Developing Superpowers in Another World

I Remember You All

Chapter 78 – I Remember You All


Xie Xu’s expression instantly brightened.

“Continue,” he said.

For the next half hour, Tu Ran remained on the receiving end of the beating.

“Your strength is lacking; you need more physical training!”

“Your eyesight is poor; why don’t you get a pair of mechanical eyes?”

“Watch your angles; you’re overdoing it, making you vulnerable to attacks from behind!”


“If you’re not going to use those eyes, donate them!” Xie Xu yelled again.

Tu Ran cautiously explained, “My face is swollen, I can’t see.”

Xie Xu paused his punching.

Seeing her face swollen like a pig’s, Xie Xu immediately stopped.

When did it swell up like this? He hadn’t noticed.

He sighed, “We’ll stop here for today. You can go back.”

“Oh, okay.”

Tu Ran felt a sense of relief, like she had finally made it through a tough ordeal.

“Goodbye, I’ll be leaving now.”

She quickly packed her backpack, carefully covered her swollen cheeks with a mask, put on her glasses and hat, and then bolted up the stairs as if fleeing for her life.

Watching her hurried legs, Xie Xu suddenly felt they could have trained for another hour.

But Tu Ran had already disappeared, so he let it go.

He turned to the others below the ring. “I still have some time today. Who wants to spar with me?”

Silence, a deathly silence.

Everyone lowered their heads, their excitement from earlier completely gone.

“No one?” Xie Xu’s gaze swept around.

“Since no one volunteers… let’s go one by one. I’ll give each of you some pointers.”

Today was a busy day for Xiao Jiu.

After finally dealing with the previous batch of people, he saw Tu Ran coming up.

Though she wore sunglasses and a mask, Xiao Jiu easily noticed how her swollen face puffed out the mask and how she walked with a peculiar, awkward gait.

“Do you need me to bandage you?” Xiao Jiu politely asked.

Tu Ran glanced at the already occupied beds and shook her head. “No need.”

Her voice was a bit hoarse.

Xiao Jiu silently noted that her injuries were severe; Brother Xie had been really harsh.

Tu Ran quickly left.

She could go to the medical department and soak in a nutrition tank; after all, she had a year’s free usage.

The others lying immobile on the beds were long-term injury sufferers and could easily tell that Tu Ran was badly hurt.

Their hearts instantly filled with glee.

As soon as Tu Ran stepped out of the room, everyone burst into laughter.

“Brother Xie definitely avenged us, hahaha! Sweet revenge, sweet revenge, hahaha!”

Just as their laughter reached its peak, Tu Ran unexpectedly returned.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Tu Ran’s gaze swept over each of their faces, and she sneered, “I remember you all. Next time, you’ll keep me company during practice.”

Everyone: “…”

Seeing their shocked and fearful expressions, Tu Ran finally left, satisfied.

Xiao Jiu, standing nearby, chuckled, “Serves you right for mocking her. A bunch of rude guys, you deserve it!”

Instantly, the room was filled with wails and cries.

Just as Xiao Jiu thought he could finally rest, the door to the underground space opened.

Then, another group of people with broken arms and legs was carried in.

Xiao Jiu’s jaw almost dropped. “What happened this time?”

“Brother Xie gave each of us some pointers,” said a young boy, using a very delicate choice of words.

What was actually a one-sided thrashing was described as “giving a few pointers.”

Xiao Jiu sighed, feeling a headache coming on. His small clinic couldn’t accommodate so many injured people.



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