Developing Superpowers in Another World

The Girl

Chapter 51 – The Girl


Taking a deep breath, she relaxed her mind completely, relying solely on muscle memory. She aimed her gun at Tubin and fired a rapid succession of bullets.

The descending knife was deflected by a bullet, grazing Ding Naiqing’s forehead by a mere centimeter.

Another bullet struck Tubin’s hand, piercing it and causing him to drop the knife in pain.

Tu Ran didn’t stop shooting. Bullets hit Tubin in the forehead, the eyes, the knees.

Each shot was precise.

Yet none of them could halt his advance.

Unfazed by the bullets, Tubin slowly circled around the bed, advancing toward Tu Ran with a bloodthirsty and eerie smile.

Tu Ran’s hair stood on end. Out of handgun bullets, she quickly switched to her machine gun, unleashing a relentless barrage into Tubin’s body.

His facial features were shattered, resembling a mashed pomegranate, thick juices oozing out, making him unrecognizable.

But his movements were undeterred.

He didn’t rely on human eyes for navigation.

A snake-like head emerged from the pulpy mess of Tubin’s face, covered with countless eyes, giving it a 360-degree field of vision.

Tu Ran got goosebumps all over in an instant.

The woman on the bed was also frightened by its appearance, her eyes rolled back, and she fainted.

Because her body had already curled up to the edge of the bed, when she fainted, she fell off the bed.

Ding Naiqing’s knife, which had been thrown on the ground, was lying there quietly.

Tu Ran wanted to pull her up, but she had to deal with Tubin first, and she was really powerless.

Ding Naiqing had already collapsed on the ground, with wounds all over his legs and arms, and he didn’t even have the strength to stand up.

The woman fell onto the knife blade; it was a certainty. If she was lucky, she might survive, but if she wasn’t…

At this critical moment, a shadow flashed past Tu Ran’s eyes.

The falling woman’s body was caught and gently placed back on the bed.

Tu Ran was dumbfounded, staring at the person who made this incredible move.


Tu Ran wondered if she was seeing things. Why did she see tenderness and reluctance in the actions of this ugly and terrifying creature?

For a moment, Tu Ran glanced at the painting on the wall.

A girl holding a red umbrella was compassionately shielding a scarred mechanical snake from the rain.

Almost simultaneously, Tu Ran pointed her gun at the unconscious woman.

“Don’t move!”

Tubin’s body stiffened instantly, and countless tiny eyes stared at Tu Ran.

Tu Ran’s scalp tingled; she felt like she had fallen into a snake pit, her whole body cold.

She tried to control her trembling hands and bury her inner fear, outwardly appearing calm and confident as she threatened Tubin.

“One bullet might not kill you, but it can kill her. If you dare move again, I’ll shoot and let her go first,” Tu Ran said coldly.

Tubin was instantly enraged, his eyes glowing green, making his appearance even more terrifying.


A faint sound came from his mouth, and Tu Ran vaguely saw a red tongue flickering.

Is he going to… spit venom?

Tu Ran immediately took a step back and pulled the trigger, a bullet shooting toward the woman.

The sudden shot made Tubin quickly retract his tongue, which he hadn’t had time to spit out. He looked down in horror at the woman with closed eyes.



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