Developing Superpowers in Another World

The Awakening of the Alien Species

Chapter 211 – The Awakening of the Alien Species


From their size, these alien species did not seem to be parasitic ones.

Most of the alien species that escaped from the Threshold gates of the Federal Center were parasitic, sneaking out by inhabiting the bodies of pioneers.

These massive alien species, however, were likely captured by the giant trapping devices in Reigaken State. It took some time to transport them, so they had yet to be studied. They were kept in glass containers, waiting for researchers to have time to study them. Zero would control the mechanical arms to send these alien species down for examination.


A startled scream interrupted Tu Ran’s thoughts, and she quickly turned toward the source of the sound.

For some unknown reason, Xie Wenjun and Pang Xi had started fighting, and they knocked over the glass enclosure behind them. The glass container wasn’t very large, and inside it was a small eagle-like alien species.

The glass cracked, and the anesthetic spray system malfunctioned, ceasing its operation. The eagle-like alien species was quickly waking up, its wings trembling slightly.

What made matters worse was that the group of students hadn’t realized the alien species was still alive. They continued to crowd around Xie Wenjun and Pang Xi, watching the commotion.

“Get out of the way! It’s waking up!” Tu Ran shouted as she rushed toward the group.

In the brief moment she spoke, the alien species had fully awakened. Its two-meter-long wings spread out from its small body, ready to soar into the sky.

The young masters and misses were stunned by the sight, frozen in fear. Xie Wenjun and Pang Xi were still clutching each other’s hair, unable to let go, paralyzed in place.

The alien species was right in front of them. They could clearly see the sparse feathers on its wings, the thick, gray-black muscle tendons, and its blood-red eyes. Its beak was wide open, exhaling a foul, rotting stench.

Suddenly, Tu Ran rushed over, grabbed both of them by the collars, and quickly pulled them back.

The alien’s beak missed its target as it swooped down, the delicious meal slipping away. The alien let out a roar, soaring into the sky, circling in agitation thirty meters above the base, searching for its next target.

It had not eaten for a long time, and it was starving, desperate to fill its belly.

Having narrowly avoided the fate of being pierced through the stomach, the two girls were so weak in the knees they could barely stand.

Tu Ran pushed them into the safety circle formed by Xiao Di, Min Tao, Shen Yunhe, and the others. “Escort them out of here. I’ll deal with this alien species.”

“I’m going with you!” Min Tao stepped forward, holding his gun.

“I’ll go too!” Shen Yunhe quickly followed.

Others were eager to join the action as well.

Tu Ran hurriedly stopped them. “Three people are enough. The rest of you, evacuate the students. Our primary mission is to protect their safety.”

The other pioneers reluctantly abandoned their plans, organizing the students to walk toward the exit in an orderly manner.

Tu Ran assessed the alien species circling freely overhead and raised her machine gun, aiming at it and pulling the trigger. The bullet hit its wings with precision.

Behind her, Min Tao and Shen Yunhe also joined in, shooting alongside her. Bullets rained down without missing a shot. Both Min Tao and Shen Yunhe were far more skilled at shooting than Tu Ran.

However, the alien’s flight remained unaffected. It had the typical trait of alien species—an impenetrable outer shell like a fortress. The bullets ricocheted off its body, falling to the ground from the sky. Some even hit the heads of the young masters and misses, who clutched their heads in pain. Those who reacted quickly immediately raised their backpacks to shield themselves.

Continuing to shoot would only waste time and ammunition. Tu Ran raised her hand to stop Shen Yunhe and Min Tao.

She raised her wrist higher and called out, “Zero, why hasn’t the base’s self-defense mechanism been activated yet?”

Songwu Research Base was a fully automated research facility with comprehensive emergency defense measures. In situations like today’s, where an alien species suddenly escaped, an automatic cleaning system would engage, with hidden gun turrets automatically targeting and killing the alien.

But despite the alien’s presence for such a long time, Zero had yet to act.

Her question received no response.

The communicator remained silent.

“Can either of you reach Zero?” Tu Ran looked at Shen Yunhe and Min Tao.

“No, we can’t.” The two shook their heads, puzzled. It didn’t make sense—the signal on their communicators was strong, and there was no interference. In theory, Zero should have heard their request.

Meanwhile, the circling alien species had selected a new target—the fairest and most delicate-looking student in the group—and dove toward them.

Tu Ran didn’t have time to think. She quickly climbed a three-meter-high glass enclosure. Each enclosure had a simple ladder beside it, allowing researchers to observe the alien species inside. Within a few swift movements, Tu Ran was up.

The alien species was now only seven meters above the student.

Seizing the moment, Tu Ran used the glass enclosure as a launching pad, crouching and leaping into the air.

The alien species noticed the human lunging toward it but didn’t pay much attention, remaining focused on its prey.

A second later, the human it had dismissed wrapped herself around its neck. As it tried to shake her off, Tu Ran swung herself onto its back, forcing its neck to bend backward.

The alien instantly lost control, flapping its wings wildly as it flew erratically through the massive space of the base. It tumbled up, down, and side to side, trying to shake Tu Ran loose.

But she held on, gripping its neck tightly and squeezing her legs around its back with unyielding strength. No matter how violently it thrashed, she wouldn’t fall.

From the ground, onlookers craned their necks, watching as Tu Ran clung to the alien like a stubborn leech. One moment, they saw her in the southeast corner of the base; the next, she was in the northwest.

Shen Yunhe and Pang Xi stopped shooting. With the alien moving so unpredictably, they couldn’t guarantee they wouldn’t accidentally hit Tu Ran.

On the other side, Xiao Di took advantage of the moment while Tu Ran was keeping the alien species occupied to hurriedly lead the students out.

Finally reaching the base’s exit, he pushed open the door, and the young masters and misses scrambled to get out in a panic.

Outside, several patrol cars from the Executive Department were already parked, with guards stationed nearby.

The news of the alien species attack inside Songwu Research Base had spread quickly. The visitors were all sons and daughters of powerful corporate families, and the Executive Department had immediately been dispatched to the base without delay.

Xiao Di managed to get all the students outside. The supervising teachers did a headcount, confirming that no one was missing. Once everything was in order, Xiao Di turned to head back inside to help Tu Ran.

Just as he reached the base’s entrance, two guards stepped forward and blocked his path.

“Songwu Research Base is now under lockdown. No one is allowed to enter.”

“There are pioneers still inside! We need to go back and help them!” Xiao Di protested.

“We’re following orders from above. Our job is to enforce them,” the guards replied without wavering.

“Whose orders? I want to speak to them!” Xiao Di demanded, gritting his teeth.

“That would be me.”

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind him. Xiao Di turned to see Diao Hongzhi standing there.

Dressed in a suit, Diao Hongzhi looked polished and self-assured, but the smirk on his face made Xiao Di’s anger flare up.

“Aren’t you the head of the Security Department? Since when did you outrank the Executive Department?” Xiao Di snapped.


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