Developing Superpowers in Another World

Wealthy People

Chapter 65 – Wealthy People


Tu Ran: “…” But you later wanted to kill me.

Given that there were many surveillance cameras around, Tu Ran didn’t say the latter half of her sentence.

But her gaze was so straightforward and obvious that she didn’t believe Xie Xu couldn’t see it. After all, this guy was like a worm in her belly, guessing her thoughts accurately.

Sure enough, Xie Xu’s eyes drifted away, looking elsewhere.

Tu Ran got up from the ground and packed up her equipment.

“Then I’ll trouble Researcher Xie to go to the expense.”

Back then, if it hadn’t been for his timely appearance in the nutrition pod of the medical department, she would indeed have been dead.

Moreover, she wasn’t wearing clothes at the time, and he even threw her a blanket.

No matter how you look at it, it was a lifesaving favor.

She decided to take it as getting a free meal and listen to whatever purpose this guy had.

Tu Ran didn’t pay attention to the time during training and unknowingly trained the whole afternoon.

Now, it was just the time when some clerical officials in the Administrative Building were getting off work.

Taking the elevator down, Tu Ran followed Xie Xu to the parking lot on the third basement level for the first time.

The entire third basement level was filled with many cars.

Tu Ran looked around and saw many luxury cars from this world.

When she was searching for aliens in Reigaken State, she saw some luxury car advertisements on the billboards along the streets and remembered that the price tags had countless zeros.

At that time, she was chasing aliens and only glanced quickly, not counting the exact number of zeros, just feeling that the length was longer than candied hawthorns.

And in this underground parking lot, Tu Ran saw more than a dozen of those cars.

Wow, so many wealthy people in the Administrative Center.

Xie Xu’s car was parked in the middle of this lot of cars, a steady black color. Tu Ran glanced at the license plate number.

Getting into the car, Xie Xu started it and drove towards the exit.

Tu Ran fastened her seatbelt, secretly hoping the car would take off; she had never been in a flying car before.

She had seen many cars that could fly while she was on the suspended railway.

However, it was clear that Xie Xu’s car couldn’t fly. It drove like an ordinary car, moving along a somewhat crowded road.

Xie Xu parked the car in front of a restaurant with a very elegant exterior.

Tu Ran followed him inside, where a robotic waiter enthusiastically greeted them.

A few people were scattered around sitting downstairs.

Xie Xu had reserved a private room on the second floor in advance. The waiter directly led them inside, seated them, and handed them the menu.

Xie Xu graciously left the choice of dishes to Tu Ran.

Taking the menu, Tu Ran was amazed to discover that all the ingredients used in the dishes here were purely natural, with none being artificial.

Naturally, the prices reflected this, being exorbitantly high.

So Xie Xu was also a wealthy person.

She should have realized this earlier—he had a brother who was a major general and he himself was a senior researcher.

It would be strange if he weren’t wealthy.

However, because his usual attire was so ordinary that it didn’t hint at wealth at all, she had subconsciously assumed he was similar to her, living off the monthly federal salary.

“This one, this one, this one, this one, and this one,” Tu Ran unreservedly ordered five dishes.

The robot turned to Xie Xu, “Would this gentleman like to add anything else?”

“No,” Xie Xu replied.

“Alright, please wait a moment.” The robot then walked downstairs with a very natural gait.

Its walk was very similar to that of a human and quite stable. If it weren’t for the Federal Government’s ethical considerations prohibiting robots from looking too similar to humans, it could easily pass for one.



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