seven or eight in the morning, and everyone else was still doing basic training. Few were sparring in the ring.

So, when Tu Ran and Ding Naiqing stepped into the ring, they immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Neither of them paid any mind to the onlookers.

Standing in the center of the ring, Ding Naiqing felt he had been impulsive. How could he have been swayed by the slightest hint of Sister Ran’s childishness?

He worriedly reminded Tu Ran, “Sister Ran, make sure to take it easy. Don’t send me to the hospital with broken bones. We start work again tomorrow, and I don’t want to take leave.”

“Definitely,” Tu Ran nodded. “Can we start now?”



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