Developing Superpowers in Another World

Fabricating Reasons

Chapter 80 – Fabricating Reasons


After a while, she started to feel sleepy.

Tu Ran didn’t try to stay awake and allowed her thoughts to blur as she quickly drifted off to sleep.

Her body was healing rapidly.

The fluid in the swelling on her face gradually seeped out, and the swelling slowly subsided, returning to its original state.

The bruises and scars on her body slowly faded and healed.

Her broken ribs quickly formed a hematoma, which then turned into callus within an hour. The callus rapidly remodeled and reshaped, restoring her ribs to their original state.

Everything healed while she slept.

Tu Ran opened her eyes seven hours later.

The nurse was already waiting outside.

Tu Ran climbed out of the nutrition pod, entered the shower room in the dressing room, rinsed off the residual mucus on her body, and got dressed.

Tu Ran looked in the mirror; her face had returned to normal.

She no longer needed to wear a mask.

As she left the dressing room, she saw Xu Bingli waiting outside.

Tu Ran raised her eyebrows slightly, “Doctor Xu, are you waiting for me?”

“Yes,” Xu Bingli nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

The two sat together on the rest bench against the wall.

“I need to understand how you got your injuries,” Xu Bingli explained, fearing the question might be abrupt, “It’s our medical department’s responsibility. We need to clarify the reasons for the injuries of each Federal Government personnel and report it.”

Tu Ran’s expression remained unchanged, “I encountered a group of extreme protesters on the way and had some conflicts with them.”

Extreme protesters usually don’t go all out against government officials; they usually just beat them up.

Every year, the medical department receives a group of government personnel who have been beaten by extreme protesters.

However, Tu Ran is currently the first pioneer caught by extreme protesters.

“Miss Tu, do you need me to report to the Executive Department for record? They can help you find those people.”

“No need,” she had made up the story in the first place, and if the Executive Department got involved and couldn’t find those people, they would suspect her, “I’ve taken care of them myself.”

“Miss Tu is indeed a pioneer,” Xu Bingli complimented politely.

Tu Ran smiled faintly, “Is there anything else you need to ask?”

“No, that’s all,” Xu Bingli said gently, “It’s four in the morning now. Miss Tu, please be safe on your way back.”

Four in the morning?

So late… or early?

“Doctor Xu, have you been waiting here for me?” Tu Ran looked at him. If he had been, she would feel guilty.

Xu Bingli smiled warmly, “Miss Tu, don’t worry about it. It’s my duty tonight to be on duty, so I wouldn’t have slept anyway.”

“Oh, being a doctor must be tough,” Tu Ran sighed.

Luckily, when she graduated, no hospital wanted her.

“Although it’s tough, there’s not much risk, and the benefits are good. The real hard work is for you pioneers, facing the aliens, it’s really dangerous,” Xu Bingli sighed.

Tu Ran nodded silently, having nothing to say.

She also felt very tired.

She didn’t want to do it anymore.

But she signed a contract.

She still had nine years to go before retirement.

Nine years, just thinking about it made her feel hopeless.

“Well then, I won’t disturb you anymore, Doctor Xu. Goodbye,” Tu Ran politely bid farewell.

“Hmm, goodbye.”

At four in the morning, the Federal Government’s suspended trains were still running.

Tu Ran took the train back home, changed her clothes, grabbed her work communicator, and returned to the administrative building of the Federal Center.

After sleeping in the nutrient solution for eight hours, she wasn’t tired at all.

There were still many lights on in the administrative building at four in the morning.



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