Developing Superpowers in Another World

The Favour of Saving One's Life

Chapter 64 – The Favour of Saving One’s Life


Tu Ran began to admire those sharpshooter snipers who could accurately kill targets from more than two thousand meters away.

She thought of a person, Zhou Ming.

That guy who whistled at her and Xi Chunzhi at the elevator entrance.

Later, he got kicked by Xi Chunzhi and kept cursing non-stop.

He seemed to be a sniper.

That guy, big and brawny, was actually a sniper.

It confirmed the saying that people can’t be judged by their appearance.

With her shoulder pressed against the gunstock, Tu Ran recalled the precautions for using a sniper rifle that she had read about in books.

Don’t get too close to the scope, keep a certain distance; if your eye is completely covered, the recoil from firing could rupture your eyeball.

Tu Ran kept this in mind, maintaining a two-centimeter distance between her eye and the scope.

Modern sniper rifle scopes come with auxiliary aiming devices that automatically adjust the reticle position, considering various factors like air pressure, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed that could cause bullet deviation.

Everything was ready. Out of the corner of her eye, Tu Ran noticed a figure walking towards her.

Tu Ran frowned. Why was it him again?

Forget it, just ignore him.

Tu Ran focused on the target.

There was no particular technique.

She simply pulled the trigger when she felt it was right.

The powerful recoil immediately sent a jolt of pain through her cheek and shoulder, as if her bones were being torn apart.

Tu Ran gasped in pain, pulled her body back, and shrank like a turtle into its shell, rubbing her shoulder in agony.

It hurt so much.

So this was the recoil of a sniper rifle.

“How stupid,” a cold, mocking voice came from beside her.

Tu Ran opened her eyes and saw Xie Xu looking down at her condescendingly.

From her angle, his dark blue eyes seemed even deeper and more profound.

He had a pair of good eyes, but his mouth was so sharp.

Tu Ran pursed her lips, wanting to retort but couldn’t find the words for a moment.

Her previous performance indeed seemed a bit foolish.

Ignoring him, Tu Ran climbed back to her original position and adjusted her posture.

As expected, her last shot missed the target. She didn’t know where it landed and didn’t care much, continuing to prepare for her next shot.

Learning from her previous experience, she slowly adjusted the reticle position with the help of the auxiliary aiming device.

“Don’t let your breathing interfere with the bullet’s trajectory,” Xie Xu said.

Tu Ran immediately held her breath.

“Consider the sniper rifle as an extension of your body. Don’t focus too much on the moment you pull the trigger. Forget about it and reach a state where you and the gun are one, and shoot naturally.”


A bullet was fired. Through the scope, Tu Ran saw the bullet hit the bullseye.

No way, did Xie Xu’s words really work that well?

Tu Ran swallowed.

Was she really that good? Did she just learn it that easily?

Tu Ran stood frozen in place.

After a moment, she realized Xie Xu was still standing nearby and turned to look at him.

He was leaning against a nearby equipment rack, looking at the distant target, not noticing her gaze.

Tu Ran withdrew her gaze, paused for two seconds, and looked at him again.

Finally making up her mind, she asked, “Why are you teaching me?”

Weren’t they supposed to stay out of each other’s way?

Xie Xu lowered his gaze to her, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the equipment rack.

“Do you have time? I want to treat you to a meal.”

Tu Ran instinctively wanted to refuse because she felt nothing good could come from him treating her to a meal.

Xie Xu saw through her thoughts at a glance, “I saved your life once.”



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