Developing Superpowers in Another World

Frozen by the Sight

Chapter 253 – Frozen by the Sight


Suddenly and unexpectedly, everyone present focused their attention on Tu Ran.

“What’s going on? Why did he suddenly point to you? Does the head of the Pang family want you to go up?” Zhou Ming’s confused voice came through the earpiece.

Tu Ran: …I’d like to know that too.

“Ten million Federation credits, just hold out for thirty minutes. How about it? Quite a deal, right? Does this guard want to give it a try?” Pang Shixi’s face was kindly, almost like Xie Xie’ao’s, as if he were encouraging his own child to go on stage and perform.

Having fought Pang Shixi for half his life, Xie Xie’ao could immediately tell what was going on just from his expression, and his fingers resting on his knee subconsciously curled.

Whenever this man showed that face, it meant his plot was about to succeed.

Why did he stir up such a commotion all of a sudden? Was it aimed at this woman?

Xie Xie’ao glanced at Tu Ran on the third floor and silently speculated on why Pang Shixi would go to such lengths to deal with a guard.

Xie Xu also looked at Tu Ran, his face still expressionless, but just like his father, his fingers resting on his knee subconsciously began tapping.

He was deep in thought.

Stefano Wells, however, frowned deeply, his displeasure almost written on his face.

He had just found such a useful subordinate, and now someone else was tempting her to her death. Of course, he wasn’t happy.

Yet, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, there was no way he could tell Tu Ran that he could offer her several times more money, as long as she didn’t accept Pang Shixi’s offer.

When Pang Shixi mentioned the ten million Federation credits, the entire Wanle Temple fell silent. Even the alien stopped making noise, licking the fur on its paws, preparing for its next meal.


Tu Ran shook her head in refusal.

Young Master Qi gave her a thumbs up in his heart. She had guts! Even he had been slightly tempted by the ten million credits just now.

“Fifty million!” Refused once, Pang Shixi grew even bolder, waving his hand grandly and raising the offer by five times.

Fifty million—a staggering amount. The guards present couldn’t help but gasp, and the attendants standing at the edge of the hall, ready to serve, looked at Tu Ran with overwhelming envy, wishing they were the ones being offered such a fortune.

Tu Ran lowered her gaze in silence. Just when everyone thought she was going to agree, she lifted her calm eyes and uttered three words:

“I’m afraid of dying.”

Fifty million Federation credits was indeed tempting.

She was confident she could last thirty minutes in the cage.

But Pang Shixi’s sudden focus on her was too suspicious.

The fact that he raised the offer by so much made it even more questionable.

She could handle the alien in the cage, but she couldn’t outmaneuver the schemes of these wealthy people behind the scenes.

So, she decided not to take the risk.

Pang Shixi’s smile stiffened slightly after being refused once more. As the head of the Pang family, being rejected repeatedly by a mere guard was a blow to his pride.

In the eyes of the other rich people present, Tu Ran now seemed somewhat ungrateful.

“Fifty million, enough to secure wealth for several lifetimes. Young lady, you should seize this opportunity.”

“Exactly, a chance like this comes once in a lifetime. You should treasure it.”

These people sided with Pang Shixi, urging Tu Ran to step forward. But their tone and condescending looks made their disdain clear.

They weren’t even trying to hide their contempt.

Tu Ran shook her head internally, but outwardly, she remained as still as a statue, standing there holding her gun without moving.

Finally, someone could no longer tolerate her attitude.

“Can’t you understand human speech? We’re offering you this chance because we see potential in you! Even if you die, so what? Fifty million! That’s more than enough to buy your life!”

Oh, they’re getting impatient. These people were even more anxious than she had expected.

Tu Ran glanced at the one who spoke—it was someone from the Mu family, who had only managed to maintain a foothold among the top ten financial families by clinging to the Pang family.

Tu Ran continued to play deaf and mute, staying silent.

As a mere guard, in a setting like this, the only way she could express refusal was through silence.

Xie Xie’ao took note of her behavior. In a situation like this, if it had been any other guard, they likely would’ve caved under the pressure and gone up to “perform.”

Going up to face the alien was certain death. If she didn’t go up, the people allied with the Pang family would quietly deal with her after the banquet. Pang Shixi was not known for his generosity.

Either way, death seemed inevitable. So why not take the chance? There might be a slim hope of survival.

But this guard remained still and silent, her attitude bordering on arrogance.

She wasn’t afraid of the Pang family’s retaliation.

This was the only thought in Xie Xie’ao’s mind.

What gave an ordinary guard such confidence?

Xie Xie’ao looked toward Pang Xinting, who was sitting among the crowd.

As the Deputy Minister of the Executive Department, he should have a clear understanding of the people under his command.

Unfortunately, Pang Xinting only offered him a view of his back.

Pang Xinting had already risen to his feet, looking up at Tu Ran on the third floor. In the authoritative tone of a Deputy Minister of the Executive Department, he commanded, “I am the Deputy Minister of the Executive Department. Right now, I, along with the other high-ranking officials, wish to assess your abilities as a guard. I hope you will cooperate actively.”

Tu Ran applauded him mentally. What a dignified and noble excuse, what a smooth talker. Wow, the thickness of their skins! They didn’t even bother to hide it.

“I am a Pioneer, temporarily assigned to the Executive Department. My superior is Major General Xie Zhao.”

Pang Xinting’s face visibly stiffened, and he turned to look at Xie Zhao, who was seated behind Xie Xie’ao.

Xie Zhao hadn’t initially recognized the guard on the third floor as Tu Ran.

It wasn’t until she mentioned his name that he remembered he had indeed loaned Tu Ran out earlier.

Xie Zhao saw no reason to remain seated any longer. He stood up, calmly facing the stares of everyone present, and said, “That’s right. She’s one of my Pioneer Team members.” Recalling how this group had been pushing Tu Ran to fight the alien, he added, “A Pioneer’s life and interests are of the utmost importance and should not be wasted in mere spectator games. I suggest you find someone else, with mutual consent.”

Tu Ran glanced at him with gratitude.

The expressions of the people around them darkened, especially those from the Pang family.

“Second Young Master Xie, you sure treat your subordinates well,” Pang Xinting said with a fake smile.

Xie Zhao pretended not to catch the underlying sarcasm. “Thank you, Young Master Pang, for the compliment.” After that, he adjusted his clothes and calmly sat back down.

Pang Xinting was seething, nearly grinding his teeth in frustration. He had been hoping for a chance to impress the head of the Pang family, and his potential promotion to Minister depended on a word from him. But now, that golden opportunity had been ruined.

Pang Shixi cursed him inwardly, making no attempt to hide his dark mood.

“It’s just a pioneer; there’s no need for our two families to sour relations over such a small matter,” said the eldest son of the Xie family, standing up and patting Xie Zhao on the shoulder. “Zhao, go and bring her down.”

Xie Zhao sat upright and didn’t move.

Xie Heng leaned in slightly, whispering something into Xie Zhao’s ear.

From Tu Ran’s angle, she could clearly see Xie Zhao’s face darken.

She rarely saw the usually stoic Major General show this kind of expression.

It seemed Xie Zhao might not be able to stop her from fighting the alien creature today after all.

Tu Ran averted her gaze, speaking softly, her words only audible to Zero.

“Have you figured out his motive?”


Tu Ran paused for a moment, as if making up her mind. “How long until the Threshold gate opens?”

“Estimated three to seven days.”

Three to seven days—that wasn’t too long.

Down below, Xie Xu suddenly stood up. “Patriarch Pang, the Research Institute needs that alien.”

Everyone froze for a moment and looked at him in unison.

Xie Xie’ao also turned to look at his third son, who had always been invisible during banquets.

Pang Shixi’s actions were already strange enough.

Now, both of his sons were defending that guard.

What exactly was going on that he didn’t know about?

“The research institute has so many aliens; why do they need this one?” Pang Shixi asked with a meaningful expression.

“Yes, according to my observations, this alien has a strong ability to learn. It holds great research value, especially in the institute’s current focus on whether these creatures can evolve. I kindly ask Patriarch Pang to part with it. We will provide you with a more fitting creature, one better suited to your preferences,” Xie Xu responded earnestly, sounding like a research-obsessed scholar.

If Tu Ran hadn’t been beaten severely by him, and if she hadn’t seen his ambition with her own eyes, she might have been fooled by his appearance.

Xie Xu’s reasoning was solid, difficult to refute.

But unfortunately, it seemed that things within the Xie family weren’t as harmonious.

Just as it looked like Pang Shixi was about to relent, Xie Heng suddenly spoke up, “Patriarch Pang, don’t listen to him. He’s too deep into his research, always thinking every alien is the most special. Keep this one, and enjoy the show you’ve been waiting for.”

He then looked up at Tu Ran. “Why are you still standing there? Come down already. Your commander has agreed—you’ll compete today, whether you want to or not.”

Tu Ran: Unbelievable.

She muttered to Zero, “Are you sure he’s the eldest son of the Xie family and their future heir?”

Zero: “Yes.”

Tu Ran: “So sycophantic?! If someone didn’t know better, they’d think he was Pang Shixi’s little lackey.”

Zero: “…”

Tu Ran: “Can I just shoot him?”

Zero: “…” Could he really decide that?

“Go ask Xie Xu,” Tu Ran whispered urgently as she hesitated to descend the stairs.

Her instincts were screaming that Pang Shixi wasn’t simply here to enjoy a beast fight—he wanted her dead.

Though she couldn’t be entirely certain, it was most likely about the inner core. It was the only valuable thing she had.

There was no way for her to leave unscathed now.

Before escaping, she planned to take down these annoying people—it would be worth all the patience she had shown so far.

As she stood by the cage, preparing to hand over her weapons, Zero finally responded.

“Go ahead and kill him.”


The iron cage door opened, and the alien inside began roaring, ready to devour its next prey.

Standing at the threshold, Tu Ran placed her hand on the thick metal bars, about 30 centimeters in diameter.

Seeing her delay, Pang Xinting grew impatient and snapped, “What are you stalling for—”

Before he could finish, a deafening crackling sound filled the room. The giant cage began to shake violently, with cracks radiating from where Tu Ran had placed her palm, spreading across the entire structure.

The wealthy spectators, who had been sitting gracefully and prepared to enjoy the show, immediately panicked. They stared in disbelief, momentarily frozen by the sight.

The alien inside also sensed the change in the cage and, gathering all its strength, charged at the weakened structure.

Bam! Crash!

The cage shattered into pieces, metal fragments flying in all directions, striking the crowd.

The alien beast followed swiftly, rushing straight into the mass of terrified elites.

The alien wasted no time devouring its prey, surrounded by an abundance of food.


The wealthy guests began to scream, panic setting in as they ran in all directions, desperately trying to escape.

Those who were too slow, or tripped over their elaborate gowns, inevitably became the alien’s next meal.

With a single bite, blood and viscera splattered everywhere, the hot liquid spraying across the room. The grand God lamp that once hung majestically from the ceiling was once again desecrated, dripping with blood as it fell from its pedestal.

The guards stationed around the venue reacted swiftly, firing round after round at the alien beast, trying to bring it down. However, amidst the chaos, it continued its rampage, undeterred by the bullets.


  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    Laugh at joke, now they become the joke.

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