Developing Superpowers in Another World

Meeting a Fanboy in the Elevator

Chapter 71 – Meeting a Fan in the Elevator


The other person also glared at her angrily and turned his head away.

Tu Ran stifled her laughter and apologized to each bed one by one. Seeing their expressions, which looked as if they had eaten something disgusting, made her feel very satisfied.

After completing the apologies and showing off, Tu Ran took the elevator to the 48th floor of the medical department.

In the elevator, she encountered Li Wenchuan, who was also going up.

He was still wearing his black combat uniform, fully equipped from head to toe.

Weren’t they given a three-day vacation by their superiors? Why was he still dressed like this?

Tu Ran nodded slightly as a greeting.

Li Wenchuan stood next to her. The elevator started, and they were the only two people inside.

“I heard you sent the External Affairs Ninth Group of the Executive Department to the hospital?” Li Wenchuan asked Tu Ran.

“Yes,” Tu Ran replied softly, wondering how the news spread so quickly.

“Impressive.” Li Wenchuan gave a thumbs up, extending it in front of Tu Ran.

Tu Ran glanced at it indifferently and said nothing.

Li Wenchuan continued, “You used to disdain doing such things.”

It seemed like a joke, but he was actually hinting at her.

Her current behavior was very different from before, which could easily arouse suspicion.

Tu Ran nodded and said nothing more.

She would be careful.

The elevator stopped on the thirteenth floor. Li Wenchuan got off, and a few people wearing the medical department’s doctor uniforms, all young interns, got on.

Tu Ran was pushed into the corner.

They started chatting as if no one else was around.

“What you mentioned is nothing. My story is more embarrassing. Today, our department received seven trauma patients, all guards from the Executive Department. Guess how they got here?
This group of guys, thinking they had the advantage in numbers, tried to bully a single girl. However, they ran into a tough one. The girl beat them black and blue with a sniper rifle. One of them even ended up in a nutrition pod due to a brain hemorrhage.
You should have seen the scene; I almost died laughing.”

A doctor chimed in, “No way, people like that can be guards in the Executive Department?”

The third doctor scoffed, “What did you expect? There are plenty of bullies in the Executive Department. The Ninth External Affairs Group is infamous for bullying the weak and fearing the strong.”

“Hey, don’t tell me, those seven people who came in today were from the Ninth External Affairs Group.”

“No way, really? I have to go check it out,” said a young man with dyed yellow curly hair and gold-framed glasses. “Last year, when I first graduated and was getting to know the environment in our medical department, this Ninth External Affairs Group stopped me, suspecting I was some protestor. They had no evidence and took me to the interrogation room. They held me for two days and, after realizing they had the wrong person, didn’t even apologize. They just told me to leave.”

“That’s really awful,” someone sympathized.

“But who was the one who served justice by beating them up? I want to be friends with her.”

“Anyone who can take on seven people alone must be a tough character. She probably wouldn’t want to be friends with you.”

“You never know, having more friends is better than having only a few…”

“That’s nonsense…”

“You two, stop arguing,” the intern who started the story interrupted. “I know who the girl who took on the seven guys is. Who wants to know?”

“Me! Me! Me! Me!”


“Spill it!” someone urged.

“Her name is Tu Ran. She’s part of the Pioneer Team.”

“Oh, no wonder. The Pioneer Team members are all exceptionally tough. Those guards are no match for them.”

“Forty-eighth floor.”



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